The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

Octavius David "Octavius" Horton

This user is no longer with the Academy

Location:  Florida
Occupation:  Student/server
Interests:  Videogames, football, history
AIM Screenname:  Sniperkng
Last Comment:  Forums: Star Wars Battlefront
Comments Made:  35

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Jan 04 2004 12:28am

 - The Tarped Avenger

w00t! send me a copy of the pic of katan's demise! :D
Saving the world, one kilobyte at a time.

Dec 19 2003 09:36am

 - Student

Does it show any errors when you try and run JK2? like something to do with openGL, it could be because you don't have the minimum requirements to run the game properly, try and have a look on the lucasarts website and see if anything can help u there
Wyt ti'n siarad Cymraeg? rhyw ar y traeth!

Dec 19 2003 07:25am

 - Retired

Good dueling with you again my friend. I would have taught you but the server cut out again. We will meet again soon and I'll fill your minds with nothing but good staff combat. Take care and talk to you soon.
Be honorable, be friendly, be trustworthy. Show respect to all whom you meet. Don't forget you learn when you win AND when you lose. Be the first to admit mistake AND the first to correct it. Be the shoulder for someone to lean on. Always remember those that sacrificed time to help you. Thank you Odan Wei, Vladarion, 3th, Moridin, n00b, Motrec, Faded, Leif, and Tido, you will not be forgotten as the ones to make you remember, it's all about fun...

Dec 11 2003 12:42am

Plo Koon
 - Student
 Plo Koon

hi octav-good duels the other day,hope we can duel again :)
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Nov 24 2003 03:15am

 - Ex-Student

Greetings Octavius:) looks like we are paired up to face off for the torney. Please let me know what day and what time you wish to carry this out. We only have three days to do this in so:) let us begin as soon as possible. Just let me know what time is good for you.:alliance:
Padawan of Mace Windu, Brother to All.
"Remeber, the Force will be with you always." - ObiWan Kenobi

Nov 22 2003 08:53am

 - Student

We can't just GIVE you the password, YOU have to READ it. Which means you have to wait until you've been accepted

Nov 18 2003 03:36am

Cloaked Thunder
 - Student
 Cloaked Thunder

YO, You from florida eh? Coolies, I am too. See ya round m8. :D
Padawan of ShadowSith | Close JA Family: Darth Mobility, Katan, Jedi Prodigy, Virtue,D@rth M@ul, Virtue, Flash, Bandit, Yin Yang, JK-XIII, Faded, Silk Monkey, Skyler, `Orion, Aratan, SmilyKrazy, Faded Angel, and your mom :P | woot!

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