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CTF!? -monkai - Mar 14 02:05am
Capture the flag which is more commonly known as CTF, is easily one of the most underappreciated gametypes. Many people view it as a boring gametype because when you use lightsabers, it is simply boring. Because everyone is less than willing to get rid of their glowsticks, everyone simply shuns it and goes back to their dueling ways. Dueling is fun and all, but it is nothing compared to the fast paced action of CTF if played correctly!

Types of CTF
There are two common types of CTF that is played.

This is the type where you can simply join a server and just play to your heart's content. This is where you would go if you just simply want to get some CTF action before leaving to school. Not very difficult playing and more easy going.

Pick up game or PUG
This is probably the more serious type of CTF. This is not the type of CTF if you're a beginner at CTF or if you get offended easily. The process of making teams often takes time and should not be played if you have time constraints. Also, there are some assholes that play so if you get your feelings hurt easily, don't play PUGs unless you are with friends.

Information about PUGs will be covered throughout this article.

Your average pick up game

Pick up games are usually played in groups of four for each team. Each team will be mostly made up of two offense or two o and two defense or two d.

Offense people have basically two goals throughout the game.

1. "Camping" the other team's flag
2. Scoring points

Camping the flag is done by essentially...camping the flag! The sole goal should being able to take the flag if there or being prepared to take the flag in the case your offense teammate loses the flag and the enemy's flag is returned to their base. This is vital, because it prevents the other team from scoring.

The second goal is being able to bring the flag to your home base to score a point. In order to score a point, your flag must be on the flagstand and you must bring the enemy's flag to it. This shows the importance of camping the flag so the enemy cannot score a point. If your flag is not currently on the flag stand, you must run around like a flailing duck avoiding death until it is returned. While this may sound stupid, it is a good idea to stay alive so when your defense gets the flag back, you can score.

Unlike offense, responsibilities for defense is split between two positions of defense.

1. "Chase"
2. "Base"

Chase players are responsible for "chasing" after the enemy's flag carrier or FC. This player usually will have to maintain above average movement skills and gunning skills. This position will usually be filled by the most skilled player on the team.

"Base" players will have the job of making sure of two things. One would be making sure your base has been "cleared" of all enemies. It's an offense's worse nightmare when they come to their base only to be greeted with a rocket to the face and a You Have Been Killed by sign. This also brings the next responsibility. Make sure you keep your flag carrier filled up with 100 HP at all times and killing the enemy's chase player.

Now that we have gone over the positions, let's look at the process that is needed in order to make teams suitable for playing.

Starting a PUG
As said before, four players for each team is recommended. This is commonly regarded as 4's or four(s). Two players will go on opposite teams ( preferably equal skill levels ) and meet at the middle of the map for a pistol duel or "bryar duel" which is the type of pistol that was used in JK2. These two people will duel and whoever wins will pick the people they want for their team. Once teams have been filled to four each, the team will discuss in private what positions they want. Once this has been finished, one player will call a vote to restart the map and when restarted 20 minutes will start.

Common force "builds"

Many people will prefer lightside builds because of the skills absorb and team heal. The most needed skills for lightside users are

Level 3 Jump
Level 3 Push
Level 3 Pull
Level 3 Speed
Level 3 Absorb
Level 3 Team Heal
Some form of lightsaber offense and defense.

Some skills that are occasionally used are protect and sometimes heal for offense with base that use dark side forces.

Common dark side builds

Level 3 Jump
Level 3 Push
Level 3 Pull
Level 3 Speed
Level 3 Team Energize
Level 3 Lightning

Some will use grip and dark rage. Occasionally dark side users will use no lightsabers to accommodate the user of two handed lightning.

Force Usage

I think it went something like The Force is your Ally. In CTF it's like your....LIFE. Without the use of force, CTF would be like.... BORING.

For offense players, many have to rely on absorb and speed. When rushing towards an enemy's base, many people will use speed with "strafe jumping". Strafe jumping allows for faster movement, makes it harder for you to be shot, and hell it LOOKS COOL. Strafe jumping also allows for the conservation of force power points which is vital.

When this is happening, Flag Carriers choose to use absorb to have some form of immunity against force push and pull. Without absorb, there would be no captures because you would be pulled towards a pit with no immunity to it. Along with immunity, force is added to your force pool everytime you are pulled with absorb on. Plus, YOU LOOK AWESOME. YOU ARE BLUEEEEE ALLLLLLOVER.

Most darkside users will often rely on lighting and dark energizes.

Lightning is quite possibly one of the most scariest things you'll face if you don't know how to use absorb. If you just survived an encounter with rockets and blob attacks from repeaters and low on health, lighting can take you down. When using this, make sure that the enemy flag carrier is low on health before using this. Lightning takes force points very quickly.

Team heals and team energizes are vital for the success of any team. If people did not have team heal, every flag carrier would die fast. Base players MUST have team heal or team energizes. This is a part of keeping your flag carriers alive. Commands for making this easier will be revealed in the commands section.

The use of force push and pull is constant throughout any PUG. Many people will regard you as a pull/push whore, but it's a part of the game and you are free to use it. When this is used rushes for the flags are easily thwarted and ammo is conserved by refraining to shoot the rushers.

The use of weapons

There are two very very very very VERY commonly used weapons and they should be used when ever you have a choice to use them.

Rocket Launcher
Rocket launchers are vital for any chase players or simply anyone who wants to kill someone. If it hit directly, all of your shields will go bad and you'll be low on hit points. Because of the fast paced environment, using the lock on fire mode is not a good idea. The reason is it is too slow and easily pushed away. Along with this, two rockets are consumed instead of one. So that being said, stick with the primary fire mode. It is faster and only requires the use of one rocket.

Requires rocket ammo and there is initially 3 rounds when obtained.

Imperial Repeater
Repeaters are also a great damage dealer. The primary fire is generally useless because it can be easily blocked. When it hits, it does minimal damage, so stick with the "blob" or secondary fire. The only cases where the primary fire will be used is when there is not enough ammo for the use of blob and when your target has your back turned. The blob fire does the more damage and has a splash damage. The secondary fire should be aimed higher because the blob is shot lower.

On Splash Damage

Splash damage is quite confusing thing ever. When using rockets and the "blob", you can aim near the target instead of directly onto it. This is because damage will still be applied to the target even it isn't hit directly.

The Use of Lightsabers a.k.a GLOWSTICKS LOLOLOLOLOLOL

Lightsabers should not be used as a primary damage dealer. The only occasions that it should be used is only to block incoming fire (ie pistol shots or repeater primary fire). Lightsabers should be occasionally used when the target is close, but other then that, pistols would be better.


cg_drawteamoverlay 1
Shows the HP of all your teammates.
cg_drawradar 1
Use only if you want to see where your teammates are. Useful for seeing where your FC is so you can heal and assist.

cg_drawtimer 1
A must for keeping track of the time and how much time you have for the rest of the game.

CTF lingo

This means that the flag carrier is currently falling and about to die. This means you should probably get your ass to your enemy's flagstand and grab the flag preventing your enemy's capture.
This means that the opposing team flag carrier is about to die and you should get your ass to your base or flagstand and score the point.
This means that the flag carrier is about to die and needs a team heal. TH = Team Heal, TE = Team Energize.

When joining a pug server, make sure to spec before anything. Do not join. Make sure that no pug game is going on. If you happen to join during a pug game, make sure to get your arse back into spec or you'll be kicked. Harsh I know, but it WILL happen.

Keep moving, if you stop moving someone WILL directly hit you with a rocket or snipe you.

When on O, force push defenders before grabbing the flag. If a defender is affected by push, they'll be unable to do anything for a split second. Within this split second, you should be able to grab the flag and get out of there.


CTF pugs are easily one of the most fun you'll have in this game. If you're ever bored, just grab some friends and have fun playing ctf. There are plenty of empty servers where you can grab some friends and start playing. If you want to know servers and password information’s for pug servers, message me later.


More to be added later.

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Apr 27 2006 06:27pm

 - Student

I never was a CTF fan. Personaly i find the game Giants: Citizens of Kabuto the leaser under appreciated game..

(and the strafe jumping and so many other things people like are things that make me belch.. i hate shooters that easily allow rapid jumping, besides ENCOURAGING)
"Darkness is simply the absence of Light"
"Is it not easier to snuff out the light completely than to make no shadow or darknes at all and create pure light?"
"Is there a limit to Light?"
- Jawa Jedi from a galaxy far far way of the one Lucas describes ( not in that galaxy )

This comment was edited by bono_bob on Apr 27 2006 06:35pm.

Mar 28 2006 12:56am

Ian Jandos
 - Student
 Ian Jandos

Hyde, good article ;)

Member #7625 | Since 7.6.04 The Archives

Mar 23 2006 04:13am

Fullmetal D'Kana
 - Jedi Instructor
 Fullmetal D'Kana

OK so i got enough request so here is the script! :P


//Force Swap Template
//Ver 1.0
//Author: Fullmetal
//Instructions: Simply replace <FORCE VALUE HERE>, <SIDE>, <KEY>
//and <CFG NAME> with what they ask for. To get the number for <FORCE VALUE> go in game, set up
//your force powers the way you want the config to set them, then open up the console and type
//"/cvarlist forcepowers" in it. Your console will now display a number in the form #-#-#########
//write that number where it asks for force value.
//You will need two of these configs, one for dark, one for light.
//Save them as different names and in the dark config replace <CFG NAME> with the name of your
//light config. In the light config replace <CFG NAME> with the name of your dark config.

//Assuming no print is on
set cl_noPrint "0"

//Set the forcepowers and register
seta forcepowers "<FORCE VALUE HERE>"
wait 5

//SelfKill to take effect

//Display Current Side
echo "<SIDE> ^7side ^7force ^7loaded..."

//Rebind key to swap (You can make the key here the same in both cfgs
//or you can make them different, if they are the same then each time you hit it it will
//change your force, if they are different you will just have a different key to hit depending
//on what side you want to be)
bind <KEY> "cl_noPrint 1;wait 5;exec <CFG NAME>"

//Bind The individual force powers
//Instructions: Delete the "//" that is in front of the proper force powers and replace <KEY>
//with the key that you want to use for that force power, if you still scroll your force
//then ignore this section

//bind <KEY> "force_protect"
//bind <KEY> "force_heal"
//bind <KEY> "force_healother"
//bind <KEY> "force_absorb"
//bind <KEY> "force_distract"

//bind <KEY> "force_forcepowerother"
//bind <KEY> "force_rage"
//bind <KEY> "+force_lightning"
//bind <KEY> "+force_drain"
//bind <KEY> "+force_grip"

//NOTE: This script might not work properly in a server that has flood protect on**


Mar 21 2006 01:39pm

Fullmetal D'Kana
 - Jedi Instructor
 Fullmetal D'Kana

Hmmm I thought I would discuss force use for CTF since alot of the new people to CTF seem to have trouble knowing how to set up their force.

The number one rule is THERE IS NO RIGHT WAY TO SET UP YOUR FORCE. There are, however, wrong ways :P

For example, on a map like ctf4 with alot of pits, dark side offense isnt exactly recommended unless you are extremely experienced with dark side. This is because you dont have a power like absorb to stop from being pulled into pits.

Force setups can vary depending on what position you are playing. Light side is relatively the same for both Defense and offense (in fact i use the exact same light side setup for both) while dark side would most likely be different. Dark side defense usually does not have a saber, in order to use the faster rate double handed lightning, while dark side offense would probably have a saber in order to deflect blaster shots while you run.

Setting up your saber points -
There are many ways to set up your saber. However keep in mind that saber alone takes up quite a bit of force points. For offense you shouldnt need anything more than saber offense 1. Your saber is your defense as offense, NOT to engage in combat. The last thing you want is to try and saber your chaser and have them pull out a rocket launcher point blank :P Saber defense should be full. In my opinion, saber throw should also be empty, there is no need for it in ctf. If you do choose to go beyond saber offense 1, bear in mind that red stance is too slow for the fast paced nature of CTF. You should at most have saber offense 2.

Force Swapping -
Alot of Base defense swap their force mid game so that they can team heal AND team energize their flag carrier. This is not a needed tactic but it can be very very helpful. CTF is really fast paced so in order to swap their force they have it bound to a key so that they dont have to keep setting their different force. I have made a template cfg for such a bind. If you want it just post on my profile or email me. If there is enough interest then I might just post it here to save me alot of transfers :P

If you are interested in CTF then go to Tritoch's Mods and download all the custom CTF maps that are there since they are heavily played.

Also I recommend to the JAC that you consider putting these maps on the CTF server here, they are really enjoyable and really well done.

This comment was edited by Fullmetal D'Kana on Mar 21 2006 01:42pm.

Mar 20 2006 05:59pm

 - Student

Hmm it's ok but I like Unreal Tournament CTF better, I think Star Wars games should focus on duels and realistic battles. :)

Well, the JK series lack realistic battles, so you have to find other things to do :P

Mar 20 2006 01:27pm

 - Jedi Council

Unreal Tournament CTF OWNS.

- Virtue. :alliance:
Academy Architect

Mar 18 2006 05:56pm

 - Student

Hmm it's ok but I like Unreal Tournament CTF better, I think Star Wars games should focus on duels and realistic battles. :)
-Aiddat, the Gran with the green blades.
"You have a right to be angry, but believe me when I say you don't want to feed that emotion." - Kyle Katarn
{Owner of Liso Jowol's 550th comment, Conchris Chaotic's 80th, 150th and 350th comments, Pink Floyd's 200th comment Tyrant's 695th comment, D@RTHM@UL's 10600th comment}, accidentally tricked Pink Floyd into giving me his 1700th comment, I also have Alexander D'Kana's 1950th comment, Mindrith Pride's 1850th comment and I used the same accidental trick on Lewis's 100th comment, and I have Aiddat's 1992nd comment (birthyear), and #Elmo's 450th comment. Unsuccessfully tried to prove Senor Hat's theory wrong.
Click for screenshots. Padawan of R2-D2.

Mar 18 2006 02:44am

Fullmetal D'Kana
 - Jedi Instructor
 Fullmetal D'Kana

That would be rather elite if you need some help with coordination talk to me :) I'll be glad to help! :)

Mar 15 2006 07:20pm

Mindrith Pride
 - Student
 Mindrith Pride

I'd be more than happy to arrange a CTF night at the JA, or many - whatever.

I haven't played standard CTF in years.

Respect to people who specialise in it and can lap the entire map 4 times in under 30 seconds... but in my opinion, CTF in JK2 was the best, when people would just play normally, before they developed these uber tactics.

Just my personal opinion though.

Anyways, I'd even play if a CTF night was arranged, I just hope everyone who participates realises that it would be mainly for fun - but it's changed so much since my JK2 CTF days, I don't really know what to expect anymore.

- Virtue. :alliance:

i second that. or 3rd, w/e :P
[proud owner of talions 200th, 700th,1111th coment AND 1400th , DJK's 3001th coment! , saz's 400th coment! liso's 800th coment! Kitmitsu Aratan's 1200th comment! Cau's 100th comeent, Alexander's (aka CC) 210th, 888th and 2200th comments! Moriarti's 800th comment , Piccolo's 2000th comment! lirael's 505th comment , Quom Farlance's 120th comment, Alexander's 1800th comment , Eica's 1400th comment , Wicek's 3200th comment lady C's 999th comment, Echuu's 1100th comment, Takaru's 325th and 400th comment, Redeye's 200th comment picc's 3600th comment, Ostith's 50th comment, Elmo's 555th comment]

Mar 15 2006 05:00pm

 - Student
 - The winner!!!

I'd be more than happy to arrange a CTF night at the JA, or many - whatever.

I haven't played standard CTF in years.

Respect to people who specialise in it and can lap the entire map 4 times in under 30 seconds... but in my opinion, CTF in JK2 was the best, when people would just play normally, before they developed these uber tactics.

Just my personal opinion though.

Anyways, I'd even play if a CTF night was arranged, I just hope everyone who participates realises that it would be mainly for fun - but it's changed so much since my JK2 CTF days, I don't really know what to expect anymore.

- Virtue. :alliance:

That sounds cool, i'd definetly be up for that. :)

Mar 15 2006 01:25pm

Senor Hat
 - Student
 Senor Hat

That was a very awesome article, so long so very very long, but good!

keep up the good work and you'll be big soon here in no time!
ahh read that again and think of a big mob man with a cigar in his mouth, sorry I had to write that whole thing down I just had too :D :P
I have beaten The Internet.
The end guy was hard.

Mar 15 2006 11:18am

Alex Dkana
 - Staff
 Alex Dkana

I'd be more than happy to arrange a CTF night at the JA, or many - whatever.

I haven't played standard CTF in years.

Respect to people who specialise in it and can lap the entire map 4 times in under 30 seconds... but in my opinion, CTF in JK2 was the best, when people would just play normally, before they developed these uber tactics.

Just my personal opinion though.

Anyways, I'd even play if a CTF night was arranged, I just hope everyone who participates realises that it would be mainly for fun - but it's changed so much since my JK2 CTF days, I don't really know what to expect anymore.

- Virtue. :alliance:

That sounds cool, i'd definetly be up for that. :)
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana

Mar 15 2006 03:58am

 - Jedi Council

I'd be more than happy to arrange a CTF night at the JA, or many - whatever.

I haven't played standard CTF in years.

Respect to people who specialise in it and can lap the entire map 4 times in under 30 seconds... but in my opinion, CTF in JK2 was the best, when people would just play normally, before they developed these uber tactics.

Just my personal opinion though.

Anyways, I'd even play if a CTF night was arranged, I just hope everyone who participates realises that it would be mainly for fun - but it's changed so much since my JK2 CTF days, I don't really know what to expect anymore.

- Virtue. :alliance:
Academy Architect

Mar 15 2006 02:48am

 - Student

Also dont jump gaps as o! :o And if you are interested in pugging you must have patience to sit there for a few games just spectating, if you are new chances are you will not be picked. There are two ways to show you are a good pick.

Method one:
Come to the server when they need exactly one more player for a game, then they have no choice but to pick you. Do well and you will be recognized as a worth while pick for the future :)

Method Two:
Be a captain and pick a team. If you choose this method you should first spectate a few pugs and pay attention to who is picked so that if you pick, you can pick a decent team. Again, a good display of skill will allow you to be picked in the future.

Also even if you are known as an ok pick, do not be discouraged if you are not picked when the server is full, remember the servers can hold about 16 players but normally only 8 players are used for a game so you will not always be picked if good players are on :D


he's basically saying, if he's on the server he'll be picked. HE'S A HORRIBLE PERSON. SHOOOOOTTT HIMMM

Mar 15 2006 01:03am

Mic Den Octela
 - Student
 Mic Den Octela

Nice article dude! Keep it up!
-Padawan of Virtue -Brother of Menaxia, *|irael, Krynn Adept, Majno, Ris Win Juljul, DaMi3N, Beowulf, Dash Starlight, Carrock and Yuken Zalak Bartender at Munes bar. Sir Mic of Nippledom! Proudly beating Wang, since '07. (Crackdown)

Mar 14 2006 09:50pm

Alex Dkana
 - Staff
 Alex Dkana

Great article man, very interesting read for me, as i have had little CTF experience online. Keep up the goodwork **hi5** :)
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana

Mar 14 2006 05:45pm

 - Student

Sweet article, and ctf pwns. its just to bad my comp sucks so bad or else maybe i would play on ANY server.

/kills bad fps (around 8 to 12 on ctf servers :( )

Mar 14 2006 03:14pm

 - Student
 - The winner!!!

I type too fast for my own good :P.

Mar 14 2006 02:07pm

 - Student

Great article!

Could possible attract more people to CTS :D.

One spelling mistake I spotted was, eaisly = easily.
Obviously a typo :). (1st line)

Keep up the good work.

Capture The Saber? :D

Mar 14 2006 01:25pm

 - Student
 - The winner!!!

Great article!

Could possible attract more people to CTF :D.

One spelling mistake I spotted was, eaisly = easily.
Obviously a typo :). (1st line)

Keep up the good work.

This comment was edited by Everon on Mar 14 2006 03:13pm.

Mar 14 2006 11:33am

 - Student

Great article bro! :D

Mar 14 2006 10:22am

 - Student

Nicely done, Monkai mate..:D Lub your style.:D
When Chuck Norris is late, time better slows the **** down.

If you want to make God laugh... just tell Him about your plans.

Mar 14 2006 07:01am

Fullmetal D'Kana
 - Jedi Instructor
 Fullmetal D'Kana

Also dont jump gaps as o! :o And if you are interested in pugging you must have patience to sit there for a few games just spectating, if you are new chances are you will not be picked. There are two ways to show you are a good pick.

Method one:
Come to the server when they need exactly one more player for a game, then they have no choice but to pick you. Do well and you will be recognized as a worth while pick for the future :)

Method Two:
Be a captain and pick a team. If you choose this method you should first spectate a few pugs and pay attention to who is picked so that if you pick, you can pick a decent team. Again, a good display of skill will allow you to be picked in the future.

Also even if you are known as an ok pick, do not be discouraged if you are not picked when the server is full, remember the servers can hold about 16 players but normally only 8 players are used for a game so you will not always be picked if good players are on :D


Mar 14 2006 06:30am

 - Staff

Nice Monkai :)
"Do or do not, there is no try"
Jedi Master Yoda
Dual Saberist

Mar 14 2006 02:28am

 - Student

I love CTF.:)
Top ten reasons to get a better computer...|My fan

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