Some Mod Suggestions | |
TheCrow21 - Student |
Hey all, You probably don't see me round much but i love ja (surprise surprise ) and thought i could give a few suggestions of things that people want in mods and stuff because i'm always going round servers hearing little things people wanna see in mods but never get so i thought i would just pass them on . 1) Added accesories on the custom skin screen e.g capes, hoods, holsters 2) More moves (But many people are always making those ) 3) Here's one of my own, i've noticed this new ja mod beta, and all the new hilts are good and all but where are the old ones, i wanna stick to my old hilt, lol, so if you're gonna make something new please keep the old stuff in 4) More character size variety 5) Dismemberment (I've heard this soooo many times, i swear there was a mod for it or something?) Just a few things i decided to let on for you guys . _______________ John Doe Beat TheCrow21 with 100 health and 100 armor left. "Story of my life" |
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Comments |
TheCrow21 - Student |
lol, don't worry about it, i respect other peoples opinion. Even so i don't have enough dignity left to lose I just thought u guys oculd use this, i thought the whole cape and hoods idea was pretty good but i figured it wouldn't be possible, o well, thanks for the replies guys _______________ John Doe Beat TheCrow21 with 100 health and 100 armor left. "Story of my life" |
Orion - Retired |
The additional skins and hilts are separate of the MOD, they are there for the server not hte mod. As for adding those things to the mod. I don't think so. I don't like any of those, and they take away from what hte mod is suppost to be. Which is an Administration mod, with minor gameplay changes that can easily be turned on or off. I can pretty much go word for word with what gradius said. _______________ When a Man lies he murder's some part of the world. These are the pale deaths which men misscall there lives. All this I cannot bear to witness any longer. Cannot the kingdom of salvation take me home? -Cliff Burton Owner of Smily's 1900th comment | <Lady_Catherine> i love your sexy white socks! | (Lady_Catherine) i adore u! | (Lady_Catherine) onion (Lady_Catherine) i lub u |
tarpman - The Tarped Avenger |
/seta cg_dismemberment 100 /seta broadsword 1 All the JA servers have it enabled. _______________ Saving the world, one kilobyte at a time. |
Gradius - Ex-Student |
Alright, let's go down this list 1-by-1 and see what's good and what's bad. Added accessories. To my knowledge, hoods and capes can't be done without some sort of expansion pack for the custom screen. Like, custom heads with hoods, bodies with capes, etc. That would be cool though, wouldn't mind seeing it. As for holsters, well, I think it's one of the stupidest things Slider put in JA+. Of course, it's only the beta, however I've seen these holsters be exploited in so many different ways. They're not suppost to be there, and when coded in, people are going to find ways to screw other people over with them, no matter how prefect they go with the mod. The moves, well, I know it seems like a good idea and all, but these new moves are also not part of the game. They're simply emotes (commands used for the use of ingame cutscenes) being exploited to the max, or at least the ones from JA+ are. Once again, it's not part of the original game, and completely screw over the gameplay. Slider even found a way to screw over the saber mechanics for staff single. Instead of it being yellow stance, you now have the option for it it be either blue or red stance. Come on, a staff as powerful as it already is with red stance as it's second stance option? Rediculous and buggy. Character size. Well, I agree that there should be more range in character sizes, to a point though. In JA+, you have an option to run around as a Kyle Katarn that is no taller than a staff hilt. Not only is it's power just as great, but it's speed in swings is twice as fast. This is complete BS. What were you thinking, Slider? And last, dismemberment. This is already around, and it's part of the game. Only thing is, the server and the clients need to have it set, but more importantly the server. It already has plenty or dismemberment properties, such as head, arms, torso, legs, feet. Not sure what else you can do with it. So yeah, that's my summary of all of this. TheCrow21, please do not take this as any personal attack against you or your ideas, it's not ment to be at all. This is simply my opinion on your suggestions, some I agree with, some I don't for good reasons. But I do like the fact that you took the initiative to make this thread and place your ideas in it. But, don't expect to get the responses you may or may not expect to for some of the ideas. _______________ - Proud padawan of Kueller. - We really are at the beginning of it all. The trick, of course, is to make sure we never find the end. - Bill Bryson, A Short History of Nearly Everything - <gen-e-sis-happy> Liek, you can train, liek, a n00b, but he'll just be a trained n00b... --> Wise words! - "daer SOE me likes your a company i am having your some money for letting me do stuff cos mes the best amd i do it all meself" - Slider |
Setementor - Jedi Master |
Some good suggestions there, but I do believe that the mod the Jedi Academy currently uses is just an Administration mod, unlike JA+. Well, it may have a few other features, but that's its main purpose - to help keep your server under control. This comment was edited by Setementor on Apr 07 2005 09:02pm. |
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