The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

The State of the Jedi Academy -doobie - Apr 07 07:04am

*doobie steps up to the podium*
*doobie taps on microphone*
Is this thing on? Everyone hear me ok? Ok, good. Students, Teachers, Council members, lend me your ears… It is I, massadoobie, leader of the Jedi Academy Council, who wishes to speak to you this evening. Tonight, a few weeks before the Academy celebrates its one-year anniversary, I would like to address you and talk about the State of the Jedi Academy.

In the past year, we’ve seen the Academy grow from 3 dorks conning out of webspace to 5 dorks on a council in charge of over 1600 students, 13 Teachers, and 16 Knights. We’ve seen the Academy move from a small niche in the Jedi Knight Community to a large, well-respected force throughout the web (We even have our own game coming out! :)) We hold 34 classes per week on 4 servers (although our Dutch server seems to be down at the moment, something which is being researched). And coming soon, I am proud to announce the acquisition of our own personal address, the URL of which will be announced when the site is ready to be transferred. DJ's gonna make that bad boy so super-sexy that Playboy will be calling requesting pictures. It'll but the new and improved "improvements" on this url to shame! It truly is a great time at the Academy.

Recently I asked the members of the Academy to provide a list of what everyone would like to hear about, and the response was overwhelming. However, I was able to pick a few specific topics that I’ll focus on this evening. The first is the Jedi Academy Knowledge Project, from here on out to be known as the Holocron. Ruuk Haviser, one of the leaders of the Holocron, was extremely helpful in providing information, so much so that a separate forum page can be seen here. However, to summarize, the Holocron will be a massive database of information about JK2 (and hopefully JK3) that will be fully integrated with the main site. There will be two portion of the Holocron. The official portion will be comprised of articles written by select members on specific topics, which can be seen here. The unofficial section will be comprised of user submissions, edited, sorted, and formatted by Holocron staff, that will serve as a historical and educational storehouse for the events of the Academy. Our hope is that the Holocron will become a community-wide warehouse of information that anyone who plays our beloved game can use.

Next up is the ranking system and the Jedi Academy Knights. Ever since the sub-rankings were eliminated we’ve noticed a renewed interest in attending classes for the sake of knowledge, not simply to fulfill a promotion requirement. This was our intended goal, and we hope it shall continue. The Academy is a school, not a clan, and I hope we all never forget that. Jacen Solo, JAT and Lead Knight, has informed that the Knights are alive and well, with three Knights (Luke Skywalker, DarkBlade, and Bubu) recently being promoted. I would like to remind everyone, however, that the rank of Knight is a privilege, not a right. As Jacen says, “With all the ranks gone ppl are turning to the knight position as the their next goal. Nothing wrong with that, but I'm not being too successful explaining them that we can't have 100 knights and that a knight is like a Junior JAT and we only promote ppl to knight when the current number decreases or the number of students to take care of increases.” So basically, if you feel you deserve to be a Knight, keep doing what you’re doing, we’ll notice you. Otherwise, enjoy being a student! Oh, and there’s a new Knight trial since the sub-rankings have been eliminated. It’s tough, Jacen made sure it was…. But unfortunately we can’t tell you about it unless you go through it (same with Huxley’s Trainer trial).

I’d like to address servers and the server fund for a moment. We currently have 4 servers, as I mentioned, although 2 of them aren’t always good to go. At the moment we have $143 in the donation fund, having spent some money to register our domain name. In order to get another server (regrettably in the US of A, we rely on donations in Europe), we need about $500. So feel free to click that sexy Paypal button to the left and donate some money.

The mapping community is going nuts these days, in a good way! Kalheka sends word that he’s tinkering with ideas for the third version of his incredible Advent map, and Derelict-Crusader has also let me know that a Version 4 of the official Academy map will be seen sometime soon (although “soon” to DC could take a while). Huxley also informs me that Zero, LaMagra, himself, and “maybe a few more” are doing good work on event-specific maps (such as CTF and a Knight and Trainer trials/temple map).

Speaking of maps, Hux and Co.’s map is due to be released the day of the Jedi Academy Prom. Problem is, I’ve had conflicting reports of the actual date. Both April 26th and May 17th (both conceivable dates for our one-year anniversary) have been offered. Once a final date is nailed down, we’ll let you all know.

As for morale, I feel that at this current point morale is very high in the Academy. Although we did have that *slight* misunderstanding on April 1st (sorry!), other than that morale seems to be high. We do have a problem with people signing up for double accounts and manipulating the security checks we’ve set up. Unless previously approved (in order to change a user name mainly), having multiple accounts is EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN. From here on out, we will be using our full resources to make sure we don’t have people in the Academy who shouldn’t be here. The Academy provides a service for free, and we find it incredibly offensive when people abuse this service. We will not tolerate abuse of the system, the servers, or the rules.

To wrap up, I’d like to thank my fellow Council members for all of the good work they put in. I know in the past few months I haven’t been around much, but I’m immensely proud of the hard work DJ puts in to maintain the site, Huxley puts in to run the Trainers, Silent Whisper puts in to maintain civility, and Chosen One puts in to develop our mod. Plus, the dedication shown by the four of you, the trainers and knights, and all of the students, makes me incredibly happy to be at the head of such a wonderful organization.

That’s all for this speech. Thanks for reading, and get ready to celebrate the Jedi Academy’s first birthday in a few weeks! May the Force be with you all… always.


Alright Loaf here, just to remind you all to use our mIRC room which is on the Enterthegame server. The channel name is #ja, and i hoe more of you can come along. Theres 1300+ active members here, yet only 30 people *max* use the room. Come on people, be part of the community!

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Apr 07 2003 07:28pm

Fizz of Belouve
 - Student
 Fizz of Belouve

only because I haven'T answered Aeth's question here, doesn't mean I haven't answer it at all....

here's my explanation:
Programmable read-only memory (PROM) is read-only memory (ROM) that can be modified once by a user. PROM is a way of allowing a user to tailor a microcode program using a special machine called a PROM programmer. This machine supplies an electrical current to specific cells in the ROM that effectively blows a fuse in them. The process is known as burning the PROM. Since this process leaves no margin for error, most ROM chips designed to be modified by users use erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM) or electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM). (credits to :D

One of the Belouve boys, founder of the mighty FiZZsters
Midbie council #20 - Fizz - #1933 - Jan '03 - Aug '04

"Renfield, you idiot!"

Apr 07 2003 07:19pm

 - Ex-Student

Well I may be kinda a New guy... being here for about 2-3 weeks... but I have to say that the Academy is special (for lack of the much better word that it deserves).

I never expected that there would be this much nice people getting united on the web to the noble cause that the Academy serves here now. Teaching not just how to play a game that has a special place in everyone heart... but also making people better.

Like Avalon said (I had not the pleasure of knowing him but I already feels what he was telling in his leaving speech)... He came here to be a better player and he left a better person. Well I'm sure we all feel as Avalon did... we know that we will leave "better" than when we join... if we ever leave at all :)

OK... I,ve been sentimentl enough...:) All I wanted to say is that Thx to all of you JAT,JAK,JAC,JAS... well to everyone that made me feel welcome the first day I came here.

Great Work guys... and I'm proud to be part of this Academy
"Taken separatly, women and alcool can be quite fun, but when you mix them they can make you a dumbass!"
- Red, That 70's show
"Fez likes them big, Fez likes them small... Fez likes them all"
- Fez about women, That 70's show

Apr 07 2003 06:58pm

Shadow Warrior
 - Student
 Shadow Warrior

Well since no one bothered to answer Aeth's question HERE, I'll ask it... What's the JA Prom?
- Shadow Warrior

Apr 07 2003 04:43pm

 - Student

Great speech.

You left out one important thing though. How do I attain the most coveted rank in the Jedi Academy?
[JAKson] = Jedi Academy guy who grabs crotch a lot.
One of the Belouve boys

Apr 07 2003 03:54pm

Fizz of Belouve
 - Student
 Fizz of Belouve

very well, doobie ;)
I was looking forward to harder trials.
As for a higher JAK number, well, I do think it would ease things up a little in the JA, but this should merely be a mid-term goal.

- fiZZ of Belouve
One of the Belouve boys, founder of the mighty FiZZsters
Midbie council #20 - Fizz - #1933 - Jan '03 - Aug '04

"Renfield, you idiot!"

Apr 07 2003 03:42pm

Aeth S'kray
 - Retired
 Aeth S'kray

Heh, cool. But, err.. whats the JA prom again? Everyonbe is talking 'bout it, don't really understand it though :o

Edit: nevermind, fizz explained it to silly ol' aeth. i actually had that in mind but couldnt really beleive it. how the hell you gonna take 1600 guys on one server? i mean, we have at least 100 active! imagine the chatter! brrr. or we could have several "room"s like one server is the entrance hall, one is the dance hall etc. well, guess you already have figured it out anyway :)
Aeth S'kray *June 2002 +September 2003

This comment was edited by Aeth S'kray on Apr 07 2003 06:54pm.

Apr 07 2003 03:31pm

 - Student

GJ (good job) doobie :P nice place we got here. Every1 loves us! We got a frikin game named after us! I don't remember how I 1st _found_ this place, but I do remember that it was around june.
I went to Spain for a month around that time, so I didn't really join the academy before november :P I kinda forgot bout it in spain :P

I have an idea; y don't we turn this into a empire? it'll b gr8! :empire:!
Come on, doobie can be the empy, and DJ his little vader! then silent whisper is a general, and chosen can be a stormtrooper! now THAT'S a good idea!

Edit: JATs can be stormtrooper officers with flechettes and JAKs can be Stormies with repeater!

This comment was edited by Rampage on Apr 07 2003 03:35pm.

Apr 07 2003 03:26pm

La Magra
 - Ex-Student

Steps on the podium, Takes the mic.
Looks around! ummmmmmmm
Dammit I had a whole speech prepared! *speechless*
Anyway a big thank you to all the guys that make this place such a nice place to hang around, that includes jac,jat,staff,knight and students.

Who guessed I would get trainer here! Well I am! Yippie and you guys make it fun to teach here so I am here to stay a long long time :). And Nightcrawler a special thanks to you that you told me about a cool game called JK2 and a place like this!

Well it wasn't much a speech but anyway
See you around guys

Greets (a happy trainer)

Apr 07 2003 02:58pm

 - Student

Yeah, I sttumbled on the JA around that time, around mid June or something. At that time I only had a expensive pay per minute 56k modem. And I sometimes played JKII on my dad's computer. So I surfed in and saw the academy. Lol, I know I then asked if I could help teaching the game as I had played since it came out. Well, anyway, I became student, not JAT but that was fine. I had real fun as a JAS and watched the thing grow. 2 months ago I got cable and all the free time I have I spend on the server or forum and I see more and more sites of the JA. And I like almost everythink I see. Well, I don't want this to be to long so i'll quit. LOVE YA ALL PEOPLE (in a not-gay kinda way).
Personal sleepness-nights-supporter of Virtue. Owner of the 1000th comment of Daidalus and 1943th comment of Gradius! Owner of the 300th comment of Carda!
-Taught Gradius all his laming skills :P

Apr 07 2003 02:33pm

Shadow Warrior
 - Student
 Shadow Warrior

Indeed, this is one of the coolest places on the net I've stumbled upon: yes, stumbled, because I was on a pub server when someone asked where he could get a trainer (it later came to me he was looking for a cheat trainer) and someone told him to go here. And since I was a newbie, knowing almost nothing about this wonderful game, I checked out the URL he gave and the first thing I did was click the "Sign Up" button. The only thing I didn't like is that it wasn't automated and I had to wait for three whole days. But that was last July or something, maybe august. Can't remember now... But since then, I've grown to love this place, even though I'm not the most frequent user around.

- Shadow Warrior

Apr 07 2003 01:08pm

 - Academy Pimp

i didnt want 2 make it sappy but u guys had to go there, now u got me crying, *tear*, i love you guys, i love the academy!!!:runs away to the bathroom:
Come on now, every Generation X boy wanted to be Luke Skywalker. Is it because he was a whiney farm boy from some backwater hack planet? No, it's because he was a FREAKING JEDI. He could block lasers with his lightsaber. He could levitate droids & rocks & crap with his mind. Come on, he choked two pig dudes with just a simple gesture. He cut off Darth Vader's hand and kicked him down a flight of stairs. He got his @$$ zapped by lightning from the geezer Emperor, stood up and said "s'at all you got b!tc#??"

Apr 07 2003 12:56pm

Ulic |retired|
 - Student
 Ulic |retired|

Great Speech Doobie,

You make the academy work!

Long live the Academy! Laituvalmet!
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

Apr 07 2003 12:39pm

Flamori Athena
 - Student
 Flamori Athena

Long live the academy!

U know, underhill, I went through the same thing once. Everytime I finished a duel on the servers, the other guy would say "gf". I thought it meant "gay f**ker" or It wasn't until i heard someone say good fight that i realized what it actually meant.:D

«±» 21st on the Midbie Council, Profile ID: 2027 «±»
True wisdom is the knowledge that you know nothing.

Apr 07 2003 12:03pm

 - Student

Beautiful speech doobster ;)

And I whole-heartedly agree with Bubu in saying that you guys are the best friends i've ever had online :D
Brother to Luke Skywalker and (SKX) Dark Blade :alliance:
Lag Brother to Acey Spadey :empire:
Jools is my best friend. :D
<Henkes> nebody feeling like abusing me with a lightsaber?|+Smilykrazy grabs Gradius, beats the living CRAP out of him, then throws him into a huge vat of ACID

Apr 07 2003 11:03am

 - Retired

wow that was one large chunk :) Thanks for the updates and info :) I cant wait till we have our own domain :)

Apr 07 2003 10:55am

 - Hubbub

I'd like to thank the academy (*cheese alert*)....

hehe good speech boss. ;)

Prodigy, to answer your question, you will not get the JAK Trial map until the day of your trial.

And I'd like to end this message by thanking every single one of you for simply being the coolest bunch of online-buddies i've ever had :D
make install -not war

Apr 07 2003 10:45am

Lord Exar Kun
 - Student
 Lord Exar Kun

um, wow indeed. That was good. You've said it all :). And since you didnt make any compliments on yourself, I will make a compliment to you:
doobie, without you, this whole place would never have been so good. I thank thee ;) (and the rest of the council of course). Great Speech!
-Retired april the 19th 2004

Apr 07 2003 09:36am

Shadow Warrior
 - Student
 Shadow Warrior

Wow, that was good, massdoobie, better, much better, than I expected. Now if I had this here thingy called a credit card I *would* click on that there button saying "PayPal", but if I even asked my mom, promising to pay her back an' all, she'd just uninstall the game and lock me up in my room...

- Shadow Warrior

Apr 07 2003 09:22am

 - Ex-Student

WOW. I'm awestruck. Respect to you and all the others you mentioned who keep the JA running smoothly. Your dedication is truly inspiring *bows*;)
I agree with Underhill. This place, this community and all those associated with it have come to mean more to me than just a place to improve my game. I'm honoured and proud to be a part of the Jedi Academy. Long may it continue:)!!!

*raises glass*Here's to the future:cool:.

Apr 07 2003 09:00am

DJ Sith
 - Jedi Council
 DJ Sith

hahah gf = get f*cked. I'll have to remember that. :)
My car is made of Nerf.

Apr 07 2003 08:41am

 - Student

*doobie steps down from the podium to a standing ovation. Drives away in a black limousine with four JATs on each corner*

If I may I'd like to express my deepest thanks to the JACs, the JATs and to the JAKs for their service to the community here. I spent at least a month after purchasing JK2 wandering around the public servers in daze. In those sad early days I once stumbled onto one such server and mistook “GF” for “get f**ked” I immediately logged off and nearly swore of the whole thing altogether. As I continued on my travels I encountered behaviour and language best left on the playground. Don’t get me wrong, public servers are fine, I did occasionally come across groups of players that were reasonable human beings, but for me I needed a place that was friendly, fun, and foremost, a community that didn’t revolve around fragging every single moving pixel in sight.

As soon as came across the Jedi Academy site (via I knew this was a place I wanted to hang around in. I had recently moved back to live with my parents (brrr) with the intention to concentrate on writing rather than paying rent and scratching out a living. Unfortunately this meant moving a good distance away from my RL friends. Apart from the occasional phone call and trip to the city I don’t get to see them as much as I’d like too. I’ve found that the Academy has filled that particular hole. Not to put too fine a point on it the Academy has kept me from going insane. It’s a special little thing this here Academy, and, while RL must always come first, I’ve enjoyed the camaraderie and fun.

To put it plainly: hats off, gents, it’s a fine wee place you’ve got here.

Now if you’ll excuse me I have a date with the PayPal button.

EDIT: Whoops, forgot to mention the staff! Keep on trucking guys you do great work. Also thanks to my fellow students. Everyone, go buy yourself a donut. You've earned it.
"Negative. I am a meat popsicle."

This comment was edited by underhill on Apr 07 2003 08:49am.

Apr 07 2003 08:37am

Silent Whisper
 - Retired
 Silent Whisper

Well put eljeton. The Knight trial will just fall in your lap, if you pursue the right course. Troublesome students are obviously off the list. But those that uphold the JA principles will have a 99.9% chance of achieving Knighthood somewhere down the road. And Lian....::Whispy calls the people in white suits:: Be gentle with her...she's got lemons...
"I have learned from Vergere only that there is no such thing as sides of the Force....for the side is merely a reflection of your intentions of the Force. Use it in hate, and it will be hate. Use it offensively in good, and you will find my Truth." -Jacen Solo, "Traitor", New Jedi Order

Apr 07 2003 08:32am

 - Student

good job doobie.:D

Apr 07 2003 08:20am

 - Academy Pimp

*tear* beautiful speach doobie just beautiful *tear*:P

quick question, will every1 be able get Hux's knight trial map?? or will it b recieved when takin the knight trial??:confused:
Come on now, every Generation X boy wanted to be Luke Skywalker. Is it because he was a whiney farm boy from some backwater hack planet? No, it's because he was a FREAKING JEDI. He could block lasers with his lightsaber. He could levitate droids & rocks & crap with his mind. Come on, he choked two pig dudes with just a simple gesture. He cut off Darth Vader's hand and kicked him down a flight of stairs. He got his @$$ zapped by lightning from the geezer Emperor, stood up and said "s'at all you got b!tc#??"

This comment was edited by JP on Apr 07 2003 01:06pm.

Apr 07 2003 08:02am

 - Student

hmm,....i dont understand y u seek so madly to become a JAK,....the whole point of the JA is that we can learn to play the game in order to have fun ;) ,, not sayng that is wrong to try to be a knight, but, its just something that happens,...u dont have to look it for,...the rank will look for ya,...keep that in mind :) ,.....cya around!
lol lian,..lemmons,..yeah,..they do that to me too :P
'...its better to light a candle, than cursing the dark,...' -> 0_<

This comment was edited by eljeton on Apr 07 2003 08:04am.

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