The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

Welcome to the Jedi Academy Holocron!

This is a long term project of The Jedi Academy. Our purpose is to collect all pieces of information known by the Academy members about the games Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast and Jedi Knight3: Jedi Academy and provide it in an archive-format, open to everybody. The Holocron, however, is only at the very beginning of its long journey. This first release is the first step towards an ever-expanding knowledge base. So far, we offer basic knowledge, divided in several sections. Later, we plan to develop an open submitting system to allow all students to contribute to this project and share their knowledge. You can contact the Holocron Staff through the Forum of the Jedi Academy, e-mail us directly, or express your opinion in the Holocron comment thread.

I hope you'll enjoy your visit and find the piece of information you always have been looking for.

-Aeth S'kray
JAK / Holocron Consultant



Welcome to the Holocron. The Holocron Project began in early 2003 as mere inspiration, conceived and nurtured in the minds of a few lonely members of the Jedi Academy (JA) community. Over the past months, the Project has grown substantially with an ever increasing number of fellow JA students and Knights, each contributing many, many hours of their personal time either researching, writing, editing, or providing valuable comments and advice. We've invited the JA membership to contribute their thoughts and ideas regarding each and every part of the Holocron, and have even scoured the servers and IRC to collect that information. Our task was monumental, but we have succeeded.

We are now happy and proud to formally present to you our collective body of work, the Jedi Academy Holocron. As Aeth noted above, it's going to be a fluid document, so we suggest you check back periodically to see how the Holocron is improving to meet the changing needs of the Jedi Academy.

Good luck with your training, and again, welcome to the Holocron. You've found a very unique, positive community here at JA and I hope our work can accentuate your gaming experience.


-Ruuk Haviser
Holocron Project Leader

1 The Jedi Academy -0 comments-
1.1 Introduction -0 comments-

      1.1.1 Who are we? -0 comments-
      1.1.2 What do we do? -0 comments-
      1.1.3 How do I join the Jedi Academy? -0 comments-
      1.1.4 What are the Jedi Academy's Maps? -1 comment-
      1.1.5 Rules (formal and informal) -0 comments-
      1.1.6 Joining the Jedi Academy: a short story -0 comments-

1.2 Additional Information -0 comments-

      1.2.1 Classes -0 comments-
      1.2.2 Master/Padawan relationships -1 comment-
      1.2.3 Glossary of common terms. -0 comments-
      1.2.4 Connecting to our game servers -1 comment-
      1.2.5 How to get on the Jedi Academy IRC (chat) channel -0 comments-
      1.2.6 Ranks -0 comments-

1.3 Academy History -0 comments-

      1.3.1 Jedi Academy Timeline: 2002 -0 comments-
      1.3.2 Jedi Academy Timeline: 2003 -0 comments-
      1.3.3 Massadoobie's State of the Academy speeches -0 comments-

1.4 Interviews -0 comments-

      1.4.1 Interview with massadoobie and DJ Sith, two founders of the JA -0 comments-
      1.4.2 Jedi Knight Interviews -0 comments-
      1.4.3 Jedi Trainer Interviews -0 comments-

2 Force Powers -1 comment-
2.1 General Force Information -2 comments-
2.2 Neutral Powers -1 comment-
2.3 Light Side Powers -4 comments-
2.4 Dark Side Powers -6 comments-
2.5 Force Powerups -1 comment-
2.6 Force Combos -8 comments-

3 Movement -1 comment-
3.1 Special Moves -6 comments-
3.2 Movement Tactics -2 comments-

4 Lightsaber Use -3 comments-
4.1 Introduction -2 comments-

      4.1.1 Stances -2 comments-
      4.1.2 Swings -0 comments-
      4.1.3 General Lightsaber Strategies -2 comments-

4.2 Blue Stance -3 comments-

      4.2.1 Specials -0 comments-
      4.2.2 Combos -0 comments-

4.3 Yellow Stance -2 comments-

      4.3.1 Specials -0 comments-
      4.3.2 Combos -6 comments-

4.4 Red Stance -2 comments-

      4.4.1 Specials -1 comment-
      4.4.2 Combos -3 comments-

4.5 Saber Staff -5 comments-

      4.5.1 Introduction -3 comments-
      4.5.2 Specials -5 comments-
      4.5.3 Combos -4 comments-

4.6 Dual Sabers -0 comments-

      4.6.1 Specials -2 comments-
      4.6.2 Combos -3 comments-
      4.6.3 Strategy -7 comments-

  Specific Moves -5 comments-
  Defeating Katas -8 comments-

4.7 General Information -0 comments-

      4.7.1 Differences between Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast and Jedi Knight -1 comment-

5 Non-Saber Weapons and Items -0 comments-
5.1 Weapons -0 comments-
5.2 Items -0 comments-

6 Game Modes -0 comments-
6.1 Capture the Flag (CTF) -0 comments-
6.2 Capture The Ysalamiri (CTY) -0 comments-
6.3 Duel -0 comments-
6.4 Free for All (FFA) -0 comments-
6.5 Team Free for All (TFFA) -0 comments-
6.6 Holocron FFA (HC) -0 comments-
6.7 Jedi Master (JM) -3 comments-
6.8 Siege -2 comments-

      6.8.1 Classes -0 comments-
      6.8.2 Maps -0 comments-
      6.8.3 Strategy -0 comments-
      6.8.4 Destroyer Siege -0 comments-

7 JK Modifications -0 comments-
7.1 Programming -4 comments-

      7.1.1 Setup -2 comments-

7.2 Client Commands -8 comments-
7.3 Photography and Skinning Basics -0 comments-

      7.3.1 Photography 101 -2 comments-
      7.3.2 Advanced Screenshot Tactics -2 comments-
      7.3.3 Skinning 101 -4 comments-

7.4 Special Characters Guide -4 comments-

8 Credits -13 comments-