Uk governement to change murder laws possibly | |
Monteeeeeee - Nugget ![]() |
So it seems the Uk might adopt the USA approach to muder cases in classes them in to differnt degrees. ( 1st and 2nd ) Personally i think its a good idea, but i think maybe in extreme cases we should bring back capital punishment to try and stop some people killing people on purpose. What do you guys think ?? Good or Bad idea for UK ? LINK to the story BBC Law change Coverage* LINK is to a story closely linked to it all and possibly the starting cause of the change. BBC report* _______________ If you add me to MSN, tell me who you are ![]() Best Movie Character EVER!! This post was edited by Monteeeeeee on Dec 20 2005 09:30pm. |
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El Vee For - Student ![]() |
Buzz makes a good point "...its a comfort they don't deserve." Along the same line of why do they sterilize the spot that the catheter is inserted in. I am pretty sure the chemicals in the bottles next to em are going to eradicate any possible infections. Death is a sentence left for the worst of the worst, while texas seems to have an accelerated penalty program, particularly since GW held the reigns in TX, it does have a good program. Kill a couple people, a child or a cop and you are gettin the juice. End of story. While Tookie was what the 12th guy to die in Cali since the Death penalty was reinstated in 77'. That ain't right. If cali started executing gang bangers that murder in the same way that Texas does, gang murders would be a thing of the past. The only thing we can count on, from the criminal mind, is the survival instinct. Everyone wants to live, which is why we should execute more multi murderers. Set the example and the rest will follow. _______________ “Arguing on the internet is like competing in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you’re still retarded.” |
Buzz - Student ![]() |
Quote: Heres an idea. Kill the "Cold Blooded murderes" That way we don't have to worry about them anymore and not pay 30-40 thousand a year per prisoner to keep them alive. When it comes to obviously purposeful murders I would agree. But I don't think someone should get the death penalty if they accidently hit some j-walker.However, if they were to do that, they would have to make the court process much more thorough, as to be absolutely sure that the person is guilty. That is a major reason that a lot of people are against the death penalty; inocent people sometimes get killed because they were framed or otherwise. accidentally killing a jay walker won't get you the death penalty anyways. Hell you might not even get vehicular manslaughter. Just ask the kid who lives in the town next to me who killed a little girl with his car. And can you show any examples of some innocent people being put to death? Look the Death Penalty is reserved for the lowest of the low. The Worst scum of the criminals. I don't think anything short of Murder One will make them consider having it as the sentence. These people have done things so bad that its seen as a legitimate idea to guarrantee that they will never do it again. They've demonstrated that they do not follow the rules of society. Lethal injection is about the only way people are killed now, and the only pain that causes is sticking the needle in. For some of the things these men and woman did, its a comfort they don't really deserve. _______________ When you are going through Hell, keep going. -Sir Winston Churchill. Those who seek power and control of others, no matter the level, no matter the intentions, should never be given it. |
Ashyr - Student ![]() |
Quote: Heres an idea. Kill the "Cold Blooded murderes" That way we don't have to worry about them anymore and not pay 30-40 thousand a year per prisoner to keep them alive. When it comes to obviously purposeful murders I would agree. But I don't think someone should get the death penalty if they accidently hit some j-walker.However, if they were to do that, they would have to make the court process much more thorough, as to be absolutely sure that the person is guilty. That is a major reason that a lot of people are against the death penalty; inocent people sometimes get killed because they were framed or otherwise. _______________ Top ten reasons to get a better computer...|My fan |
Ðemiµrg° - Student ![]() |
Institutionalising the most vile crime as a valid means of judicial punishment say something about a society and it's values, does it not? _______________ God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh. |
Buzz - Student ![]() |
No it wouldn't Kukok. Murder is by definition the unlawful killing of a person. Since the death penalty is legal, it completely flies in the face of the definition of murder. It may be cold blooded but its still the law. _______________ When you are going through Hell, keep going. -Sir Winston Churchill. Those who seek power and control of others, no matter the level, no matter the intentions, should never be given it. |
Vasper Ba'xian - Student ![]() |
Would make us a country where criminals know they will get what they give. _______________ Brother to: Tamal, Kavar, J.D.,Jermia, Devlin, Ulic, Xiabara, Seij,Tarron Mib,>>>ROCK ON ![]() |
Kukok - Student ![]() |
wouldnt that make US cold blooded murderers (however the hell u spell that) |
Kukok - Student ![]() |
wouldnt that make US cold blooded murderers (however the hell u spell that) |
Vasper Ba'xian - Student ![]() |
Heres an idea. Kill the "Cold Blooded murderes" That way we don't have to worry about them anymore and not pay 30-40 thousand a year per prisoner to keep them alive. _______________ Brother to: Tamal, Kavar, J.D.,Jermia, Devlin, Ulic, Xiabara, Seij,Tarron Mib,>>>ROCK ON ![]() |
JavaGuy - Student ![]() |
Eh. With good behavior they'll be out in 300.![]() _______________ My signature is only one line. You're welcome. |
Buzz - Student ![]() |
Yeah didn't the '93 WTC bombers get something like 480 years in prison or something odd like that? _______________ When you are going through Hell, keep going. -Sir Winston Churchill. Those who seek power and control of others, no matter the level, no matter the intentions, should never be given it. |
JavaGuy - Student ![]() |
I recently read about an exchange between a judge an a convict at a sentencing hearing. The guy was sentenced to a period of "not less than 75 years and not more than 125 years" in prison. He said, "Your Honour, I don't think I can do that much time." The judge smiled and said, "Then you do as much time as you can." ![]() _______________ My signature is only one line. You're welcome. |
Buzz - Student ![]() |
The US, life is typically 20-25 years I believe. That's if they get paroled. Parole hearings happen every 20 years or so. If someone has consecutive life sentences, then that also extends the time before they are able to be paroled. Thats why you hear about people receiving 3 consecutive life sentences and stuff. And then there is life without parole as well. That is a life sentence. _______________ When you are going through Hell, keep going. -Sir Winston Churchill. Those who seek power and control of others, no matter the level, no matter the intentions, should never be given it. |
Monteeeeeee - Nugget ![]() |
Quote: the sad thruth is some humans wont stop klilling no matter what you put in their way in likes of punishment etc... Very true. But in those cases where we catch the killer, we can certainly stop him from killing again, whether through the death penalty or just life in prison. Life at the minute in the UK is about 14yrs or so, possibly 20yrs if you have enough media attention, i sure wish life ment life ![]() _______________ If you add me to MSN, tell me who you are ![]() Best Movie Character EVER!! This comment was edited by Monteeeeeee on Dec 28 2005 06:00pm. |
JavaGuy - Student ![]() |
Quote: the sad thruth is some humans wont stop klilling no matter what you put in their way in likes of punishment etc... Very true. But in those cases where we catch the killer, we can certainly stop him from killing again, whether through the death penalty or just life in prison. I'm not sure I buy that our society is cruel. It's the society that created laws and mores against murder in the first place. Note that the death penalty debate is all about the best and most moral way to prevent/punish murder, not about whether there's anything wrong with murder--everyone but a murderer is against murder. _______________ My signature is only one line. You're welcome. |
JavaGuy - Student ![]() |
Quote: I'm not sure the UK really covers 'other western nations' on it's own, but okay, I guess there may be some truth to it. Well you asked for an example, and I gave one. I don't know about the other Western nations; U.K. just sprang to mind because I knew about the handgun ban and the armed robbery situation, so I Googled it. _______________ My signature is only one line. You're welcome. |
xAnAtOs - Student |
I'm not sure the UK really covers 'other western nations' on it's own, but okay, I guess there may be some truth to it. _______________ Brother to Luke Skywalker and (SKX) Dark Blade ![]() Lag Brother to Acey Spadey ![]() Jools is my best friend. ![]() <Henkes> nebody feeling like abusing me with a lightsaber?|+Smilykrazy grabs Gradius, beats the living CRAP out of him, then throws him into a huge vat of ACID |
Casual - Student ![]() |
Not the society, but the human mind. _______________ Thanks to the human heart by which we live, Thanks to its tenderness, its joys, and fears, To me the meanest flower that blows can give Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears. |
Monteeeeeee - Nugget ![]() |
the sad thruth is some humans wont stop klilling no matter what you put in their way in likes of punishment etc... cruel society we live in i guess... _______________ If you add me to MSN, tell me who you are ![]() Best Movie Character EVER!! This comment was edited by Monteeeeeee on Dec 28 2005 09:26am. |
JavaGuy - Student ![]() |
Quote: Like where? United Kingdom: Murder rates up 41% since 1995. Most of the increase came after 1997, when essentially all handguns were banned. Robbery/home invasion rates shot up dramatically too, once the bad guys knew that law-abiding homeowners had been conveniently disarmed by their government. Perhaps a topic for another thread, but I suspect much of the murder rate in the United States is directly or indirectly attributable to the War on (some) Drugs. _______________ My signature is only one line. You're welcome. |
xAnAtOs - Student |
Like where? _______________ Brother to Luke Skywalker and (SKX) Dark Blade ![]() Lag Brother to Acey Spadey ![]() Jools is my best friend. ![]() <Henkes> nebody feeling like abusing me with a lightsaber?|+Smilykrazy grabs Gradius, beats the living CRAP out of him, then throws him into a huge vat of ACID |
Buzz - Student ![]() |
The murder rate in the US may be higher than other western nations, but you must also consider that in the US the rate has been showing a decreasing rate. In others there have been trends showing an increase. _______________ When you are going through Hell, keep going. -Sir Winston Churchill. Those who seek power and control of others, no matter the level, no matter the intentions, should never be given it. |
Vasper Ba'xian - Student ![]() |
The world has become too soft on criminals. "Oh they have rights" the crying liberals say. Yeah and so did the person/s they murdered. People will continue to murder other people until they know that when caught and found guilty, they will be taken from the courthouse, and have a bullet put in there head. None of this staying on death row for 20 years and costing the tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep them alive. No, when the trials over take him into the next room and kill him, the same way he killed his victim/s. People need to stop whining about it being wrong. Grow some *(_#@#@'s and start dealing wih the problem. EYE FOR AN EYE! Also here in Indy, a State Trooper came home to find a guy burgler kicking in his door. Indiana law states that the owner of a property has the right to defend said property using deadly force if nessassary. Trooper shot and killed him. in my opinion......well I certainly wasn't sad about it. Got what was comin to him. My roomate and I have 6 guns between us. LoL if anyone is stupid enough to break into my apt while I'm home, they better be able o run faster than a bullet. _______________ Brother to: Tamal, Kavar, J.D.,Jermia, Devlin, Ulic, Xiabara, Seij,Tarron Mib,>>>ROCK ON ![]() This comment was edited by Vasper Ba'xian on Dec 23 2005 03:00pm. |
Raziel Anjelis - Student ![]() |
Has anyone read the news recently? 6 people (i think) had abused this poor woman for several years, to the extent that she died of a blood clot to the brain due to massive trauma. These people cruelly made her life hell then ended it. One boy was even forced to eat his own s**t and drink his own pee. What they did has gotta be in breach of several human rights laws......on top of murder. What did they each get? 14 years. Each. Sorry but that is f-ing disgraceful. _______________ Proud owner of El Vee For's 200th Comment, and Wicek's 2600th comment ![]() ![]() This comment was edited by Raziel Anjelis on Dec 23 2005 02:06pm. |
JavaGuy - Student ![]() |
"Rehabilitation" redefines murder as some sort of sickness rather than a moral choice. So many things in society today are thought of as diseases--it's really just a means of abdicating personal responsibility. This site strikes me as somewhat questionable, for a number of reasons, but at least it includes a clear disclaimer stating that its stating that "crime statistics are often better indicators of prevalence of law enforcement and willingness to report crime, than actual prevalence," which is refreshingly honest. They have the U.S. at just under 4.3 murders per 100,000, i.e. practically none at all. Yes, France at about 1.7 murders per 100,000 is closer to zero murders, but that's a far cry from saying the United States has a high murder rate. The rate it gives for the U.K. is even lower, and I'm extremely skeptical of that. To put this in perspective, for suicides only in the age range of 15-24: * The United States has 13.7 per 100,000 people * France has 10.3 per 100,000 people * The U.K. has 6.7 per 100,000 people * New Zealand has 26.7 per 100,000 people ![]() Again, note that these are only suicide in the age range of 15-24, while the murder statistics are all murders total. (New Zealand has a total of only 1.1 murders per 100,000 people--from their suicide rate I'd have to say New Zealanders are their own worst enemies.) _______________ My signature is only one line. You're welcome. |
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