The earthquake.. | |
Jacen Aratan - Student |
I'm quite surprised this thread hasn't been made before, actually. I count on nearly all of you to know, but if some don't know - a major earthquake (8,9 on the Richter scale - biggest in 40 years) struck right next to the island of Sumatra Sunday the 26th (Sumatra would be in Indonesia), and the following tsunami has killed [at the time of writing] roughly 80.000 people, with the likelyhood of at least another 20.000.... if the dead animals and humans are not removed, there's a great risk of malaria and colera, as well as other diseases. Many thousands are still unaccounted for, and the tsunami is known to have killed more than 100 African fishermen. Map of the earthquake How to help Please give these people a little thought on your way, as they (both inhabitants and tourists) were caught in one of the worst catastrophes since World War 2.... EDIT: The death toll is far above the 100 000 mark now, with lots to come.. and they still fear more than a third may be children. This post was edited by Jacen Aratan on Dec 30 2004 10:39pm. |
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Jenko - Student ![]() |
There is a relief concert being held in Cardiff (Millenium Stadium) next saturday with some of the top british and american acts there, they started to sell 11am this morning, it is now 14:40 and they're sold out _______________ Wyt ti'n siarad Cymraeg? rhyw ar y traeth! |
Jacen Aratan - Student |
No, the EU had it last Wednesday (Denmark skipped it though, as we'd already had one last Sunday). |
Jade Jedi - Retired ![]() |
I was glad to hear that my government is donating $1 billion to go towards aid and releif, along with how ever many millions indervidual people have already donated. All Australian free to air tv stations are broarcasting a live concert/telethon tonight to raise more money. We here in Australia are having a national day of morning on Sun 16 Jan is that the same everywhere ? _______________ *CLICKEH->Never risk the Fett Man|*Download my Saber here. Made by master craftsman Pink Floyd_Mintaka + his 2002 & 4000 comment's [Laz's 700th comment][BDKawika's 600th comment] & Owner of a TOWEL award!!|Master: Sared Padawans: Rage-Ball and Dante Eagle.|*Jade Jedi at The Jedi Academy Archives "There's only one Return and it's not of the King it's of the Jedi" Randal Clerks 2 The top 10 reasons why I procrastinate: 1. |
Jacen Aratan - Student |
Tomorrow TV2 (semi-government financed Danish TV station) will be having a "donate to the victims"-day, going from 8am till midnight... if any Danes are able to donate, go for it. ![]() |
Henkes - Student ![]() |
And for the dutchies... There are several fund-raising concerts you can go to aswell! I've signed up my band to participate in several too... So if you don't feel like just wiring money, then go to a concert, have a great time and help out those poor people! _______________ Get on your feet and do the Funky Alfonzo! This comment was edited by Henkes on Jan 06 2005 09:30pm. |
monkai - Student |
The Donation thingy on is legit too. |
Jacen Aratan - Student |
Organisations that have ads on TV should be legitimate enough, I'd go with them - or one of the organisations listed on BBC/CNN/your national network. |
Buzz - Student ![]() |
Yeah over $2 billion has been pledged by various nations, of course there's no guarrantee of all of them paying all of what they pledged. There is a tsunami warning system in place in the Pacific Ocean. This however occurred in the Indian Ocean. The U.S., Australia, Japan, and India are planning now to implement a warning system for the Indian Ocean. That will then be the method to be able to warn people in the future. It is very sad that it didn't exist sooner. If you can find an organization taking money for this cause, make sure its legitimate and then give what you can. Even a small amount can make a difference. _______________ When you are going through Hell, keep going. -Sir Winston Churchill. Those who seek power and control of others, no matter the level, no matter the intentions, should never be given it. |
Phantom - Student ![]() |
People all over the world werent celebrating new years they were praying... ![]() _______________ -Phantom Ex-Master to Threat. Proud owner of Sazabi's 1500th comment! And Threats 50th comment "Insanity: a perfect rational adjustment to an insane world" |
Jacen Aratan - Student |
Last thing I heard, some days ago, it was almost $2bn. Should be above by now.. |
Nero - Student ![]() |
Yesterday in a dutch paper there was said that at the moment 1,5 billion dollar has been raised. This is the worst disaster in a long time and it strikes me how easy it had been to avoid so many losses. Three hour before the wave actually hit Sri Lanka there where people knowing exactly how big it was and at what speed it was traveling. If the people at Sri Lanka would've been warned so many deaths would have been avoided... I can only say I really feel for this people and that I really hope the donations will do a lot of good and that those people there can pick up their lives again... _______________ -Nero Quote: Curious, Smartass, what else? |
Smilykrazy - Retired ![]() |
those numbers are just sickening. ![]() _______________ RIP MOM 06/29/58-07/31/08 Married to Koyi Donita 4/30/11 |
Jacen Aratan - Student |
95.000 just in Indonesia. :/ |
CuZzA - Student ![]() |
144,000 :S _______________ - Even if Carlsberg made "w*nkers", Christiano Ronaldo would still be the biggest "w*nker" in the world |
Gilan Jinn - Student ![]() |
Its just horrible , all of those family's torn apart, all of those people that are left behind. Its just almost unbelievable that something like that could happen , and its even worser cause it happend in the period of christmas. The entire world is helping now and that makes me happy. Take care people that survived the tsunami, you will pull trough this horrible time. _______________ My allie is the force , and a powerfull allie it is.{Yoda} -Proud padawan of Gradius -Grandfather to Quigon Jinn |
3th - Retired ![]() |
we feel helpless, we feel sad, we don't know what to do. we are thankful we are alive...this article hit me in the gut...gruesome reality in many ways... _______________ this is the internet, be serious damn it! |
Bail Hope of Belouve - Student |
I heard about this on the news, radio, internet, everywhere. This is terrible ![]() I wanted to post before, but I didn't know exactly what to say. I think it's awful that this has occurred, it's so terrible to have so many lives wasted ![]() At the same time though, notice how well the world suddenly works together. None of that 'You have gay marriages, so we ain't working with you' kind of crap, but every tries their best to help. In only one day, we had 3 million Euros in Belgium alone. This only shows how much we all care, I think. I pray for the victims and the survivors who are left behind. _______________ Visit the Belouve Family Website! Quote: I try to have fun with my friends and try to make a difference as best I can. What does making a difference mean? Well, it can be as simple as saying hello, answering a question that seems obvious or heck, just talking. -- Vladarion
Want to know Vladarion? Read the Article about his life here. |
Jacen Aratan - Student |
Bumped... Honestly, I thought the death of 129.000 people (very likely up to 150.000), biggest natural disaster since '71, would get just a tad more responses than the same 3-4 people posting more than once... This comment was edited by Jacen Aratan on Jan 02 2005 01:24pm. |
3th - Retired ![]() |
i know our gov't is doing some things. i just think a tragedy of this magnitude makes one question all kinds of priorities. but yeah, all to easy for me to be a critic; hindsight is 20/20; etc. so i'll keep my yapper shut. _______________ this is the internet, be serious damn it! |
Smilykrazy - Retired ![]() |
i heard the death toll is now 150k! ![]() _______________ RIP MOM 06/29/58-07/31/08 Married to Koyi Donita 4/30/11 |
Buzz - Student ![]() |
Quote: too bad we couldn't just take all of our troops out of iraq and put them towards relief work in asia. could maybe save more people than the resulting civil war in iraq. who really knows though. just makes you wonder why things happen the way they do sometimes. amazing tragedy...sad that the poorest part of the world is the worst affected by such things. ![]() 3th, just so you know, one of the things the US is doing is sending over military vessels and such. Along with probably the most money coming from the U.S. and not to mention individuals in the U.S. (A man from Cincinnati, Ohio gave $200,000 to pay for jet fuel for a 747 taking supplies over there.) My thoughts and prayers go out to the people who suffered this tragedy. _______________ When you are going through Hell, keep going. -Sir Winston Churchill. Those who seek power and control of others, no matter the level, no matter the intentions, should never be given it. |
CuZzA - Student ![]() |
i've donated £50 out of my own pocket money this morning![]() _______________ - Even if Carlsberg made "w*nkers", Christiano Ronaldo would still be the biggest "w*nker" in the world |
Smilykrazy - Retired ![]() |
yeah this whole thing makes me sick. Just imagine laying on the beach vacationing and Bam! Tsunami! Next thing you know you are covered by 20 foot waves struggling to catch a breath until the water just totally overwhelms you. Not to mention the waves come in and at least 100 mph. This REALLY makes me sick. ![]() _______________ RIP MOM 06/29/58-07/31/08 Married to Koyi Donita 4/30/11 |
Jade - Student ![]() |
This is very tragic. If you havent already, please either yourselves or your parents donate money for the relief aids to help them get what is needed to those affected is the least we could do........and pray God be with them all! _______________ "You don't know the power of the dark side....Buurrp!" |
CuZzA - Student ![]() |
125,000 _______________ - Even if Carlsberg made "w*nkers", Christiano Ronaldo would still be the biggest "w*nker" in the world |
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