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Jan 04 2006 02:29am

Vasper Ba'xian
 - Student
Vasper Ba'xian
I was wondering of ModView was a program you have to pay for or can it be downloaded for free.

If free, anyone have a link to it? If you do have a link, i need one to a Windows XP compatable version.

If not. How much does it cost?
Brother to: Tamal, Kavar, J.D.,Jermia, Devlin, Ulic, Xiabara, Seij,Tarron Mib,>>>ROCK ON:).My Spacescapes art page.My Everything Else art page. MY FAV. Jedi Are: Qui-Gon Jinn, Corran Horn, and Anakin Solo. Unofficial Master to Tamal. and Kavar. Founder of the Wuji Hundun Jian saber style. Proud owner of Tamal's 200th comment!//Proud owner of Refl3x's 300th comment!>>>Proud owner of Tyrant's 800th comment>>>Proud owner of Lucky's 170th comment>>>Proud owner of BDKawika's 444th comment>>>To except Existance is to except Reality.

This post was edited by Vasper Ba'xian on Jan 04 2006 02:35am.

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Jan 05 2006 01:14am

 - The Tarped Avenger

ModView is the official Quake3 model viewer, and should be distributed in pretty much any Q3 SDK. The JKA-specific version (found within its SDK), supporting Ghoul2, is what Prox linked you to.
Saving the world, one kilobyte at a time.

Jan 04 2006 02:57am

Vasper Ba'xian
 - Student
 Vasper Ba'xian

Thats what I needed Prox! thanks a ton!
Brother to: Tamal, Kavar, J.D.,Jermia, Devlin, Ulic, Xiabara, Seij,Tarron Mib,>>>ROCK ON:).My Spacescapes art page.My Everything Else art page. MY FAV. Jedi Are: Qui-Gon Jinn, Corran Horn, and Anakin Solo. Unofficial Master to Tamal. and Kavar. Founder of the Wuji Hundun Jian saber style. Proud owner of Tamal's 200th comment!//Proud owner of Refl3x's 300th comment!>>>Proud owner of Tyrant's 800th comment>>>Proud owner of Lucky's 170th comment>>>Proud owner of BDKawika's 444th comment>>>To except Existance is to except Reality.

This comment was edited by Vasper Ba'xian on Jan 04 2006 03:47am.

Jan 04 2006 02:55am

 - Student

Its free, I got the old version here, but i know there is a newer version, could be in here. You can find it by searching for SDK (Software Development Kit).
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