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Dragon age 2: A Warning
Mar 10 2011 11:45am

 - Student
as you can see there is a 'disastrous games 2010' thread not so far away'.... here is the the sequel to that thread.

Lets get this straight. Dragon age 1 was:
-dumbed down rpg
-fun companions
-no story development (the player knows the ending at the beginning of the game and there is no actual twist)
-good storytelling
-advertised as having more choices than any other game, yet being the same like games before
overall: nothing new, but a good game none the less.

So after playing 14 hours of Dragon Age 2.
what can i tell about it?
-COMBAT: lets be honest here, almost every combat in every game becomes repetitive. combat in this game isnt that bad. it has the same flaws of the first game: disables+aoe=imba ownage. its much more chaotic than the first game. i had a thought to turn up the difficulty, but i quickly went back to normal. why? the companion AI is really stupid. i set up tactics, behavior and everything, but that didnt prevent my healer to go far away from the party to attack the boss at pointblank range with his staff.
the monsters move unrealistically fast between the targets. its like they move normally when fighting, all the animations smooth and stuff, but when they move they are like 10x sped up. what?
there are teleportations spells, cool huh? not so cool when you cant even teleport over the ledge or cliff.
i can only name the flaws of combat - everything else is dull and not special.
-INVENTORY simplified lol. you can only equip rings, belts amulets and weapons on your companions. armor levels up. for one guy even weapon is leveling.
-CHAR DEVELOPMENT if you are rogue or mage you dont need to put a single point in strength anymore. every class has its own main stat and thats it. the abilities have similar trees like dragon age 1. overally id say char development has as much depth as lets say... dark messiah. and this was was advertised as rpg somehow lol.
-GRAPHICS thats probably the best point of the game. yes the graphics are dull and more grayish, but the general style from what ive seen its quite ok. the loading screens ae really great. if the whole game was more like loading screens it would be a thousand times better. game runs pretty well, even though demo runs about 2x shittier than the release. also BLOOD! thats pretty much the only good thing in this game.
-QUESTS AND DIALOGS the 'fun' begins here.
you get into the city and you pretty much have about... 100 quests to do.
none of them are connected. you kill magistrates son? he whines a single line and thats it. never saw him again.
they dont really have any consequences or choices. the usual dialogs are like this:

templar 1: thanks for bringing these apostates so they can be brought to the circle.
templar 2: i think they should be brough to justice right now!
me: yes! kill them now!
templar 1: thanks for your help.
exp gained
gold gained

simillar stuff like this happened in most quests, you are given choices that... mean absolutely nothing.
also the game is less brutal. id imagine the increased ammount of blood would indicate the opposite, but even when you are threatening like 100th person in the district your character gets pushed away like 'pfft dont care'. conversation immediately ends. without a choice to cut his throat.

every quest involves killing no matter what. realistically your main character is a complete thug with no brain. the only way to earn gold is to kill someone. one way or another... or kill 100 others.

every dialog is about 2-3x shorter than dragon age 1. no depth to be found.
you are also shown which choice is forceful and which is peaceful. would be quite understandable if the choices actually meant something.

overall: questing and dialogs are about the depth of your average mmo in the same quest area.

oh by the way you can important a character info from the first game. met this lord harrowmond relative. killed him. 'thanks from king bhelen'
exp gained
gold gained.
COMPANIONShaving met most of them id say they are pretty weak. there are these good, lawful ones who are completely boring. nothing compared to even alistar, leliana and wynne.
all companions: look normal, they sound normal, they act normal. two companions are shown a bit more 'fucked up' than the rest, but i guess they would impress only someone who lived in the cave their whole lives.
there is also this friendship rivalry system. basically you can say something nice or something they agree with and you gain friendship points. if you tell them to gtfo the whole game... they wont quit. they will just be 'rivals' and continue to annoy you no matter what you say unless you switch to another companion.
STORYdid 100 boring quests. zero story.
considering how many quests involved killing bloodmages, dealing with apostates and templars im pretty sure it will be about them.
or this 'tevinter imperium' folk gonna involve itself somehow.
probably a dragon too, because everyone likes dragons and every game has them.

CONCLUSION if you want a rather generic singleplayer mmo-style grindfest, but cant pay monthly fee for the western ones and you dont like the asian style. this is for you!
these two pics shows what this game is about.
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

This post was edited by SaZ on Mar 10 2011 11:48am.

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Mar 26 2011 12:36am

 - Jedi Council

This has nothing to do with the future GOTY, Dragon Age 2!

Mar 25 2011 08:48am

 - Student

This has nothing to do with the future GOTY, Dragon Age 2!
"Deos fortioribus adesse."

Mar 24 2011 10:28pm

 - Jedi Instructor

aw, come on people. make love, not warcraft...
Proud owner of Buster Senatu's 200th & 300th, Muro's 370th, Maher's 2100th, Henkes' 1639th, Johauna's 400th, 666th and 900th, Sho Koon's 2000th and Kain Sol's 600th comment Download Laziana's lightsaber here! Glory to Arstozka!

Mar 24 2011 09:47pm

 - Student

what questions?
3 last sentences of that last comment were so random i even forgot if there was a question at all.

anyway go play instead.
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

Mar 24 2011 09:31pm

 - Nugget

Yet you answer none of my questions....
If you add me to MSN, tell me who you are :P

Best Movie Character EVER!!

Mar 24 2011 07:59pm

 - Student

you are finishing every thought yourself.
i didnt suggest that anywhere so im not even sure why we are discussing this.

throw your prejudices (spelling?) away. your last comment is full of them. most importantly they arent even remotely connected to the topic.

i guess my subtle suggestion not to buy the game made all of you quick to jump to conclusions. paranoid is what you are. i just dont know the reason for your completely random outbursts.
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

This comment was edited by SaZ on Mar 24 2011 08:05pm.

Mar 24 2011 07:16pm

 - Nugget

ok let me make this simple for you saz.

How are we to play a game LEGALLY, if you tell us not to buy it, but you should still play it ?

that is my question. Sure you can borrow it off a friend but this is a new game im pretty sure my friends are still playing it.

Dont start the oh your talking like all people are from the UK, Im from the UK and im explaining the ways i can play the game.

You seem to be able to offer more so either concede that point and that you ment to illegally download the game or provide me with some suggestions.
If you add me to MSN, tell me who you are :P

Best Movie Character EVER!!

Mar 24 2011 07:12pm

 - Student

Cant rent pc games in the uk so its either buy or download, i dont think my friend would want me to come round his house for 30hrs and play a game. So please do inform us of these other magical ways to play video games apart from buying them

because everybody lives in UK.
besides games content doesnt really change if you buy it, if you rent it or pirate it.
but... this isnt the thread for that is it.
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

Mar 24 2011 07:11pm

 - Nugget

He can borrow me the game sure, but shops dont rent PC games due to NO CD crack, and the fact of serial keys. Which i believe in dragon age link to your EA account when installing ? so yeah.
If you add me to MSN, tell me who you are :P

Best Movie Character EVER!!

Mar 24 2011 07:08pm

 - Jedi Council

Renting is illegal? What? You mean I can't just have my friend borrow me his CDs/DVDs and have a go at the SP on my computer?
Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

Mar 24 2011 06:59pm

 - Nugget

Cant rent pc games in the uk so its either buy or download, i dont think my friend would want me to come round his house for 30hrs and play a game. So please do inform us of these other magical ways to play video games apart from buying them
If you add me to MSN, tell me who you are :P

Best Movie Character EVER!!

Mar 24 2011 05:09pm

 - Student

im pretty much suggesting not to waste money on this and play it by other means...

If you are suggesting piracy, I will have to ban you. :3

there are more ways to play the game without buying it other than piracy which i didnt even suggest >.>
Have not yet, only played a little bit so far.

well then i feel its only possible to have a proper discussion with those who finished it, because only then you can see the whole game.
how repetitive it was, what story thingies were interesting and what not. which of the possible twists were not even touched etc. which quests were completely pointless and could be compared to placeholder/timewaste/grind.
because well... in my first 10 or so hours it wasnt so bad. was really looking forward to meet flemeth again...

playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

This comment was edited by SaZ on Mar 24 2011 05:15pm.

Mar 24 2011 07:53am

Master Lew
 - Student
 Master Lew

I like the game, but there are some things that need improvement. Things like what has already been said, so I won't repeat them again.

I've been playing over 40 game hours and I'm still in Act 1. The game is fun to me and I'm getting my money's worth. I like to do all quests and find all items in the games I play. I'm not in a hurry to get to the end-game. The journey is more fun for me, so I take my time and 'milk' the game for all it's worth. :D
Brick Assassin for Hire Here, have a brick!:P

Mar 24 2011 12:59am

 - Jedi Council


if i had a huge audience to please with my videos id probably say something like that too.


Mar 23 2011 06:10pm

 - Student

I am sure he means borrowing the game from a friendly neighbor!

I finished act 1 and enjoyed it. Little time at hand to finish :(
"Deos fortioribus adesse."

Mar 23 2011 03:03pm

 - Jedi Council

im pretty much suggesting not to waste money on this and play it by other means...

If you are suggesting piracy, I will have to ban you. :3
Joined 16 October 2004 | Retired 10 April 2005 | Returned 05 June 2008 | Made Staff 27 June 2008 | Made Council 18 January 2009
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This comment was edited by solitude on Mar 23 2011 03:04pm.

Mar 23 2011 01:49pm

 - Jedi Council

Have not yet, only played a little bit so far.
Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

Mar 23 2011 01:00pm

 - Student

You state at the top of this very thread DO NOT BUY THIS GAME

im pretty much suggesting not to waste money on this and play it by other means...

he points out the flaws of the game but still appreciates that its a good game, not biowares best, but a good game.

if i had a huge audience to please with my videos id probably say something like that too.

anyway just wondering... how many of you guys finished the game?

playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

This comment was edited by SaZ on Mar 23 2011 01:06pm.

Mar 23 2011 03:23am

 - Student

Group hug! Let us squeeze our negative feelings with a massive embrace!
"Deos fortioribus adesse."

Mar 22 2011 09:15am

 - Jedi Council

Awww, GROUPHUG *hugs Saz*
Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

Mar 21 2011 11:48pm

 - Jedi Council

Bring it in you grim little bastard. <3

Mar 21 2011 11:21pm

 - Student

We need to give Saz a group hug
"Deos fortioribus adesse."

Mar 21 2011 10:17pm

 - Jedi Council

So we are in agreement? DA2 is a great game and Saz needs more happiness in his life? :(
Joined 16 October 2004 | Retired 10 April 2005 | Returned 05 June 2008 | Made Staff 27 June 2008 | Made Council 18 January 2009
Padawan To Odan-Wei Belouve | Adopted into the Belouve family | Twin to xAnAtOs | Owner of the 4th Quesi sexy badge :D Brother To Roan Belouve, Nomad, Majno, Silkmonkey, Kensei and Jarhok Belouve
Owner Of Virtue's 1000th profile comment, Mr. Doobie's 1000th profile comment, Gradius' 2500th comment, xAnAtOs' 2500th comment, Rosered's 1500th comment, Laziana's 900th comment, Scythus' 500th comment and Echuu's 100th comment

Mar 21 2011 08:45pm

 - Student

Maybe the warning is that the token dwarf isn't as funny in this installment.
"Deos fortioribus adesse."

Mar 21 2011 06:26pm

 - Jedi Council

I still don't get it. Is your warning that you're a miserable sod who needs to crack a smile? :P

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