The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

Academy V3 -Mic Den Octela - Jan 11 10:47pm
Alright, a few days ago we were all trying to find ideas for an article. After a while of us hinting that he should let us interview him, Virtue suggested someone should interview him on V3... Naturally every article writer jumped at the opportunity!

I managed to get hold of him a little later and enquire if anyone had taken him up on the offer officially. No-one had, and so I did! :)

The interview!

Which i'll now let you view! :)

[Mic-Den-Octela]: Well, first i'd like to say thanks to Virtue for taking time out to actually give me an interview!
[Virtue]: My pleasure! :)
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Now, before we get started on V3 i thought i'd just start off with a little light conversation... You had a good year so far?
[Virtue]: I guess... I've just got over a two-week case of the flu, which really sucked. But it couldn't stop me from doing what I like to do, so take that, flu! LoL
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Lol! N00bjitsu it..
[Virtue]: Darn right!
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Hehe..
[Mic-Den-Octela]: I take it you've been really busy this year, seeing as the Academy seems to be going through a load of changes and improvements. The map is clearly your department and something we all look forward to. How did you get dragged into doing the mapping for The JA?
[Virtue]: Oh I didn't get dragged, lol...
[Mic-Den-Octela]: So you personally chose to do it?!
[Virtue]: As most people will know, our previous mapper was Dom, he did the official maps for the JA back in the JK2 days, but as is understandable, Dom's RL started getting pretty busy and when JK3 was released, he just didn't have the time to do it anymore, so...
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Ah right! You took his place. Are they big shoes to fill?
[Virtue]: A few of us got together and decided to start designing the new JA map for JK3. Over time, problems arouse and the group of people got smaller and smaller, in the end, it was just me and FaDed who ended up building it. Heh
[Virtue]: And those were the "Beta Maps" as some of you may remember.
[Virtue]: Anyways
[Virtue]: Long story short
[Virtue]: By Beta 3, I was sick of the map, so I designed a new one, FaDed helped me build the Fortress and I released it as "the_academy".
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Did it take long to do the first one?
[Virtue]: Which? Beta 1 or v1?
[Mic-Den-Octela]: The_Academy, the first officially complete one :)
[Virtue]: Oh right
[Virtue]: Well, you'll laugh at this...
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Oh good... I think :P
[Virtue]: As I just mentioned, I really wasn't happy with how the beta maps were turning out, they didn't have a good atmosphere and "Star Wars" feel to them. So I began work on the other map, which took me three days to complete.
[Virtue]: Which is really weird, since v2 and v3 took me ages. :P
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Lol!
[Mic-Den-Octela]: 3 days?!
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Well.. I don't think i expected it to be that quick...
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Moving a little further forward now..
[Mic-Den-Octela]: It didn't seem long after the release of V2 that you announced V3 was in the making. Were you planning to do it again as soon as you release V2 or was it just something that was decided afterwards?
[Virtue]: I always had an incling that I'd be making a v3, even when I was halfway through v2...
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Ah right..
[Virtue]: I'm sure many people are the same, when you are working on something and you maybe run into snags with it or it takes you a while to get perfect, or whatever - day in, day out you're constantly looking at it, working on it, trying to make it better...
[Virtue]: By the time you release it, you're sick of looking at it. And then of course, since I built the map for the community that I also play in, even after the release, I still had to look at it, day in, day out.
[Virtue]: I'm sick of it now. LoL
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Lol! Are you thinking about a V4 at the moment, or will you?
[Virtue]: Well, thinking about it now, I don't know. V3 pretty much covers the direction I wanted to go with "the_academy". If there is a v4, it won't be a dramatic change like all the others, it'll simply be small modifications to v3.
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Ok
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Hehe, you seem like a pretty laid-back guy. Does it ever get stressful doing what you do?
[Virtue]: It gets stressful, yeah. But that's my own fault and no-one elses (except for the fountain guys, die plz) - because some days I'll be very tired and have a short attention span or a lack of patience with things. But most of the time I love everyone and everything. :D
[Mic-Den-Octela]: We know you love us!
[Virtue]: Good! :D
[Mic-Den-Octela]: The fountain... *snicker*
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Well, now i'd like to move onto the main topics of the V3 forum. Firstly, has anything been decided about "The Clombo room"?
[Virtue]: We have a Clombo room?
[Virtue]: LoL
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Allow me to slap myself!
[Virtue]: Haha
[Mic-Den-Octela]: But you know what i mean :P
[Virtue]: Yes, the combo room has been removed from V3, instead, 4 combo-training pads have been placed into the lobby of the Dueling complex. :)
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Ah.. nice idea.. Saves on space as well as sorting out the problem of what to put in that space!
[Mic-Den-Octela]: It'd be nice if it was put in a form of class room, but i'll go onto that later.
[Mic-Den-Octela]: The Dueling Matrix's observation decks/benches. Whats going to happen to those?
[Virtue]: Those are now gone from the dueling rooms aswell.
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Are we having the poofs back?
[Mic-Den-Octela]: *cough* I mean stools.. >_>
[Virtue]: Haha, Brits ftw!
[Mic-Den-Octela]: :P
[Virtue]: Yes, the stools are back in v3, but they're not placed around the dueling mat like they were in v1, so they won't get in the way.
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Ah cool..
[Mic-Den-Octela]: You also mentioned the NPC Droid room. I see people in there but rarely... and not many others seem to use it yet they still want it to be there. Have you got a decision on this yet?
[Virtue]: Well, people don't use it for what it was originally intended to be used for, which was practicing counters. Instead, alot of people seem to be using it for something much better - Red Aerials. So instead of ditching it, I'll probably enhance on the idea of training Red Stance with it by scripting the droid to move higher, instead of coming down to player-level.
[Virtue]: I don't know what I'll do with the room itself yet, it definatly won't be where it currently is. I may put it in the classroom, instead.
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Ah, more mention of the classroom.. i'll get to that soon.
[Mic-Den-Octela]: You could put two droid spawners i suppose, one for red aerials and the other for counters... But im not here to suggest such things lol
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Its only at this point that I realised how complex this map really is, there isn't really a pointless room in it. It amazes me how much detail there is in it! Well done!
[Virtue]: Thank you. :)
[Mic-Den-Octela]: I hear a rumour that Munes bar is being moved or removed. Whats happening there?
[Virtue]: I don't want to remove it. I built that bar for the JA SP Mod back in the early JK2 days. It's the ONLY thing that has survived all of my maps so far. Lol. It's like a traditional piece of the map now. So I'll probably move it to the bunker, instead.
[Virtue]: Plus, I wouldn't want to see Mune lose his job!
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Lol!
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Hey.. I'm an assistant bartender! What would you do with out your digital ale?
[Virtue]: Janus already has dibs on all of our Digital ale
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Poo..
[Mic-Den-Octela]: What about Luk.... The Ceremonial Hall? (:P) Is that staying or going?
[Virtue]: That's something I just can't come to a decision on. Logically, I should remove it. It's a pain in the bum to get to when you're dueling and most of the Classes at the JA are usually held in either the Yellow dueling room or the lobby.
[Virtue]: It's like the Paris Hilton of the map, it looks great but no one really knows why it's still there.
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Lmao! Nice analogy
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Your supposedly adding a gunner friendly fort to the next map. With corridors and whatnot. What have you got planned for us?
[Virtue]: Basically, the fortress (although we'll have to come up with a new name for it, because I HATE that word) is now split up into two areas...
[Virtue]: One is the open, outdoor area, while not as big as the current one, it allows for a bunch of people to grab a load of weapons and proceed to blow the stuffing out of eachother in an open-field type area...
[Mic-Den-Octela]: lol
[Virtue]: The second is the underground bunker, which is attatched to the outdoor area and accessable by an elevator. The bunker is a collection of hallways and rooms for people to hunt eachother through and hide in.
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Ooh.. cool! What made you come up with the bunker idea?
[Virtue]: Well, I'm not a great gunner and I don't have much interest in specialising in gunning, but I do enjoy pretending to be Clint Eastwood from time to time and while a huge open area is nice, it just doesn't fully cut it. There's more to guns than just "YOU'RE IN THE FORT, I SEE YOU!!! *BANG!!!!!!*. So I designed the bunker to give gunners (and even Jedi) that little extra enjoyment. With the bunker, you can use alot more stealthy type tactics...
[Virtue]: ...and set traps and the like.
[Mic-Den-Octela]: aye! Duels should be fun in there!
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Going back to the ceremonial hall for a second, is it going to become a full time classroom?
[Mic-Den-Octela]: IF you keep it.
[Virtue]: No
[Virtue]: The classroom will be a different room altogether.
[Mic-Den-Octela]: On that note: The classroom, have you got any ideas you can share with us about it? You might as well let it all out lol
[Virtue]: It'll basically just be one large room that will accommodate many students who can all be in the room, swinging their sabers at the same time without fear of decapitating eachother
[Virtue]: It'll also have a couple of backrooms, for things such as the droid training we talked about earlier./
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Ah right!
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Is there going to be a Knights Hall as grand as the first one or will it be similar to the V2 hall?
[Virtue]: I'm hoping that it'll be better than both. If I do decide to get rid of the ceremonial hall, I will replace it with the Knight's Hall and have it overlooking the courtyard.
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Ah cool... Won't students still be able to get there?
[Virtue]: No, they'll probably think that they can jump through the windows like they can on the current map, but they won't. :P
[Virtue]: Or can't, rather.
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Hehe.. I can imagine you stood looking out the window, grinning at everyone as they try and get in.
[Virtue]: Yeah, it'll be like the January sale at Harrods
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Lol! :o
[Virtue]: With me standing inside watching people go SPLAT
[Virtue]: And sliding back down
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Lol.. like the prom? and the dj boothe
[Virtue]: Exactly. LoL
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Well, going back to the courtyard. What do you plan to plant this year?
[Virtue]: The Courtyard will be pretty much the same as it's always been. Except one of the grassy bits will probably be like v1 again, where you can sit on a stool or a bench without havign a tree in your face or being drowned in grass.
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Lol
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Are there any new rooms that your willing to leak a little hint about?
[Virtue]: Not really. I'm removing rooms rather than adding them, this time. The newest additions, people already know about - The Classroom and the Bunker.
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Ah right.
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Have you got any ideas for the future? Any new generations of maps?
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Perhaps a new flying map?
[Virtue]: Oh hell yes.
[Virtue]: I'm currently working on a test map with my team for the 'Secret Project' that I'll need a bunch of people to help me test in the near future, so look out for that! :)
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Ah yes.. The 'Secret Project' >_>
[Virtue]: I'm also working on a Flight map
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Ooh cool!
[Virtue]: And a Co-Op map (One that actually works :P)
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Ooh! Awesome.. make sure i can do the first jump..
[Mic-Den-Octela]: if i can do it, anyone can!
[Virtue]: LoL
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Wow... can't wait for V3 Virty! I suppose i'll let you go now and do your Virtuous things.
[Virtue]: Yes, beer and pizza, here I come!!
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Lol!
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Well.. before you go for your beer and heartache inducing grub. I'll just mention that with this interview Virtue has agreed to release an early version of V3.
[Virtue]: Err, well not quite. LoL
[Mic-Den-Octela]: So, Wanna say a few words about this? Make sure everyone knows that this is not the final version and it is very likely it will look nothing like!
[Virtue]: Well, in the v3 forum (yes, I do check it regularly), people were asking me to release a few new screenshots for Christmas, but sadly, I had to let them down because I was pretty busy...
[Virtue]: So to try to make up for that, I decided it would be cool to release a part of v3 that I had finished, but never included into the final map.
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Not to mention before the interview i was asking for exclusives!
[Virtue]: lol
[Mic-Den-Octela]: So yeah.. Whats in this file?
[Virtue]: What happened is, I built the outdoor area of the 'fortress' and attatched the bunker to it. I also implemented it to the rest of v3, but I was unhappy about hot it fitted. I like things to fit nicely and needless to say, this one didn't. It wouldn't have been too noticable in-game, but there may have been a longish corridore that you'd have to walk down to get to the fort.
[Virtue]: So I redesigned it.
[Virtue]: But the one I previously build is still in good order and had it fit peoperly, would have been included.
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Ah right.
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Well, it should be a good taste of things to come.
[Virtue]: So I decided that I'd just release it and give people a taste of what is to come. It's only the outdoor area of the fort, but it's still pretty nice. :)
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Erm..
[Mic-Den-Octela]: Great minds think alike?
[Virtue]: haha, I guess! :D
[Mic-Den-Octela]: But yeah.. Good luck with V3! We look forward to seeing it and everything else you have in store for us!
[Mic-Den-Octela]: See you around virt! :)
[Virtue]: Thanks man, see you later. :)

So there you have it! :D Have fun checking out the prototype!

Originally, we were going to have screenshots here , but thanks to Virtue and his great, large, over-used brain. He suggested he plainly gave us a prototype of his current work! Check it out!

Clickeh here to download the prototype of the map. Its explained in the interview!

Ever get the feeling you've used a word too much?
Erm.. Decided against wandering around on my own..
Erm.. Decided against wandering around on my own..

What appears to be the exit of the academy..
What appears to be the exit of the academy..

Aerial shot of the little bend thing..
Aerial shot of the little bend thing..

Ooh.. fun!
Ooh.. fun!

The lift, which goes to the
The lift, which goes to the "bunker"

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Jan 14 2006 09:46pm

Alex Dkana
 - Staff
 Alex Dkana

The map looks great, can't wait for the final version or even some screenies :)
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana

Jan 14 2006 02:32pm

 - Padawan

w0000000000000000000000000000000t virti :D me wants more :D ;)
Lady Carrock[Leweroo`s 900th comment][Jaitro`s 50`th & 100`th comment][Tigerclaw`s 200`th comment][proud owner of DaMi3N`s 77`th comment :D][Sazabi`s 900`th comment][Mindirith`s 400`th comment][Majnis 1400`th & 1555`th comment][Ris Win Juljul`s 400`th comment yay][Liso`s 2000`th comment YAY][Ris Win Juljul`s 444`th comment :D][Yuken Zalak`s 100`th comment YAY][Miguel Zalaks 1`th comment][Sa`Un 100`th comment :O][Zeke Azakura`s 150`th comment > PINK !!! ;)][Mindrith Pride`s 1001`th comment][Elmos 222`th comment :D][Virtues 1600`th comment YAY :D][Ataris 1100`th comment :D][Rivian N�dolo`s 800`th comment][*Elmos 4-Zero-Zero`th comment :D][Jade Jadi`s 1900`th comment:D] [Yuki`s 222`th comment Yiha]Wanne download mine awsome*giggles*:P, DaMi3N's or Dashi`s saber? then click here

Jan 14 2006 12:43pm

Dash Starlight
 - Jedi Instructor
 Dash Starlight

Nice interview indeed, lots of info on the new map, cool! I like the Fort map too, especially that e-Web :D
The name is Bond. James Bond.

Jan 14 2006 01:21am

Jade Jedi
 - Retired
 Jade Jedi

Good interview, the map looks great, good job.:D
*CLICKEH->Never risk the Fett Man|*Download my Saber here. Made by master craftsman Pink Floyd_Mintaka + his 2002 & 4000 comment's [Laz's 700th comment][BDKawika's 600th comment] & Owner of a TOWEL award!!|Master: Sared Padawans: Rage-Ball and Dante Eagle.|*Jade Jedi at The Jedi Academy Archives "There's only one Return and it's not of the King it's of the Jedi" Randal Clerks 2 The top 10 reasons why I procrastinate: 1.

Jan 13 2006 09:26pm

Alex Dkana
 - Staff
 Alex Dkana

Cool interview :)

I'll check out the preview map laters :D
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana

Jan 13 2006 08:16pm

 - Hubbub

I demand screenshots! I don't play the game anymore but I still want to see Virtue's work! :(
make install -not war

Jan 13 2006 08:19am

 - Jedi Master

Nice interview!

That looks awesome. :)

Jan 12 2006 06:12pm

 - Student

Nice work on the Prototype Virt :D

KV Mechelen

Proud owner of: Kauyon's 101th, Akkarin's 100th, Piccolo's 30th, Wicek's 1400th , Mindrith's 1500th, Sednox' 1935th Comment

Jan 12 2006 05:48pm

 - Student

Cool interview, downloading the prototype of the v3 map now! :D

Jan 12 2006 04:20pm

 - Nugget

Nice :)

Jan 12 2006 04:07pm

 - Student

Cool interview, I'll be sure to check out the fortress prototype :)
Former padawan of RoseRed

Jan 12 2006 12:35pm

 - Student

Awsome interview Mic!

Blue! blue stance for ever!!! oh ye : owner of dash's "GOM!!11!! it's purple'" *1800* comment!!! owner of Wicek 3333rd "cool guys use Yellow sabers" post.
Kyle Katarn is the new jedi order BattleMaster... meaning he is better then Luke in saber fighting! HA TAKE THAT SKYWALKER FAN's!

Jan 12 2006 07:57am

 - Student

bring back beta3 the best of them all!

Jan 12 2006 04:15am

 - Staff

Battleground, reminds me of good old JK1 BGJ NF NH Saber Only game heh.

BGJ= Battleground Jedi, a map.
"Do or do not, there is no try"
Jedi Master Yoda
Dual Saberist

Jan 12 2006 01:34am

 - Student

Awesome. I agree about Mic about the hovering droid.
And the fortress *flinches, winces, and twitches* is already called the battleground or battlefield sometimes. :)
-Aiddat, the Gran with the green blades.
"You have a right to be angry, but believe me when I say you don't want to feed that emotion." - Kyle Katarn
{Owner of Liso Jowol's 550th comment, Conchris Chaotic's 80th, 150th and 350th comments, Pink Floyd's 200th comment Tyrant's 695th comment, D@RTHM@UL's 10600th comment}, accidentally tricked Pink Floyd into giving me his 1700th comment, I also have Alexander D'Kana's 1950th comment, Mindrith Pride's 1850th comment and I used the same accidental trick on Lewis's 100th comment, and I have Aiddat's 1992nd comment (birthyear), and #Elmo's 450th comment. Unsuccessfully tried to prove Senor Hat's theory wrong.
Click for screenshots. Padawan of R2-D2.

Jan 12 2006 01:03am

 - Student

w00t, fixed textures!!

and yes virtue still > all

Jan 12 2006 12:48am

 - Staff

Wooohooo great interview and thanks for the prototype Virtue! :)
"Do or do not, there is no try"
Jedi Master Yoda
Dual Saberist

Jan 12 2006 12:43am

 - Padawan

Awesome stuff, great interview Mic, keep up the good work Virtue.:)
" You've just taken your first steps into a larger world. " - Ben.

Jan 12 2006 12:20am

Ris Win Juljul
 - Padawan
 Ris Win Juljul


Hehe J/k :P

Great interview mic and virtue, nice protype tis utterally awesome, like normal :P

Ris :alliance:
-Padawan of Virtue
-Brother of Menaxia, *|irael, Krynn Adept, Majno, Mic Den Octela, DaMi3N, Beowulf, Dash Starlight, Carrock and Yuken Zalak
-Proud owner to Mics 100th and 777th comment's, Lady C's 700th Comment and Emm's 100th Comment ^^
-A Proud Knight of Nippledom

Jan 11 2006 11:55pm

Mic Den Octela
 - Student
 Mic Den Octela

Yup! Map = pwnage!

'tis good non?
-Padawan of Virtue -Brother of Menaxia, *|irael, Krynn Adept, Majno, Ris Win Juljul, DaMi3N, Beowulf, Dash Starlight, Carrock and Yuken Zalak Bartender at Munes bar. Sir Mic of Nippledom! Proudly beating Wang, since '07. (Crackdown)

Jan 11 2006 11:52pm

 - Jedi Council

Ack, my bad.


Re-download the map. :)

- Virtue. :alliance:
Academy Architect

Jan 11 2006 11:17pm

 - Student

Ive said it SEVERAL times and ill say it again

Virtue > All (cept arc troopers)

P.S. the textures wont work.... custom i presume?

Jan 11 2006 11:01pm

 - Student

W00tage , virtue reveals part of his evil plans:D
Joined Jan 27 2005
[Owner of Pink Floyd's 525th, 1100th and 4002nd comments! Darth Mike's accidental 999 and 1001 comments!
addiat's 1975 comment!

Jan 11 2006 10:53pm

Mic Den Octela
 - Student
 Mic Den Octela

You didn't see nuthin Grad >_>


EDIT: It works now btw :D
-Padawan of Virtue -Brother of Menaxia, *|irael, Krynn Adept, Majno, Ris Win Juljul, DaMi3N, Beowulf, Dash Starlight, Carrock and Yuken Zalak Bartender at Munes bar. Sir Mic of Nippledom! Proudly beating Wang, since '07. (Crackdown)

This comment was edited by Mic Den Octela on Jan 11 2006 10:54pm.

Jan 11 2006 10:49pm

 - Ex-Student

Teasers... the link doesn't work.
- Proud padawan of Kueller.
- We really are at the beginning of it all. The trick, of course, is to make sure we never find the end. - Bill Bryson, A Short History of Nearly Everything
- <gen-e-sis-happy> Liek, you can train, liek, a n00b, but he'll just be a trained n00b... --> Wise words!
- "daer SOE me likes your a company i am having your some money for letting me do stuff cos mes the best amd i do it all meself" - Slider

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