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Dedicated Server
Feb 01 2005 06:30pm

 - Student
I've tried recently to start my own dedicated server. I would run the server, then enter JAMP through another shortcut. (This is all on MY PC). However, I can't seem to find my server on the server list for Internet. If I add it to favourites, then it shows up, but it doesn't show up normally. I've heard that it could be due to the fact that I have a wireless router, but if it's another reason, please tell me. Last night, I could find it on the server list, but today, no luck. An online friend from my clan also tried to find it, but no luck. I can only find it if I add it manually by IP address. HELP!
"To become a greater man, you must be a lesser one first."

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Feb 01 2005 06:59pm

 - Student

I used a JA+ 2.3 beta server.cfg. It doesn't seem to have the cvar, "sv_public." I'll try putting it in, see if it works. Thanks a lot, man. :)

EDIT: it also has 5 hearbeat servers, like jk3. ravensoft,, qtracker... etc.

EDIT 2: IT WORKS!! BY THE DAMN SAVING LIGHT IT WORKS!! ahem... thanks tarpman, your a real lifesaver. :cool:
"To become a greater man, you must be a lesser one first."

This comment was edited by Ecks on Feb 01 2005 07:04pm.

Feb 01 2005 06:32pm

 - The Tarped Avenger

Make sure the server has sv_public set to 1 and at least one IP in the list of heartbeat servers. This can be done manually in the console (although it requires restarting the map) or in the server config. Check the default server.cfg for details.
Saving the world, one kilobyte at a time.

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