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Christmas Presents
Dec 25 2005 08:35pm

Mindrith Pride
 - Student
Mindrith Pride
so what did all you guys get for christmas :)? i hope that whatever you got it was awesome and your enjoying it :D
i got a starwars monopoly, and starwars trvia game, a xbox (original not 360), a magazine, dvd calender ect of fhm girls :P (gomgom should have seen the look on my face :P), some pokerchips and a couple of books, the best being "101 things to do before your old and boring" really good =D
so do tell!
[proud owner of talions 200th, 700th,1111th coment AND 1400th , DJK's 3001th coment! , saz's 400th coment! liso's 800th coment! Kitmitsu Aratan's 1200th comment! Cau's 100th comeent, Alexander's (aka CC) 210th, 888th and 2200th comments! Moriarti's 800th comment , Piccolo's 2000th comment! lirael's 505th comment , Quom Farlance's 120th comment, Alexander's 1800th comment , Eica's 1400th comment , Wicek's 3200th comment lady C's 999th comment, Echuu's 1100th comment, Takaru's 325th and 400th comment, Redeye's 200th comment picc's 3600th comment, Ostith's 50th comment, Elmo's 555th comment]

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Dec 31 2005 06:54pm

 - Student

-lots o money
-RCT3 & RCT3 soaked
-madden 06 (xbox)
-greg hasting tournament paintball max'd(xbox)
-burnout legends (psp)
-mario kart (ds)
-mounds of candy
-star wars bounty hunter book series
-xbox live (gamer tag is krazzed205 and if u wanna add me just send and invite with a message telling me where u got my name :P)

hmmmm............. any1 else thing im a spoiled little kid?
(O.o )
(> < ) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination.

Dec 30 2005 12:20pm

Senor Hat
 - Student
 Senor Hat

What I got:
- A book
- Lots'a money, mmm money :D
- A Phone, woo! finally!
- Underwear, T-shirt
- Chocolate
- The new Korn album, w00t!
- Day of Defeat Source(Woo!) and Battlefront 2 (Oh yeah!)

There's more but for me to tell you it would involve going to my room :D

Too lazy :P

I have beaten The Internet.
The end guy was hard.

This comment was edited by Senor Hat on Dec 30 2005 12:21pm.

Dec 30 2005 12:04pm

Kenwan Obiobi
 - Student

-19" Samsung flat screen monitor (4ms woot!)
-Swiss army Multi tool thing which is nice
-FCUK Toiletry stuff
-Gillette M3 Turbo Toiletry kit with shaver, gel, shower gel and balm all in nice bag :)
-Calvin Klein 'Crave' Toilette spray (very nice)
-Driving book thing (have booked my test woohooo!) which is handy.
-Dvds ('passenger 57' classic film, 'The Running man' - great film, 'Independance day', 'IRobot', 'Indiana Jones Trilogy' woohoo! 'The Enforcer' and 'Magnum Force'
- Chocolate and some Money etc

Great Christmas imo...

Dec 30 2005 12:27am

 - Student

mp3 player, clothes, gift cards. Pretty much what I was expecting. :]
Axion - Yeah.

Dec 30 2005 12:03am

Jarhok Belouve
 - Student
 Jarhok Belouve

GAME vouchers,surround sound,dvd rw drive,sound card,david eddings fantasy books,original star wars trilogy on dvd,2006 starwars calendar,strawberry and cream kit kats,blank dvd's, I pwn n00bs T-shirt, the darkness album,STAR WARS MONOPOLY!, team america dvd, chain (as in necklace thing:P im not kinky) thats about it, not bad eh? :D
Unofficial Paddy to the great Squibit Belouve and Solitudes snog machine! |||||||||||||||||||||||PRONOUNCED JARHOK TEH S3X3H by Alexander D'kana|||||||||||||||||||||||||
Loves Liso'sia! Uber new Belouve boy! My special people: Squibit Belouve,Roan Belouve,Bail Hope Belouve and of course the lovely Liso'sia!

Dec 29 2005 12:01am

 - Student

I bought myself an iPod Nano on Boxing Day.

Dec 28 2005 11:47pm

Plo Koon
 - Student
 Plo Koon

-Essential Johnny Cash guitar/piano/vocals songbook :cool:
-007: From Russia With Love
-Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
-Two packs of guitar picks

Not a bad christmas :)
Free Tibet!
Click this link,and learn
Here too

Dec 28 2005 11:35pm

Mic Den Octela
 - Student
 Mic Den Octela

I haven't gotten too much yet.

A bottle of sake and a sake serving set and a newegg gift certificate.

Sake is your master...
-Padawan of Virtue -Brother of Menaxia, *|irael, Krynn Adept, Majno, Ris Win Juljul, DaMi3N, Beowulf, Dash Starlight, Carrock and Yuken Zalak Bartender at Munes bar. Sir Mic of Nippledom! Proudly beating Wang, since '07. (Crackdown)

Dec 28 2005 08:50pm

Mindrith Pride
 - Student
 Mindrith Pride

A pair of socks!

this man deserves something more :P

yeah a good ol' lump of coal :D!
[proud owner of talions 200th, 700th,1111th coment AND 1400th , DJK's 3001th coment! , saz's 400th coment! liso's 800th coment! Kitmitsu Aratan's 1200th comment! Cau's 100th comeent, Alexander's (aka CC) 210th, 888th and 2200th comments! Moriarti's 800th comment , Piccolo's 2000th comment! lirael's 505th comment , Quom Farlance's 120th comment, Alexander's 1800th comment , Eica's 1400th comment , Wicek's 3200th comment lady C's 999th comment, Echuu's 1100th comment, Takaru's 325th and 400th comment, Redeye's 200th comment picc's 3600th comment, Ostith's 50th comment, Elmo's 555th comment]

Dec 27 2005 04:34pm

Tootsy Wootsy
 - Student
 Tootsy Wootsy

I got:
* perfume
* a candle
* a file
* sweets
* an MP3-player... I asked for an USB-stick
* and loads of books

That's enough for Christmas I think. :P
Severus Snape's girlfriend.

Owner of Raziel Jowols 700th comment!

Dec 27 2005 03:19pm

Alex Dkana
 - Staff
 Alex Dkana

okay got some more today >_>

-Lost part 1
-Consider Phlebas
-Danny Wallace, Yes Man
-Bill Bryson, Notes from a small island
-gorillaz tshirt
-another watch lol :P
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana

Dec 27 2005 02:53pm

 - Student

A pair of socks!

this man deserves something more :P

playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

Dec 27 2005 02:32pm

 - Hubbub

I got:

- 1 sweater
- 1 leather belt
- 1 pair of leather gloves
- 1 nicely framed picture of my family
- 3 pairs of socks
- time with my family

And as a combined christmas/birthday present, I'm getting a digital camera. w00t!
make install -not war

Dec 27 2005 02:20pm

 - Student

A pair of socks!
Geriatric single User, with a touch of Staff now and again. Influenced by Dash Starlight, Jaina. Janus, and Gradius in staff. And in yellow stance. Jaina D'Kana, who really helped me when I first joined the Academy and Jaiko D'Kana, who's classes I took in the begining. Proud owner of _Muro_'s 400th ACK! comment. Avatar by the one and only Majno . Padawan to Dash Starlight

Dec 27 2005 02:06pm

Raziel Anjelis
 - Student
 Raziel Anjelis

Mine was a very musical christmas

Foo Fighters - In Your Honour
Blink 182 - Greatest Hits
Roadrunner United - the All-star Sessions *headbangs*
Madagascar and Batman Begins DVD
Guitar amp ^^
Proud owner of El Vee For's 200th Comment, and Wicek's 2600th comment :D DaMi3N's 400th, Trad Redav's 666th. :D

Dec 27 2005 11:53am

 - Student

At hom e we celabrated 'sinterklaas' somewheree in November :P
And now with christmas we did nothing at home, but at my bf's home :)
I got:
- shower and bath gel
- 2 pairs of Miffy socks :D (best present ever invented)
- something for in my hair
- new coloured pencils
- an 'etui' for my pens and stuff
- a night shirt
- and a sodoku calender!
"We make a living out of what we get, we make a life out of what we give."

Dec 26 2005 11:15pm

 - Student

yeah good hordes by the sounds of things :) yay christmas ^_^! oh and cuz that looks like a sweet computer =D

It is actually :D
- Even if Carlsberg made "w*nkers", Christiano Ronaldo would still be the biggest "w*nker" in the world

Dec 26 2005 03:31pm

 - Student

I got 2 CDs I wanted, a really nice O'Neill t-shirt, a book and, erm, underwear. That's about it. We don't do much in the way of presents in my family :)

Forgot to mention, got money. Money is always good.

This comment was edited by JamesF1 on Dec 26 2005 03:34pm.

Dec 26 2005 11:32am

Mindrith Pride
 - Student
 Mindrith Pride

yeah good hordes by the sounds of things :) yay christmas ^_^! oh and cuz that looks like a sweet computer =D
[proud owner of talions 200th, 700th,1111th coment AND 1400th , DJK's 3001th coment! , saz's 400th coment! liso's 800th coment! Kitmitsu Aratan's 1200th comment! Cau's 100th comeent, Alexander's (aka CC) 210th, 888th and 2200th comments! Moriarti's 800th comment , Piccolo's 2000th comment! lirael's 505th comment , Quom Farlance's 120th comment, Alexander's 1800th comment , Eica's 1400th comment , Wicek's 3200th comment lady C's 999th comment, Echuu's 1100th comment, Takaru's 325th and 400th comment, Redeye's 200th comment picc's 3600th comment, Ostith's 50th comment, Elmo's 555th comment]

Dec 26 2005 06:51am

 - Staff

Haha, nice stuff. Cas, we'll need to play Chess together sometime!
"Do or do not, there is no try"
Jedi Master Yoda
Dual Saberist

Dec 26 2005 05:49am

 - Eats Babies

I asked my mom for a 2gig iPod Nano and instead I got a 30gig iPod Video. Eh, I guess it will do.
"We keep odd hours...." ----------------------- They Live, We Sleep

Dec 26 2005 05:21am

 - The Tarped Avenger

- Coltrane's A Love Supreme album, one of the few essential recordings I didn't own yet.
- Wynton Marsalis, live at the House of Tribes in New York.
- a couple of Ken Follett books from my aunt, who loves him.
- $100 to put towards the upcoming Denmark trip.
- two tickets to a Sound of Music parody on stage at a local community theatre - run ends at the end of the month!

Not bad for having explicitly instructed everyone that I intended to sit out of Christmas this year, and that I didn't want any presents!
Saving the world, one kilobyte at a time.

Dec 26 2005 04:19am

 - Student

Aside from a nice cash sum from my Dad, I got fuknall.

Humbug to the lot of ya!
"Out the cat5, through the router, down the T1, over the leased line, off the bridge, past the firewall... nothing but 'Net."
Chevron 1 is lit up
Proud donator of the forum's 99000th comment :D

Dec 26 2005 04:16am

DJ Sith
 - Jedi Council
 DJ Sith

I haven't gotten too much yet.

A bottle of sake and a sake serving set and a newegg gift certificate.
My car is made of Nerf.

Dec 25 2005 09:55pm

Alex Dkana
 - Staff
 Alex Dkana

well i got...

-Music:Ennio morricone, for a few dollars more|Joy Division 1978-80|Sigur Ros, Takk|Ones to watch 2006 compilation (with Clash magazine)

-DVD: Deerhunter|Jimmy Car, Stand Up|Wild at Heart

-clothes:Jeans, Radiohead T-shirt, very cool (imo) old jacket (hard to describe really its snazzy) new shoes (baseball trainers whatever there called :P) catapiller shoes, drunken munky tshirt, watch, jumper

-other: Troy Lord of the silver bow (book) silver chain

and last but not least a flashing rudolf nose :P
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana

This comment was edited by Alex Dkana on Dec 27 2005 03:20pm.

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