The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

Hi! -doobie - Aug 27 09:28pm

Hello everyone, it's your benevolent dictator here. Just wanted to say hello since I haven't been around much. I just got a new job which takes up a ton of time, and to be honest, there's not a lot of JA work that needs me at this point. As far as my status here is concerned, I don't plan on leaving, but my roles in the day to day activities of the Academy are pretty much non-existent. I consider myself somewhat of an advisor at this point (with veto power and a really really big JAC stick to swing around when I feel like it) but also consider this place my baby and wouldn't want to completely leave unless I'm the last one left and am turning off the lights. On that note...

I feel we've reached a point where things are pretty much stable. We all know the JK:JA and JK2 will get old for everyone (as I know they've gotten old for a lot of us), but rest assured, we'll be here throughout it all. Hopefully we'll get a new Katarn/Jedi Knight game at some point, but even if we don't, we've set up the kind of community that transcends the games themselves (and ya never know, maybe we'll support other games some day, or even become a Pokemon Academy or something. Whatever you want :)).

We love to get ideas though, so if you want to use the comments on this thread to give us some sweet ideas and ways to spark the community, feel free. But as we move into old age (and yeah, we're old as far as communities like this come, and we even had our mid-life crisis when we reorganized!), we'll still continue to support and thrive whoever wants to hang out with us, learn how to be better gamers and people, and kick it old school like we do. Werd.

Viva La Academia!

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Sep 03 2005 06:05pm

 - Jedi Master

Good to hear from ya, Doobie!

Viva la Academia!

Sep 01 2005 10:08am

 - Student

Long live the Academy; I'm just glad this was able to grow outside of solely at JK training community. At least we can talk about other stuff that's even closely related.

And don't worry, doobie, I'm as guilty of inactivity as you are (even more so); but at least, in my opinion, if the academy lasts long enough, I can come back with what I've learned from my career and make an impact with this community in the future.

memento mori

Aug 31 2005 12:05pm

Jade Jedi
 - Retired
 Jade Jedi

Great post, I agree that we need a new JK game, I think they should go like the movies in that they go prequil like Jedi Knight: Guardians of the Republic or something. Where you chose a master at the start, and depending on which master you chose depends on how the missions are played out or something like that, but I digress.
Anyway yes maybe we should expand but I'd like to see us stay Star Wars orientated but thats just me, I'm a Star Wars nut.
And yeah Lucas Arts and Raven lets see more JK, if there's a petition some where I'll sign it. And if you can do something from the inside Orion (with out getting fired that is) :)
*CLICKEH->Never risk the Fett Man|*Download my Saber here. Made by master craftsman Pink Floyd_Mintaka + his 2002 & 4000 comment's [Laz's 700th comment][BDKawika's 600th comment] & Owner of a TOWEL award!!|Master: Sared Padawans: Rage-Ball and Dante Eagle.|*Jade Jedi at The Jedi Academy Archives "There's only one Return and it's not of the King it's of the Jedi" Randal Clerks 2 The top 10 reasons why I procrastinate: 1.

Aug 30 2005 05:00pm

 - Student

I want to be a Gym Leader when we become a Pokemon Academy, so be sure to save me spot, okay?

If we don't do that, we should support HL2....



Aug 30 2005 12:11am

Badger Hat
 - Student
 Badger Hat

OK, so we can just be a CSS clan right?... ;)
RL bro to HawkJedi Chuck Norris pwns!(duh) Proud member of Yeah, it's a hat.

Aug 29 2005 08:08pm

 - Student

I shouted at Doobie yesterday for not changing this to Pong Academy, but he ended up punching me in the face. He hits like a girl! :D

NB: Not a true story.
JK2 pwnz0rs JK3.

Aug 29 2005 04:28pm

 - Student


Viva la Academía! :D
In the navy and LOVING it! :D

Recipient of comment no. 1000 and heart-warming words from Ataris! :)

Aug 28 2005 09:48pm

 - Student

Lets join together and rally a protest against the Lucas building asking for a new Jedi Knight game!

I agree, in doing that thoe maybe we will need some volinters willing to help lucasarts programing maping skining etc.
Also, we should add a battlefront server for added fun!!! (Mebey even Galactic BattleGrounds!:P)

Aug 28 2005 04:52pm

 - Student


Aug 28 2005 02:50pm

 - Student

I got the rainbow badge! :cool:
"The only child ever to survive a roundhouse kick by Chuck Norris was Gary Coleman. He has not grown since."
Whachoo talkin bout Willis?

Go Sox baby.

Aug 28 2005 02:44pm

 - Student

ur boulder badge will not be so easys dis tiem around ash ketchams
I fite for teh usars!1

Aug 28 2005 01:46pm

 - Student

Artificial intelligence beats natural stupidity.

Aug 28 2005 01:44pm

 - Student

Lets join together and rally a protest against the Lucas building asking for a new Jedi Knight game!

Ex-Master to Threat.
Proud owner of Sazabi's 1500th comment! And Threats 50th comment
"Insanity: a perfect rational adjustment to an insane world"

This comment was edited by Phantom on Aug 28 2005 01:44pm.

Aug 28 2005 01:23pm

 - Student

Well said Doobie! :D Long live TJA!:alliance:
[Studying the hybrid form in jka] [Oldschool jk2 player] [Training partner to Talion]
We are defined by the choices we make. Our focus determines our reality...

Aug 28 2005 01:02pm

 - Student

omg not pokemon acadmey :mad:
i would ask someone to hack the site then :mad:
with that said...
Long live JEDI Academy!
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

Aug 28 2005 12:24pm

 - Nugget


Aug 28 2005 12:03pm

 - Student

Great post, to start with :)
This academy has become a special place for me, since the moment I joined I felt welcome and I still do. Although the academy has changed somewhat. I have no idea why, but it feels different than it used to. Maybe it needs a spark indeed, maybe we need a new game. But I still love the JK:JA game, so why change that?
Well, I guess I just wanted to say, thank you people who created this place and thank all you people for being a part and making it a lot of fun! :D :D
Hooray for the academy!
"We make a living out of what we get, we make a life out of what we give."

Aug 28 2005 11:31am

Scythus Aratan
 - Student
 Scythus Aratan

We should support pong.
Padawan to the great Jacen Aratan!
<Setementor> Scythus is a genius!
Claimer of the 5000th post in the Count thread [Solitude] scy rocks [Casual] good point scythus, you're really smart

Aug 28 2005 10:52am

 - Student

Very little that needs to be said except to scream loudly:

This is not the place to look for me

Aug 28 2005 06:56am

 - Student

i hav idea y not make the JA more interesting with comptions like big tag team torniments and things like that
Is back and badder then ever

Aug 28 2005 06:00am

 - Student

Yes, we need a new Jedi game! Or even an expansion pack for JA! PLEEEEEEEASE!

So please BUY your copies so that they will continue to make them!
- Threat
Ex-Unofficial Padawan of Rivian, AKA Chaos
Ex-Unofficial Padawan of Phantom
Owner of Grycen's 180th comment, Raydoe's 455th comment, and Rivian's EVIL 666th comment!

Aug 28 2005 03:03am

 - Student

First of all, awesome post... and yes that comes from me...
But the spark to this place/game that's gonna be difficult I guess, I mean the server still are occupied and there's still new people joining this community, but Honestly, I believe the need for a new SW/Jedi game is pretty high(/me smacks Orion, get yr people to design a new game dammit).
This place is awesome, it truly is...
I joined this place when JA wasn't a new game anymore and still it was a time that I will remember for the rest of my life, the people here are really awesome, but it doesn't feel like the the place it was to me anymore...
Doobie is completely right we need a spark...
I wouldn't know how to put a spark to this place though... please folks input your ideas!

Get on your feet and do the Funky Alfonzo!

This comment was edited by Henkes on Aug 28 2005 03:04am.

Aug 28 2005 01:37am

 - Student

That would be incredible if there was a Pokemon academy.

Throws a pokeball at Leif, Gotta catch em all!!!
Ex-Master to Threat.
Proud owner of Sazabi's 1500th comment! And Threats 50th comment
"Insanity: a perfect rational adjustment to an insane world"

Aug 28 2005 01:08am

 - Eats Babies

That would be incredible if there was a Pokemon academy.

No, no it wouldn't.

Let's just keep kicking it oldschool.
"We keep odd hours...." ----------------------- They Live, We Sleep

Aug 27 2005 10:42pm

 - Student

That would be incredible if there was a Pokemon academy.

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