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Why Oh Why George !
May 08 2007 02:26pm

 - ex-Student
Did you make Grievous such a wussbag.

Imaging a live action fight between CW style Grievous and Obi-1..... Drool. :D

Also Dooku trained him and didn't even break a sweat beating him .... but gets beaten by anakin ? Seriously.

(Did a search but didn't find anything about this so posting it !)
Bored of Psu Back to Gw

I apologise in advance to all the people that will take offense to me saying my opinion.

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Aug 14 2007 08:48am

 - Student

As it seems, Grievous has mastered the art of fighting many foes at once, and winning...

Consider these lines uttered by Andre The Giant (Fezzik) from "The Princess Bride" when he and The Man in Black are fighting:

Fezzik: "I just figured why you give me so much trouble"
MiB: "Why is that, do you think?"
Fezzik: "I haven't faught just one person for so long, been specializing in groups, fighting gangs, those sort of things..."
MiB: "Why should that make such a difference?"
Fezzik: "Well, you see, you use different moves when you fight half-a-dozen people, than you only have to worry about one..." (and he's down)

Ha, I love that movie. It's true, though.
Top ten reasons to get a better computer...|My fan

Aug 07 2007 08:38am

 - Student

Obi-wan is considered the master of Soresu, a highly defensive form of lightsaber combat, by the time of Ep. III. He chose to perfect this form after watching Qui-Gon die, noting flaws in his style being the cause of his death. Obi-wan was still considered to be perfecting the form during Ep. II, which would account to his loss to Dooku, but by Ep. III, 3 years later, he could have refined the remaining flaws in his technique and allowed him to adequately defend against Grievous.

Jul 30 2007 12:40pm

 - Student

As it seems, Grievous has mastered the art of fighting many foes at once, and winning...

Consider these lines uttered by Andre The Giant (Fezzik) from "The Princess Bride" when he and The Man in Black are fighting:

Fezzik: "I just figured why you give me so much trouble"
MiB: "Why is that, do you think?"
Fezzik: "I haven't faught just one person for so long, been specializing in groups, fighting gangs, those sort of things..."
MiB: "Why should that make such a difference?"
Fezzik: "Well, you see, you use different moves when you fight half-a-dozen people, than you only have to worry about one..." (and he's down)
Spider-pig, spider-pig, does whatever a spider-pig does...
Can he swing from a web, no he can't - he's a pig.

Jul 12 2007 12:04pm

 - Student

heh your right i just watched them again,i always thought he won never mind.
Bastila: "The fact that you are so strong in the Force and have had such relatively little training could have terrible consequences. For you, and for everyone around you."
Revan: "You could warn me when I do something bad. Blink once for dark side, twice for light."
— Bastila Shan attempting to lecture Revan on the dangers of the dark side

Jul 12 2007 02:30am

 - Academy Pimp

you ever seen the clone wars series cartoon.he beats him in that

False, Dooku disarms him of one of his sabers then talks to him.
Come on now, every Generation X boy wanted to be Luke Skywalker. Is it because he was a whiney farm boy from some backwater hack planet? No, it's because he was a FREAKING JEDI. He could block lasers with his lightsaber. He could levitate droids & rocks & crap with his mind. Come on, he choked two pig dudes with just a simple gesture. He cut off Darth Vader's hand and kicked him down a flight of stairs. He got his @$$ zapped by lightning from the geezer Emperor, stood up and said "s'at all you got b!tc#??"

Jul 11 2007 03:53pm

 - Student

you ever seen the clone wars series cartoon.he beats him in that
Bastila: "The fact that you are so strong in the Force and have had such relatively little training could have terrible consequences. For you, and for everyone around you."
Revan: "You could warn me when I do something bad. Blink once for dark side, twice for light."
— Bastila Shan attempting to lecture Revan on the dangers of the dark side

This comment was edited by lewis on Jul 11 2007 03:53pm.

Jul 11 2007 03:16pm

 - Academy Pimp

one thing i dont get grevious whoud have won look at it this way. grevious was trained by dooku and in multiple account defeated him at wan got his ass owned by dooku when there was 2 people look at it when yu minus the fact of the second person add 2 gaurds to grevious then add 3 extra sabers to the mix he shoud have got owned again

Grevious never beat Dooku in sparing, so throw that whole theory out the window
Come on now, every Generation X boy wanted to be Luke Skywalker. Is it because he was a whiney farm boy from some backwater hack planet? No, it's because he was a FREAKING JEDI. He could block lasers with his lightsaber. He could levitate droids & rocks & crap with his mind. Come on, he choked two pig dudes with just a simple gesture. He cut off Darth Vader's hand and kicked him down a flight of stairs. He got his @$$ zapped by lightning from the geezer Emperor, stood up and said "s'at all you got b!tc#??"

This comment was edited by JP on Jul 11 2007 03:17pm.

Jul 11 2007 11:57am

 - Student

one thing i dont get grevious whoud have won look at it this way. grevious was trained by dooku and in multiple account defeated him at wan got his ass owned by dooku when there was 2 people look at it when yu minus the fact of the second person add 2 gaurds to grevious then add 3 extra sabers to the mix he shoud have got owned again
Bastila: "The fact that you are so strong in the Force and have had such relatively little training could have terrible consequences. For you, and for everyone around you."
Revan: "You could warn me when I do something bad. Blink once for dark side, twice for light."
— Bastila Shan attempting to lecture Revan on the dangers of the dark side

Jun 30 2007 07:05pm

 - Student

Whatever. I'm still pissed about Darth Maul.
Top ten reasons to get a better computer...|My fan

Jun 22 2007 07:16pm

 - Academy Pimp

Do you realize how skilled Obi-Wan is?


Obi-wan did one thing well...DEFENSE HIS ASS... he did it against Grevious and the barrage of attacks at the hand of Anakin(Vader). Grevious was powerful..that is for sure...take out the ability to use the force as dooku did (force throw Obi on Grevious's ship)...and Obiwan is one of the best defensive saberists in all the galaxy. Needless to say...fight should have been more BA between Grevious and Obi1

- JP :alliance::cool::alliance:
Come on now, every Generation X boy wanted to be Luke Skywalker. Is it because he was a whiney farm boy from some backwater hack planet? No, it's because he was a FREAKING JEDI. He could block lasers with his lightsaber. He could levitate droids & rocks & crap with his mind. Come on, he choked two pig dudes with just a simple gesture. He cut off Darth Vader's hand and kicked him down a flight of stairs. He got his @$$ zapped by lightning from the geezer Emperor, stood up and said "s'at all you got b!tc#??"

This comment was edited by JP on Jul 12 2007 08:17pm.

Jun 22 2007 07:13pm

 - Student

Do you realize how skilled Obi-Wan is?


- Rin
Former padawan of RoseRed, and cofounder of the Wii! Triumvirate! Quote:
In the words of Old Ben, "Not as retarded or as stupid as a public, but an elegant community for a more civilized age." - Jedi_Pimp

Jun 22 2007 02:48pm

 - Student

Do you realize how skilled Obi-Wan is?

May 09 2007 05:05pm

 - Ex-Student

Did i ever question your argument ?
Bored of Psu Back to Gw

I apologise in advance to all the people that will take offense to me saying my opinion.

May 09 2007 04:56pm

 - Student

The reason he lost to obi-1 at all was due to overconfidence and pride

Amazing that you use this as justification for Vader losing, but when its an injured alien that is only facing a single Jedi that it knows has "lost" to his trainer he can't possibly be too proud and overconfident, ensuring his loss.
When you are going through Hell, keep going.
-Sir Winston Churchill.

Those who seek power and control of others, no matter the level, no matter the intentions, should never be given it.

May 09 2007 04:26pm

 - Student

indeed - it also says in the extras of ep 3 (somewhere) anakin was simply too angry adn rash to fight properly he was going all out offencive.
I mostly agree oh Lord of the squeezy mop

May 09 2007 01:14pm

 - Ex-Student

Well anakin is darth vader after all.
The transition into gothy emo character as far as i know only weakened his force connection and skills. The reason he lost to obi-1 at all was due to overconfidence and pride. He would as sidious said himself become stronger than anyone else had he not been injured so horribly.

For example he couldn't use the standard darkside lightning due to his cybernetic components and such.

Vader was actually portrayed quite well in ep3.

On another note i would have liked to see a kind of conclusion to ventress storyline besides her "Leaving the world of jedi and sith" :confused:
Bored of Psu Back to Gw

I apologise in advance to all the people that will take offense to me saying my opinion.

May 09 2007 08:23am

 - Student

Maul was the worst death in all of starwars - and was obviously not thoguht through, but thats another subject. fighting dooku? He lost. =P twice... quiet badly.. general grievous was trained by dooku, including the form he uses, and was seen in the clonewars to be able to defend of dooku's assault, even though he was still in training.

well anakin was trained by obiwan who was totally owned by dooku, yet anakin killed count dooku? wtf impossible? apprentices are much more different than their masters.
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

May 08 2007 11:57pm

 - Student

Windu injured grievous at the end of the clone wars cartoons.

Also consider Grievous fighting only one single Jedi. Overconfident perhaps?

Then consider his opponent. Obi-wan Kenobi. Quite the capable warrior, having beaten Darth Maul as only a Padawan, facing Dooku along with many other formidable opponent, not to mention soon fighting and defeating darth vader.

Obi-wan was just better.

Maul was the worst death in all of starwars - and was obviously not thoguht through, but thats another subject. fighting dooku? He lost. =P twice... quiet badly.. general grievous was trained by dooku, including the form he uses, and was seen in the clonewars to be able to defend of dooku's assault, even though he was still in training.

And was not injured at the time of training with dooku. And likely was not overconfident about a single jedi fighting him.

The little guy doesn't always lose.
When you are going through Hell, keep going.
-Sir Winston Churchill.

Those who seek power and control of others, no matter the level, no matter the intentions, should never be given it.

May 08 2007 11:54pm

 - Student

Windu injured grievous at the end of the clone wars cartoons.

Also consider Grievous fighting only one single Jedi. Overconfident perhaps?

Then consider his opponent. Obi-wan Kenobi. Quite the capable warrior, having beaten Darth Maul as only a Padawan, facing Dooku along with many other formidable opponent, not to mention soon fighting and defeating darth vader.

Obi-wan was just better.

Maul was the worst death in all of starwars - and was obviously not thoguht through, but thats another subject. fighting dooku? He lost. =P twice... quiet badly.. general grievous was trained by dooku, including the form he uses, and was seen in the clonewars to be able to defend of dooku's assault, even though he was still in training.
I mostly agree oh Lord of the squeezy mop

May 08 2007 11:24pm

 - Student

Windu injured grievous at the end of the clone wars cartoons.

Also consider Grievous fighting only one single Jedi. Overconfident perhaps?

Then consider his opponent. Obi-wan Kenobi. Quite the capable warrior, having beaten Darth Maul as only a Padawan, facing Dooku along with many other formidable opponent, not to mention soon fighting and defeating darth vader.

Obi-wan was just better.
When you are going through Hell, keep going.
-Sir Winston Churchill.

Those who seek power and control of others, no matter the level, no matter the intentions, should never be given it.

May 08 2007 10:58pm

 - Ex-Student

For simple reference compare theese 2 videos.

Clone Wars style Grievous (The True Grievous)

Ep3 Style Griveous (In Grief Cause they Nerfed me)

I rest my case.
Bored of Psu Back to Gw

I apologise in advance to all the people that will take offense to me saying my opinion.

This comment was edited by Shar on May 08 2007 11:01pm.

May 08 2007 10:25pm

 - Student

Some items that prove is was under done in ep3 was:

''His standard speed was three strikes per limb per second, and he could increase his speed to at least twenty total strikes per second, allowing him to overwhelm most foes instantly.[1]

^ we saw him spin his puffy sabers around in circles, not much of a 20 strike a second from 4 sabers at a time.

Taught all the formal forms of lightsaber combat by Dooku, he developed a personalized unorthodox fighting form, involving lightning-fast attacks designed to overwhelm his enemies. His mechanical enhancements gave him an edge in close-quarter combat, enabling him to hold his own against several Jedi all at once

^ trained in every form of lightsaber combat - and apparently he yet again just spun his sabers around.

As seen here He was able to hold of Many jedi - one of which was ki adi mundi - who was a master of Makashi ( the form dooku used to defeat Obi wan and anakin. awell as stand up to yoda) now, if he was a MASTER of a lightsaber form, aswell as having 4 other jedi hacking at him.. well.

in all honesty grievous was horoubly underpowered in the movie - using none of the skill he shows in the cartoons, cormics, or books..
I mostly agree oh Lord of the squeezy mop

This comment was edited by NotSoLittleCaesar on May 08 2007 10:30pm.

May 08 2007 08:15pm

 - Ex-Student

Saz have you even watched Clone Wars ? :)
Bored of Psu Back to Gw

I apologise in advance to all the people that will take offense to me saying my opinion.

May 08 2007 08:02pm

 - Student

grievous is just a droid, not even force sensitive one too lol
i think its realistic in star wars sense that grievous got owned so badly.
also obiwan is a master of defense. if grievous could have taken 4 masters alone that just means obiwan is even stronger defensively than we thought.
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

This comment was edited by SaZ on May 08 2007 08:04pm.

May 08 2007 03:45pm

 - Student

indeed - its one of the major errors made by lucas, having greivous die so badly, and so easily. The CW grevious was Lethal, taking on 4 jei masters, and winning. but then gets beaten by obi wan so easily?
I mostly agree oh Lord of the squeezy mop

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