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SWG bugs fixed yet?
Dec 23 2005 11:57pm

 - Student
im just wondering because i played from june till november and i stopped cuz of bugs and im just wondering if any of the bugs are fixed
(O.o )
(> < ) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination.

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Dec 28 2005 06:08pm

Alex Dkana
 - Staff
 Alex Dkana

still got my account for sentimental value

same here although, this is my last month. I plan on coming back briefly before they wipe my toon or whatever.
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana

Dec 28 2005 05:57pm

 - Nugget

still got my account for sentimental value
If you add me to MSN, tell me who you are :P

Best Movie Character EVER!!

Dec 26 2005 12:41pm

 - Student


People still play SWG?!?!!


Oh, and BTW: YES, I have tried the NGE. Geeeez...I thought that the Combat Upgrade was a trainwreck, but the NGE is like the definition of failure. :)

I actually believe the game would be better off if they...wait, what am I saying? SOE lacks the ability to make games better! HAH! :D

To anyone who still plays SWG: I admire your patience and undying courage, but do yourselves a favor and CANCEL THAT SUBSCRIPTION! :)

Edit: If I were to draw SWG:NGE, it would look like this:
In the navy and LOVING it! :D

Recipient of comment no. 1000 and heart-warming words from Ataris! :)

This comment was edited by Thomasooo on Dec 26 2005 12:53pm.

Dec 25 2005 03:13am

 - Ex-Student

Well, I accidentally deleted my account instead of cancelling my subscription last month.
And I'm not crying about it :P

"Accidentally" ;)
- Proud padawan of Kueller.
- We really are at the beginning of it all. The trick, of course, is to make sure we never find the end. - Bill Bryson, A Short History of Nearly Everything
- <gen-e-sis-happy> Liek, you can train, liek, a n00b, but he'll just be a trained n00b... --> Wise words!
- "daer SOE me likes your a company i am having your some money for letting me do stuff cos mes the best amd i do it all meself" - Slider

This comment was edited by Gradius on Dec 25 2005 03:14am.

Dec 25 2005 02:37am

 - Student

Well, I accidentally deleted my account instead of cancelling my subscription last month.
And I'm not crying about it :P

Dec 25 2005 02:36am

 - Student

heck, i dont mind that crafters got nerfed and the damage to items taken off wont really effect me cuz i payed no attetion to it..... BUT the jedi thing should be worked on... easier than what it used to be but harder than a click of the mouse.....AND the combat stuff was acutally very good just those few things that i mentioned earlier were probs that other ppl had that wont really effect me but the bugs that once you get past lvl 30 its almost impossible to finish a quest becuz of bugs( thats what i hear any way)...................
(O.o )
(> < ) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination.

Dec 24 2005 06:40pm

 - Student

Bugs aren't what I would worry about in SWG nowadays, what with the gameplay and all...
Former padawan of RoseRed

Dec 24 2005 04:54pm

 - Student

It was playable for the longest times but SOE decided to do a Combat Update and a new game enhancement. Since the NGE came out it will never be playable again in my opinion.

Dec 24 2005 02:34pm

Mister Clutch
 - Student
 Mister Clutch

Still not playable :(?

Dec 24 2005 01:52pm

Raziel Anjelis
 - Student
 Raziel Anjelis

the NGE is the biggest bug :P
Proud owner of El Vee For's 200th Comment, and Wicek's 2600th comment :D DaMi3N's 400th, Trad Redav's 666th. :D

Dec 24 2005 09:35am

 - Student

oh they are fixed they just put a bunch of new ones in there place on top of a whole new combat system.
ask JP. I was the one that owned him. (Warlocks all the way)

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