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Gaming mouse
Dec 29 2005 02:44am

 - Student
Yup, need a new mouse. For games, of course.

Have heard that gamers should prolly stay away from cordless. I don't need a cordless for anything so I can go either way.

Some people swear by the Razor mice, others like the Logitechs. I'm right handed so I have no issues that might push me toward certain mice.

I've heard things about the Razor Diamondback or whatever.....the Logitech MX518, G5, G7, etc.

Any opinions on good mice?

- Threat
Ex-Unofficial Padawan of Rivian, AKA Chaos
Ex-Unofficial Padawan of Phantom
Owner of Grycen's 180th comment, Raydoe's 455th comment, and Rivian's EVIL 666th comment!

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Jan 02 2006 10:46pm

 - Student

No to mention that wireless mice have a tendancy to be liberated from the rest of your system at LAN parties.
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Jan 02 2006 07:06pm

DJ Sith
 - Jedi Council
 DJ Sith

No to mention that wireless mice have a tendancy to be liberated from the rest of your system at LAN parties.
My car is made of Nerf.

Jan 02 2006 01:48pm

Kenwan Obiobi
 - Student

Lol. That doesn't look very good for gaming. :P

lol, dude, it is.

Im with Threat there im afraid... it does sound dodgy...ITS WIRELESS...WIRELESS MOUSES ARE UNRELIABLE AND CRAP!!!!!!!!!! LOL! Never buy a Wireless mouse, after all, would you like it to cut out on you whilst you are playing a game? Yeah yeah...its rechargeble...

Jan 02 2006 01:34pm

 - Student

Lol. That doesn't look very good for gaming. :P

lol, dude, it is.
- Even if Carlsberg made "w*nkers", Christiano Ronaldo would still be the biggest "w*nker" in the world

Jan 02 2006 06:40am

 - Student

Lol. That doesn't look very good for gaming. :P

Anyway, based on JA advice, I think I've narrowed it to the G5, MX518, or that Razor one. I'm a little disappointed that the new mice dun have the MOUSE4 and MOUSE5 on the left and right side of the mouse. My optical intellimouse that I have used is like that and I'm soooo used to it. I guess I'll have to adapt, no? :)

Anyway, thanks for all the input. I think people these days don't take enough advice from people that have "been there and done that". I try not to be so hard headed in my old age. ;)
- Threat
Ex-Unofficial Padawan of Rivian, AKA Chaos
Ex-Unofficial Padawan of Phantom
Owner of Grycen's 180th comment, Raydoe's 455th comment, and Rivian's EVIL 666th comment!

This comment was edited by Threat on Jan 02 2006 06:42am.

Jan 01 2006 07:49pm

 - Student

Click Here

They are brilliant. I don't use the wireless keyboard though, can't stand them. But the mouse is legendary. No need for batteries, all you need is the charger (Just don't forget to charge it during the night/day when you're not using it :P)
- Even if Carlsberg made "w*nkers", Christiano Ronaldo would still be the biggest "w*nker" in the world

Jan 01 2006 03:37am

 - Distributor of Cold Ones

I <3 MX510 or whatever it is.
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Dec 30 2005 12:03am

Jade Jedi
 - Retired
 Jade Jedi

Yeah go the G5, I'm using that with a cyber snipa mouse pad which is an awesome setup, great for FPS's. Highly recomend both. :D
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Dec 29 2005 11:59pm

Jarhok Belouve
 - Student
 Jarhok Belouve

I went for a cheap and cheerful unheard of Trust Predator has 800 and 1600 dpi mode, good except dodgy mouse wheel (think its just mine) I used to have a logitech mx510 which was cool.:)
Unofficial Paddy to the great Squibit Belouve and Solitudes snog machine! |||||||||||||||||||||||PRONOUNCED JARHOK TEH S3X3H by Alexander D'kana|||||||||||||||||||||||||
Loves Liso'sia! Uber new Belouve boy! My special people: Squibit Belouve,Roan Belouve,Bail Hope Belouve and of course the lovely Liso'sia!

Dec 29 2005 10:09pm

Mic Den Octela
 - Student
 Mic Den Octela

In case you didn't know cordless mice are slow and jerky unreliable pieces of poo that just don't hold out in long gaming sessions. You can look up for example and then wait a few seconds before you get a response. Its horrible. Plus cordless mice can go on a random trek when they fall of your desk.. hard to find as well if you have kids or little siblings.
-Padawan of Virtue -Brother of Menaxia, *|irael, Krynn Adept, Majno, Ris Win Juljul, DaMi3N, Beowulf, Dash Starlight, Carrock and Yuken Zalak Bartender at Munes bar. Sir Mic of Nippledom! Proudly beating Wang, since '07. (Crackdown)

Dec 29 2005 09:31pm

DJ Sith
 - Jedi Council
 DJ Sith

Gah yeah I meant Copperhead. Damn them and their snakey names.
My car is made of Nerf.

Dec 29 2005 09:10pm

Takaru Averre
 - Student
 Takaru Averre

Razer Diamondback? PSH.

Razer copperhead has 600 more DPI than razer diamondback.

(2000 DPI. Best mouse available.)

Joined at about
Apr 19 2005 12:52am

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Dec 29 2005 06:29pm

DJ Sith
 - Jedi Council
 DJ Sith

I currently use a Logitech MX518 on a Razor ExactMat*, but have been very impressed by the Razor Diamondback.

* The ExactMat is the BOMB. It's got a wrist rest that uses memory foam, and has 2 surfaces for the type of traction you prefer. I keep mine on the speed side and can do 720deg jumps in JA no problem w/o having to adjust yaw speed or any other game settings.
My car is made of Nerf.

Dec 29 2005 05:52pm

 - Student

I use the g5. I didn't like the razor because its too small for me. Plus, if you play fps', the g5 has on the fly sensitivity adjustment, which is INSTANTANIOUS, which proves to be very useful depending on your range to target. Add to that the customized weight insert, that lets you make the mouse as heavy or light as you want it to be, and it's kind of a no brainer, unless your left handed, in which case the g5 is not for you.
I know whats been troubling you......

Dec 29 2005 04:43pm

Kenwan Obiobi
 - Student

I currently have and have been using the 'Razor Diamonback Magma' which LOOKS great and plays well and topping that, is a lazer mouse with 1600dpi :). Ive tried the Logitech G5 and ive got to say....GO WITH THAT!!!! It blows the Razor away for a 6! Its comfortable, quick, well presented and is just so customable! The razor has 4 programmable buttons on the side which is not as much as the Logitech MX518/G5, but the software is NOT easy to use at all to go with it unlike the Logitech G5 which is simple to set up, customise and use! I highly recommend the G5 and i am certainly going to buy one myself now...

Hope this is of any help to you :)

Dave (C'au Onasi) :alliance:

Dec 29 2005 08:37am

 - Student

I'd go with Logitech. As long as it's lazer and not cordless, whatever you think looks cool and feels comfortable.
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