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Editing Grip Force Power
Jul 29 2005 01:01am

 - Student
Anyone know where I can find the files directly relating to the grip force power in JKA? i.e., the .efx files, jpg, tga files, etc. Is it in assets1, and if so, which folder? I've looked everywhere, and am not sure what to do, from fear of completely screwing my game.

Thanks in advance.
"To become a greater man, you must be a lesser one first."

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Aug 09 2005 11:59pm

Limana D'Kana
 - Student
 Limana D'Kana

I have no idea.
c",) c",) c",) c",) c",) c",) c",) c",)

Aug 09 2005 02:33am

 - Student

It's nothing special, I just got fed up with how it's just a red mist around your hands. I'll try out Force Touch.

And don't worry, I won't screw up my game, I know what I'm doing. :)

EDIT: I checked force_touch. It says force distraction, so I think it's for mind trick.
"To become a greater man, you must be a lesser one first."

This comment was edited by Ecks on Aug 09 2005 02:34am.

Aug 03 2005 11:44pm

 - The Tarped Avenger

I don't have the EFX editor installed, so I can't check, but I suspect you may be looking for


That's the best one I can find right now, after looking through \effects and \gfx.

EDIT: Turns out this was my 3000th comment. Feel special. :P
Saving the world, one kilobyte at a time.

This comment was edited by tarpman on Aug 04 2005 12:04am.

Aug 03 2005 05:15pm

El Vee For
 - Student
 El Vee For

I don't know where the file you requested is, but I can help you with your concern for screwing up your game while you try this and that. Just load all yer custom .pk3 that are used for that Academy and what not, then you have a couple choices

1. Back up your \base folder simply by copying the folder to another location

2. Reinstall your game but choose the folder location during the install wizard.

I use the latter, I create several maps a week just for the fun and I use my second install for all my goofin around, just go to the folder you created for your second install and create a shortcut to your desktop and label it as you will to identify it as your second install. I also route my radiant to my second install so my primary install is as clean as possible. This method uses up some (5GB) HDD space but is totally worth it if you like tweaking but hate when yer tweaks crash yer game.

I can look around for the anim files, I am somewhat of a coder, but before I do a question...

What is yer plan for the file?

if its Top Secret just tell me so, I will still help ya out.
“Arguing on the internet is like competing in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you’re still retarded.”

Aug 02 2005 12:22am

 - Student

Thanks for the help. I'll give it a shot. :)
"To become a greater man, you must be a lesser one first."

Aug 01 2005 06:47pm

Bail Hope of Belouve
 - Student
 Bail Hope of Belouve

I THINK it's in Assets0, but I'm not sure

And I have no idea how to do it either.

I know, my answer isn't realy an answer, but I used it to *bump* your thread so you might get an answer :P
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