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ping problems
Dec 31 2004 01:52pm

 - Student
I'm in Australia and because i'm so far a way form the servers it keeps stuffing up and 2 make it worse i got dial up so can some 1 please give me tips or cheat thingys to help the ping lower. !!! thx alot :D
first you get the money,
then you get the power,
then you get Revenge!

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Jan 01 2005 09:44am

 - Student

thank u's so much for that:D
first you get the money,
then you get the power,
then you get Revenge!

Jan 01 2005 06:00am

 - Cosplay Nerd

Yeah, I used to play on dial-up. It takes a very patient state of mind. The best thing you can do is upgrade to a faster connection, but I know this isn't always an option. And even if you get DSL, you are still going to get a 200-300ms ping to American servers, and about 300-400ms to European servers. (Telstra thinks it's a good idea to route to Europe via the US, so we go 2/3 of the way round the world, instead of 1/3. Oh well.) On dial-up this just gets worse, and more erratic.

But, if you still want to play on your dial-up connection, heres my best tips:

1. Optimise those settings which affect your connection such as rate, snaps and cl_maxpackets for a 56k connection. This means that you don't want to set them too high (you will find yourself timing out a lot if you do) but as high as you can.
rate = 4000 (default) works best for stability, but I have been able to get it up to 7000 on 56k, so just try something between those two
snaps = 20 (default) setting your snaps too high will actually cause a lot of lag spikes if you have a high ping. Though I once set it to 100 with my 56k and that made me so jumpy no-one could hit me :P then I timed out about 2 mins later.
cl_maxpackets = 40? this depends on your computer more than your connection, it's something you will play around with after you have the two above set nicely. It affects things like how shaky your model gets when you're near a ledge. It won't make it perfect, but having it set right will reduce the shakyness.
cg_lagometer = 1 this will draw a red box with 2 graphs on the right of your screen. It is useful for two things; 1st it will assist when you are trying to optimise your lag settings (you want the bottom graph to stay at the same level all the time to get the smoothest movement, and the top graph to be a flat line) 2nd it will ley you know when you are lagging out, or experiencing lag spikes so that you can take some kind of action.

2. Learn how to play with a delay. If you can get your ping to be consistent for a server, then you can teach yourself to anticipate how much in advance you need to swing/defend/fire. It's not an exact science, and sometimes there is just nothing you can do. However there are a few techniques that will at least make you a bit more competitive, despite the handicap. These require more personal instruction than I can provide on the forums though, so get someone to show you when you are in game.

3. Be patient. Understand that while you may or may not be the better player, you will still lose the duel, the fight, the match. There is nothing you can do about that, it is a handicap you can do little about. Put yourself in a state of mind where winning does not concern you. Do the best you can, and the more honourable players will respect you for it.

And remember, it's a game and a community that is built around having fun and showing respect. Lag or not, you can still do these two things. ;)
A wizard did it.

This comment was edited by ozzcoz on Jan 01 2005 06:02am.

Dec 31 2004 09:06pm

 - The Tarped Avenger

I don't think the Editing Forum is really the place for this, but ok...

There really isn't a lot you can do, sorry. If you can afford it, upgrade to a better Internet connection (if you're on a dial-up modem, go cable or DSL, if you're on one of those, look at T1). [EDIT: read your post a bit more carefully, so yeah, look at upgrading to cable or DSL.] Make sure you don't have any Internet apps, such as Kazaa or MSN, running in the background. Unfortunately, distance is THE real killer as far as ping goes. Try the Wireplay server, see if it's any better there. Also try talking to some of the other Aussies here (such as ozzcozz) and find out what they do.
Saving the world, one kilobyte at a time.

This comment was edited by tarpman on Dec 31 2004 09:07pm.

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