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New computer advice: Which AMD CPU should I get?
Dec 10 2005 05:14pm

 - Student
It will mostly be for games, some CD/DVD burning, and the other miscellaneous things we folks at JA might do.

Most people are leaning toward the AMD 64 FX family. However, the AMD 64 X2 4800+ is a little cheaper than the FX-57. I could save some money or add something else. Here's what else I plan on:

- Asus A8N-SLI Premium mobo
- 2 GB of (hopefully) CL2 DDR PC3200 RAM
- GeForce 7800 GTX w/ 512 MB RAM
- at least 160 GB 7200 rpm SATA 150 (or whatever that is) HD...8 MB cache I think
- not sure on soundcard

Need to get a good gaming keyboard and mouse too.

If anyone has any advice or opinions on the CPU choice or the other aspects of the purchase let me know. ;)

Oh! Almost forgot! Any advice on good Internet companies to buy from is needed! I live in US so pls take that into consideration. I plan on ordering in 2 days and having it rushed so I can play it over holidays and during my vacation!
- Threat
Ex-Unofficial Padawan of Rivian, AKA Chaos
Ex-Unofficial Padawan of Phantom
Owner of Grycen's 180th comment, Raydoe's 455th comment, and Rivian's EVIL 666th comment!

This post was edited by Threat on Dec 10 2005 05:19pm.

Which AMD CPU would you get if you were me - considering I mostly play games, but may do other things in the future?

vote results
AMD 64 FX-57 AMD 64 FX-57 [3 votes] [20%]
AMD 64 FX-55 AMD 64 FX-55 [3 votes] [20%]
AMD 64 X2 4800+ AMD 64 X2 4800+ [9 votes] [60%]

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Jan 08 2006 12:01am

 - Student

the FX-56 is only 400mz faster then an AMD 64 4000+:P
and having a super fast CPU wont make that much difference
also a 160GB hard drive could get full very quickly so you might end up with 2 hard drives (or u could uninstall things when it gets full)

Yeah, but FX-55 looks cooler than 4000+. :P

On my last computer I had an 80 GB HD I think. I never got close to filling it up. Even with 5 gigs of mp3s and all my games. So I think 160 MB will be OK. :cool:
- Threat
Ex-Unofficial Padawan of Rivian, AKA Chaos
Ex-Unofficial Padawan of Phantom
Owner of Grycen's 180th comment, Raydoe's 455th comment, and Rivian's EVIL 666th comment!

Jan 07 2006 05:46pm

 - Student

the FX-56 is only 400mz faster then an AMD 64 4000+:P
and having a super fast CPU wont make that much difference
also a 160GB hard drive could get full very quickly so you might end up with 2 hard drives (or u could uninstall things when it gets full)

This comment was edited by CyberKiller on Jan 07 2006 05:50pm.

Jan 02 2006 06:45am

 - Student

You posted here and on my gaming mouse your helping-Threat-get-a-good-gaming-setup quota has been fulfilled for the month. ;)
- Threat
Ex-Unofficial Padawan of Rivian, AKA Chaos
Ex-Unofficial Padawan of Phantom
Owner of Grycen's 180th comment, Raydoe's 455th comment, and Rivian's EVIL 666th comment!

Jan 01 2006 07:31pm

Kenwan Obiobi
 - Student

I ended up getting the FX-55 with the A8N-SLI Premium mobo, 2 GB of low latency RAM (CL2) and the 7800 GTX with 256 MB of RAM. The HD is 160 GB SATA 150.

I compromised in some areas (like the FX-55 instead of FX-57) so that I could get things like the extra spiffy RAM. The reason I wanted a somewhat powerful computer is that I buy to keep it able to play future games for years. I usually go 4 years between new comps so getting a "budget" rig usually is not an option. Yes, I know I could buy 2 lesser machines every 2 years, but I kinda like doing it this way. ;)

Thanks for all of the advice, tho. It's always nice to see everyone's perspectives!

Agreed! A mighty fine rig you have too :D

Nice one!

If you need pc advice or anything, you know where to find me :p My pleasure :)

Dave (C'au Onasi):alliance:

Jan 01 2006 06:12pm

 - Student

I ended up getting the FX-55 with the A8N-SLI Premium mobo, 2 GB of low latency RAM (CL2) and the 7800 GTX with 256 MB of RAM. The HD is 160 GB SATA 150.

I compromised in some areas (like the FX-55 instead of FX-57) so that I could get things like the extra spiffy RAM. The reason I wanted a somewhat powerful computer is that I buy to keep it able to play future games for years. I usually go 4 years between new comps so getting a "budget" rig usually is not an option. Yes, I know I could buy 2 lesser machines every 2 years, but I kinda like doing it this way. ;)

Thanks for all of the advice, tho. It's always nice to see everyone's perspectives!
- Threat
Ex-Unofficial Padawan of Rivian, AKA Chaos
Ex-Unofficial Padawan of Phantom
Owner of Grycen's 180th comment, Raydoe's 455th comment, and Rivian's EVIL 666th comment!

Jan 01 2006 03:55pm

Kenwan Obiobi
 - Student

Do not buy the FX cpus, they are overprices and not really worth it go for the 2X FX are overrated. peice of S*** thats what they are.

Agreed... want the latest flash-bang kick ass system so your thinking about duelcore/fx processors eh?

Think about just dont need that kind of power in this day and age...especially if the 'main' game you play is jedi academy lol! But this even applies to the latest games as well!

I am coping just fine with my Athlon 64 3500+ which is great and is probably going to last me a long time yet!, i mean, at its current price (some places have it selling for £100 - thats cheap btw, if ur not from UK and at that price its a snatch), go for it, pile that up with a 32 pixle pipeline 7800gtx or whatever although im coping just fine running ANY game on my PCI-X motherboard with 2GB DDR400, Geforce 6600gt and finally, the Athlon 64 3500+...think about it, perhaps if you're in to full-on graphics design, mapping/ 3D level design or whatever, then yes, go for the duel core or the 4800+ but as you stated Quote:
It will mostly be for games, some CD/DVD burning, and the other miscellaneous things we folks at JA might do.
you just will not need all that power to do those tasks and you will basically just be wasting your money spending god knows how much on a processor which you won't be using to its fullest potential! You can go for any of those processors if you wish, i understand that you probably want to have the most kick arse pc out there etc etc etc...but like i said wont be using it to its fullest potential (AT THIS TIME). You might as well go for a powerful 'budget' processor, such as the AMD64 3500+ like i have as it is not outdated as yet, everything is BANG quick, instant and it does everything you want it to do. Remember, games are not processor reliant these days, they require a 'good' processor to help the graphics card, but its the graphics card that is doing pretty much all the work (except in games such as ut2k4 :P). Ill put it like my advice, get a less powerful processor, and spend the excess on that beautiful sounding 'crative x-fi' soundcard...or...just get yourself a creative audigy 7.1pro - w/e its called. As for your Hard drive...thats fine, RAM...fine...Graphics card...dont really need that power but stick withit as it will be nice anyway to be able to stick EVERYTHING on full, including the resolution :D. See below....great computer spec.

-AMD Athlon 64 3500+....(Oooooh get the 'Arctic Cooling 'freezer 64' CPU cooler to go with that! Its awesome, i use it...keeps everything nice and cool, which is what u want)
-PCIX Motherboard (you can decide...most are pretty damn good nowdays anyway)
-2gb DDR400 (your choice again)
-160gb S-ata (yep)
-Creative Audigy X-FI or (cheaper) 7.1 (cant remember its precise name but easy enough to find lol)

The rest of the spec such as the drives is up to you....

Hope this is of SOME help at least :P

Dave (C'au Onasi):alliance:

EDIT: Oh...and a internet with PIPEX broadband...they are great...i think they are based in US, but i live in the UK and obviously went with the UK Pipex instead and i have to say, i havent had any problems whatsoever :)

Oh...and a good gaming keyboard? Well im using the Saitek 'Eclipse' Keyboard with no current problems at all. It has a handy backlight which is useful in low-light situations and comes with volume controls (like most keyboards do). There is one problem with it though. As it is a gaming keyboard, it does not feel very comfortable doing normal typing such as typing up work would think that it would be ok, but imo, it just doesnt feel right for that purpose, /shrugs.

Get the new Logitech gaming keyboard...they have a great rep for normal work related typing and gaming and this keyboard is (apparently) no exception! I would go for that one if it was out when i got my Saitek.

Mouse? The new Logitech G5 without a doubt....i use a Razor Diamonback and it is not easy to configure and i (personally) havent been finding it very confortable to use!


Ah well....this may come in handy for someone else...took me long enough to compose lol!

Ciao from C'au:alliance:

This comment was edited by Kenwan Obiobi on Jan 01 2006 04:03pm.

Dec 26 2005 04:18am

DJ Sith
 - Jedi Council
 DJ Sith

Games are starting to support SMP (Quake 4 and COD2 come to mind). You'll get a nutty performance from dual cores. Go with the x2.
My car is made of Nerf.

Dec 25 2005 05:10am

 - Student

Do not buy the FX cpus, they are overprices and not really worth it go for the 2X FX are overrated. peice of S*** thats what they are.

Thats pretty harsh. The cpu that is over-rated is the dual core, dunno if that's what your saying or not. There are no applications that will take advantage of dual processing as of now, unless you intend to run other apps while gaming. For pure performance, there isn't a mainstream cpu that compares to the fx models.
I know whats been troubling you......

Dec 23 2005 03:31am

 - Student

Do not buy the FX cpus, they are overprices and not really worth it go for the 2X FX are overrated. peice of S*** thats what they are.

Dec 19 2005 08:51am

Ris Win Juljul
 - Padawan
 Ris Win Juljul

Like some of the guys have said already if you have the money get a FX-55 or 57, the X2 dual cores havet really come into play with gaming yet as no game takes advantage of using both cores, but over all its your decision.

Hope this helps :D

Ris :alliance:
-Padawan of Virtue
-Brother of Menaxia, *|irael, Krynn Adept, Majno, Mic Den Octela, DaMi3N, Beowulf, Dash Starlight, Carrock and Yuken Zalak
-Proud owner to Mics 100th and 777th comment's, Lady C's 700th Comment and Emm's 100th Comment ^^
-A Proud Knight of Nippledom

This comment was edited by Ris Win Juljul on Dec 19 2005 08:53am.

Dec 15 2005 10:59pm

Mic Den Octela
 - Student
 Mic Den Octela

ALL OF THEM! Then give the two you decide don't work to me.
-Padawan of Virtue -Brother of Menaxia, *|irael, Krynn Adept, Majno, Ris Win Juljul, DaMi3N, Beowulf, Dash Starlight, Carrock and Yuken Zalak Bartender at Munes bar. Sir Mic of Nippledom! Proudly beating Wang, since '07. (Crackdown)

Dec 13 2005 09:35pm

Jeramia Adept
 - Student
 Jeramia Adept

I would recommend the fx-57 however seeing as thats a very expensive chip right now i would suggest you go with the 4800, both are efficient enough to propell games with great magnitude

The Force is my ally, and a powerful ally it is.

Padawan Brother to Darth Sirius

Dec 11 2005 05:30am

 - Student

If your spending the money, I'd go with the fx55 or fx57. Dual core is not something that will provide you with much benefit, and the fx series offer unparalled processing speed and power.
I know whats been troubling you......

Dec 10 2005 08:52pm

 - Jedi Council

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Dec 10 2005 08:05pm

 - Distributor of Cold Ones

I've got an AMD 3000+ and it's fine. I just need a new video card. I think you might be happier keeping the extra $250 or so and saving that for a future upgrade, or buying random crap that appeals to you. :)
|-HK-47 -SilkMonkey: You are receiving a warning for being_too_sexy. If you do not stop, action will be taken against you.|| (11:13:43) � Virtue dances for Silk ||Smiling owner of Smilykrazy's 6000th comment =) ||Odan Wei's Proud Big Brother|| Janus is my official TaruTaru Cuddly Animal Type Person. ||(@Virtue) Or you could just be a man and set fire to your won't fall asleep for days after me.||Thomas Skywalker er for sexy for sitt eget beste!!!!| Not changing sig until the JA loosens up. (Started: Aug 31, 2005)

Dec 10 2005 07:29pm

 - Student

Yeah, I recently got an AMD 64 3400+ for a processor on my new comp, and it works like a dream. I've got just about the same specs as you, except I've got a 256MB GeForce 7800 GTX, but I still have the ability to play games like F.E.A.R. at high settings and it runs really well.

So if you're looking to save a bit of money, I'd go with the 3400+. Although if you really wish to get the dual-core 4800, then yeah, it's a good $250 cheaper than the FX-57, so I'd go with that if you had to, although I still recommend the 3400+. It really depends on how much of a budget you're going on.

With the internet, I would suggest calling your local cable internet company and asking them about their internet services. I'm currently on DSL, but cable seems to be the better choice for most people.

Happy shopping!

Dec 10 2005 06:37pm

 - Nugget

im using the amd 64 3400+ and to be honest its perfect for anygame i've played so far.
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