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Long Time No Post
Dec 26 2005 12:56am

Battlin' Billy
 - Student
Battlin' Billy
Howdy folks!!!

It's been a while since I've been around and it's good to see some of the familiar names around here!

I've been working my tail off over the last year or so. I work for a company that does business telephone systems. My boss is expanding into VoIP and a lot more computer and Internet type of stuff. I'm studying for my Network+ Certification (if anyone knows where to find good practice tests PLEASE let me know!) and the HTI+ Certification. Luckily, I have a really awesome boss and he's picking up the tab for all of this. Plus, he's going to be sending me to different vendor's classes to learn how to use and install this stuff.
I just adopted yet another kitten a couple of weeks ago. I named him Chico after Billy Smith's backup goalie for the Islander's 1980 Stanley Cup team. Next, I'm going to shave their respective numbers onto their backs (j/k). I posted a couple of pics of 'em at the Photo Collection. This is Chico. This is Billy. And This is the both of them hangin' on the window sill looking at the birds. Chico is the biggest moosh. You can pick him up and he starts purring like crazy and Billy is just plain crazy! I still miss my dog Bear but these 2 little rascals have helped to fill the void.
Well, just wanted to give y'all an update for anyone who still remembers me. I haven't played JK2 or 3 much less any games in...I don't know how long (does Freecell count?).
Take care everyone, I love you all!

Viva La Acadamia!!!


Midbie Council Member #2 - Profile ID 2073 | Member of B@rtM@ulS@ar | Owner of Monty's 2000th comment & D@RtHM@UL's 8100th comment |
Former Padawan of SilkMonkey & Arcuss
JA Goaltender & NHL Fan | Fellow Rush fan to Axion|Plo Koon is my oldest JA friend
Post your RL pics HERE! | Post you JK2/JK3 screenies HERE!

This post was edited by Battlin' Billy on Dec 26 2005 01:11am.

Do you miss me?

vote results
Yes!  Quit your job and play JK all day and night! Yes! Quit your job and play JK all day and night! [13 votes] [76%]
No!  You're a big fat *bleep*! No! You're a big fat *bleep*! [2 votes] [12%]
Billy who? Billy who? [2 votes] [12%]

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Dec 26 2005 03:48pm

 - Student

Billy is my hero!
Thanks to the human heart by which we live,
Thanks to its tenderness, its joys, and fears,
To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.

Dec 26 2005 05:23am

 - The Tarped Avenger

Nice to hear you're still alive and kicking! Merry Christmas!
Saving the world, one kilobyte at a time.

Dec 26 2005 04:14am

DJ Sith
 - Jedi Council
 DJ Sith

Whoha! I wondered what happened to ya!

Good to see your work is paying your cert bills. See what else you can get out of them. :)
My car is made of Nerf.

Dec 26 2005 02:24am

 - Student

Hey Billy, good to see ya.
Brother to Luke Skywalker and (SKX) Dark Blade :alliance:
Lag Brother to Acey Spadey :empire:
Jools is my best friend. :D
<Henkes> nebody feeling like abusing me with a lightsaber?|+Smilykrazy grabs Gradius, beats the living CRAP out of him, then throws him into a huge vat of ACID

Dec 26 2005 01:24am

 - Student


Well, technically they were female sparrows. :P

How do you know :P

Because they don't have any "eggs".

Did 'Billy' look? :P
- Even if Carlsberg made "w*nkers", Christiano Ronaldo would still be the biggest "w*nker" in the world

Dec 26 2005 01:23am

Battlin' Billy
 - Student
 Battlin' Billy


Well, technically they were female sparrows. :P

How do you know :P

Because they don't have any "eggs".

Midbie Council Member #2 - Profile ID 2073 | Member of B@rtM@ulS@ar | Owner of Monty's 2000th comment & D@RtHM@UL's 8100th comment |
Former Padawan of SilkMonkey & Arcuss
JA Goaltender & NHL Fan | Fellow Rush fan to Axion|Plo Koon is my oldest JA friend
Post your RL pics HERE! | Post you JK2/JK3 screenies HERE!

Dec 26 2005 01:14am

 - Student


Well, technically they were female sparrows. :P

How do you know :P
- Even if Carlsberg made "w*nkers", Christiano Ronaldo would still be the biggest "w*nker" in the world

Dec 26 2005 01:14am

Battlin' Billy
 - Student
 Battlin' Billy


Well, technically they were female sparrows. :P

Midbie Council Member #2 - Profile ID 2073 | Member of B@rtM@ulS@ar | Owner of Monty's 2000th comment & D@RtHM@UL's 8100th comment |
Former Padawan of SilkMonkey & Arcuss
JA Goaltender & NHL Fan | Fellow Rush fan to Axion|Plo Koon is my oldest JA friend
Post your RL pics HERE! | Post you JK2/JK3 screenies HERE!

Dec 26 2005 01:01am

 - Student

Hey Billy, good to know you're still alive...

2 things

1) When you said Chico, I thought you were talking about that gay guy from The X-Factor (Like Pop-Idol just under a different name)
2) When you said 'Looking at birds' I thought you meant girls :P

kthxbye :P:D
- Even if Carlsberg made "w*nkers", Christiano Ronaldo would still be the biggest "w*nker" in the world

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