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jk2(3)files file submitting
Apr 08 2005 09:55am

 - Student
you know the jk2files/ ? Does anyone know the right procedure for submitting files?
I tried a couple 'o times but there was nothing...
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Apr 08 2005 11:38am

 - Jedi Master

As long as it isn't violating the rules, it should be fine.

Apr 08 2005 11:21am

 - Ex-Student

All I know is go to the Submit Files page and follow the procedure written there. They may or may not accept them, it depends on wether or not they think it's "worthy" that they'll accept it. If you haven't been e-mailed back about it, chances are they either already have that file, don't like it, or are just really backed up.
- Proud padawan of Kueller.
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- <gen-e-sis-happy> Liek, you can train, liek, a n00b, but he'll just be a trained n00b... --> Wise words!
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