The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

All class times are GMT standard time.

Movement Course II - The Intermediacy
An Intermediate player's course.

If you're hoping to become better at moving around more efficiently, then hopefully this class will be what you're looking for.

We will be going over such things as: Advanced Wallrunning, basic strafe jumping, circle jumping, and when/where you should use them.

Requirements: Attendence in Movement Course I: The Basics before enrolling for this class.

You will need to
have the map, called Jump Training 2, which can be downloaded in the servers page under JK3Classes. The usual rules apply, if you show up 10 or more minutes late, you will have to sit out of class and spectate. Please come ready to learn and don't disrupt the class.

This is not a must, but before you begin to learn how to strafe jump, I would suggest first watching this great instructional video on how to do it, by Commodore. It can be found at
This class is no longer in session.
Skill Level:  intermediate
Class Type:  movement
Game:  Jedi Knight 3: Jedi Academy
Instructor:  Fire
Server:  (JK3) Classes
Time:  9:00pm Saturday, Mar 09
Duration:  1 hour
You must wait 1 hour until this class ends before enrolling again.
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Apr 18 2005 08:16pm

 - Student

I would like to apologize for not making it for the past few weeks, but this won't happen anymore. I promise these classes won't be teacherless anymore.

I apologize for any inconveniences these no-shows have caused.

Eventually, all of my classes will be down by next week and I strongly hope that I can come back to teach those that are hoping to attend one of my classes :) Take care.

Apr 16 2005 10:54pm

 - Student

im sorry for not turning up no excuse fell asleep on the sofa!

it WonT happen again :(
"Be honourable, To yourselves and others, be leaders, not followers. Be the ones, others look up to" the words from the great but retired janus who i hold much respect for an still very thankful for the help he gave me in my early days "Janus the academy will miss you"

Apr 02 2005 06:53pm

 - Student

Alright guys, here's the deal.

I've planned an outing with my friends to see Sin City at about this time. I might be able to stay for maybe 15 minutes, but no more than that. However, I will reschedule this class tomorrow at the same time. I'm really sorry for any inconveniences, take care.

Mar 12 2005 09:55pm

 - Student

i wanna go, but i cant :( iddnt go to mumber 1
I mostly agree oh Lord of the squeezy mop

Mar 07 2005 12:34am

 - Student

First enrolled, first commented :D Cant wait for class!

Dane has trained me in all the basics and some of the advanced stuff as well, so I hope I can still attend this class. If I can't then I understand.
.: Proud Padawan of Dane

This comment was edited by Strider on Mar 07 2005 12:35am.

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