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New name...!?
Jan 01 2006 03:24am

Limana D'Kana
 - Student
Limana D'Kana
Hello my dear friends and.. nvm.. :P

Hope you all had a nice christmas and eaten good food.
I'm thinking about changing name and i wondered if anyone knows a good name or maybe ideas..

I dont want any stupid names and answers.. Just say 1 word... Execution.. :)
And keeping the name Limana is not an option..

I love you all, dear wishes Limana :)
c",) c",) c",) c",) c",) c",) c",) c",)

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Jan 03 2006 06:37pm

 - Student

Liked Limana more, but it's not bad.

Jan 02 2006 11:38pm

Mic Den Octela
 - Student
 Mic Den Octela

*sings Dirty Diana - Michael Jackson*

Nice new name! Preferred Limana though.
-Padawan of Virtue -Brother of Menaxia, *|irael, Krynn Adept, Majno, Ris Win Juljul, DaMi3N, Beowulf, Dash Starlight, Carrock and Yuken Zalak Bartender at Munes bar. Sir Mic of Nippledom! Proudly beating Wang, since '07. (Crackdown)

This comment was edited by Mic Den Octela on Jan 02 2006 11:38pm.

Jan 02 2006 10:26pm

Roan Belouve
 - Retired
 Roan Belouve

I liked Limana alot, but Diana's a nice name :)

*Bro to Vaxxla,Padawan of FiZZandOdan-Wei Part of the mighty Belouve Dynasty-Knight of Nippledom.Twin of Selphestal!**Proud Master to Kaelis and Acura Friend to anyone who would call me the same :). Pic by the amazing Majno (merry)

Jan 02 2006 05:04pm

Alex Dkana
 - Staff
 Alex Dkana

its actually Avada Kedavra i think you will find. :P

Oh and this thread inspired me to check out some names Latin and Greek meanings, it was very interesting so thank you. :)
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana

Jan 02 2006 12:45pm

Kenwan Obiobi
 - Student has the same ring in it as the 'Avada' Kavada' Curse in Harry Potter woot!

Nice choice though...

Jan 02 2006 04:53am

 - Staff

Very nice choice :D
"Do or do not, there is no try"
Jedi Master Yoda
Dual Saberist

Jan 02 2006 04:31am

Alex Dkana
 - Staff
 Alex Dkana

I chose Diana as in the Hunting Goddess from the Roman Mythology. She is also the god of the moon.

lovely choice :)
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana

Jan 02 2006 02:17am

Limana D'Kana
 - Student
 Limana D'Kana

I chose Diana as in the Hunting Goddess from the Roman Mythology. She is also the god of the moon.
c",) c",) c",) c",) c",) c",) c",) c",)

Jan 01 2006 04:59pm

Kenwan Obiobi
 - Student

Tell us....whats wrong with the name 'Limana'?

Jan 01 2006 04:59pm

 - Student

Well, I found mine by looking through a Japanese dictionary :) I just looked up words that were cool like, "Authority", "Influence", "Power" (incidentally, that was what produced the name I have) and other common words :D Worked a treat. But make sure you check it doesn't have any other meanings, first.

Jan 01 2006 03:59pm

Mindrith Pride
 - Student
 Mindrith Pride

try japanese names :P! translated into english, although that only really works well for styles,

yeah i think a name that came up in legends ect would be pretty cool for you :)

edit: P.S i love you too =D :P
[proud owner of talions 200th, 700th,1111th coment AND 1400th , DJK's 3001th coment! , saz's 400th coment! liso's 800th coment! Kitmitsu Aratan's 1200th comment! Cau's 100th comeent, Alexander's (aka CC) 210th, 888th and 2200th comments! Moriarti's 800th comment , Piccolo's 2000th comment! lirael's 505th comment , Quom Farlance's 120th comment, Alexander's 1800th comment , Eica's 1400th comment , Wicek's 3200th comment lady C's 999th comment, Echuu's 1100th comment, Takaru's 325th and 400th comment, Redeye's 200th comment picc's 3600th comment, Ostith's 50th comment, Elmo's 555th comment]

This comment was edited by Mindrith Pride on Jan 01 2006 04:00pm.

Jan 01 2006 03:40pm

 - Student

keep Limana :D

i mean really whats wrong with this name? :(

as for new name i think you can borrow my FoxySexy lol
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

Jan 01 2006 03:39pm

Alex Dkana
 - Staff
 Alex Dkana

I would not recommend a random name generator, i have also been searching for a new name, and i think the best way is to come up with it yourself or with a friends advice. :)

how about something from mythology, or latin, or another language? You could always use the internet to help out.

However i agree with Sete, Limana is a nice name :)
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana

This comment was edited by Alex Dkana on Jan 01 2006 03:40pm.

Jan 01 2006 03:29am

 - Jedi Master

Limana's fine. :)

Anyway, try a random name generator. You can find thousands of those on Google.

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