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< 4.4.1: Specials 4.5: Saber Staff >
4.4.2: Combos -Lord Exar Kun - Feb 28 06:51am
Red style has got two sorts of combos, just like yellow:

-Spin combos
These work exactly the same in red as they do in yellow, just slower. You can do the double spin, the air spin, the single spin, and the easy way of doing them.

-Swing combos
Red is not as fast as yellow, and therefore you can chain less attacks wich resultsin less swing combos than in yellow. You can combine the following moves, however:

Diagonal swing
Forward swing
Side swing

examples of swing combos in red:

Sideswing right, diagonal swing right, forward swing
Diagonal swing left, diagonal swing right, forward swing

Advanced: Try to combine these moves yourself. Red demands a lot of thinking before you attack. Long, slow red swings will result in defenseless, so plan your swings ahead. Swinging not at all may be a clever option as well.

Complete Combo List:

Right Side (55 Combos)

1 2 3 Delay Spin

B B BR 3 3
B B FR - -
B BR BR 2 2,3
B BR R 2 2
B F BR 3 3
B FR B - -
B FR BR 3 3
B FR F - -
B FR FR 3 -
B FR R - 3

BR BR BR 3 3
BR BR FR 3 -
BR BR R - -
BR FR B 2 -
BR FR BR 2,3 3
BR FR F 2 -
BR FR FR 2,3 -
BR FR R 2 3
BR R BR 3* 3
BR R FR - -

F B BR 3 3
F B FR - -
F BR BR 2,3 2,3
F BR R 2 2
F F BR 3 3
F F FR - -
F FR B - -
F FR BR 3 3
F FR F - -
F FR FR 3 -
F FR R - 3

FR B BR 3 3
FR B FR - -
FR BR BR 2,3 2,3
FR BR FR 2,3 2
FR BR R 2 2
FR F BR 3 3
FR B FL - -
FR F FL - -
FR F FR - -
FR FR B - -
FR FR BR 3 3
FR FR F - -
FR FR R - 3
FR R BR - 2,3
FR R FR - 2

R BR BR 3 2,3
R BR FR 3 2
R BR R - 2
R FR B - -
R FR BR 3 3
R FR F - -
R FR R - 3
R R BR - 3
R R FR - -

Left Side (26 Combos)

1 2 3 Delay Spin
B B FL - -
B F FL - -
B FL B - -
B FL F - -
B FL L - 3

BL BL L - -
BL L BL - 3
BL L FL - -

F B FL - -
F F FL - -
F FL B - -
F FL F - -
F FL L - 3

FL B FL - -
FL F FL - -
FL F FR - -
FL FL B - -
FL FL F - -
FL FL L - 3
FL L BL - 2,3
FL L FL - 2

L BL L - 2
L FL F - -
L FL L - 3
L L BL - 3
L L FL - -


R = Strafe Right
FR = Forward + Strafe Right
BR = Backward + Strafe Right
B = Backward
F = Forward
L = Strafe Left
FL = Forward + Strafe Left
BL = Backward + Strafe Left
* = Swing can be delayed or not.
- = Not applicable.

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Oct 12 2007 04:39pm

 - Student

B, B, BR ... thts imposible :confused:

with B, B, he probably means two steps (which ingame will be holding the backwards key for not a too long time.

Apr 01 2006 07:09am

 - Student

there is another, though more a jump combo: do a low jump flip forward and do a FL attack. nice attack but you must hit first. =P
as long as there is light, there is darkness.
if i won't win fighting i will win dying...

Mar 11 2006 11:24pm

 - Student

B, B, BR ... thts imposible :confused:

Apr 18 2004 07:55am

 - Student

The complete list of Red Combos is the work of me and Mikel Rider. Both of us wish that this helps with your Red Stance!

The variable pitch font really butchers the chart. In each combo, there are 3 codes, the swing(s) number (1,2, or 3) on which there is a delay, and the swing(s) number on which there is a spin.

So, examples would be:

F BR R 2 2

This combo is Forward, Backward + Strafe Right, Strafe Right. The delay is on swing 2 (Backward + Strafe Right) and the spin is on swing 2.

BR R FR - -

This combo is Backward + Strafe Right, Strafe Right, Forward + Strafe Right. There are no delays and no spins.

FR BR FR 2,3 2

This combo is Forward + Strafe Right, Backward + Strafe Right, Forward + Strafe Right. There are delays on swing 2 and 3 (Backward + Strafe Right and Forward + Strafe Right.) There is a spin on swing 2 (Backward + Strafe Right.)

If you want a CFG file that will display the chart one combo at a time on the screen, contact me at and I will reply with the CFG file attached.
Gone but hopefully not forgotten...

This comment was edited by n00b on Apr 18 2004 08:05am.

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