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What catches you in music?
Jan 13 2006 02:08am

Raziel Anjelis
 - Student
Raziel Anjelis
I'm interested to know what hooks people in songs, what you look for in a certain song and what makes you either want to sway along with it or get up and dance.....

Myself, it has to be very rhythmic and melodic, and the whole songs gotta flow, hence why i don't like most metal songs that randomly scream with no flow?

What about you? Discuss :D
Proud owner of El Vee For's 200th Comment, and Wicek's 2600th comment :D DaMi3N's 400th, Trad Redav's 666th. :D

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Jan 18 2006 11:02pm

Kenwan Obiobi
 - Student


Jan 18 2006 02:50pm

 - Student

I have to say I find this a rather hard question.. What get's me most to like songs in the whole bunch, everything has to be right. But that's just for the part without any voice, 'cause if I don't like the voice, I probably won't like the song either.
But then again, I like chaos in a song too, like MSI :cool:
"We make a living out of what we get, we make a life out of what we give."

Jan 18 2006 04:26am

 - Student

Complex song structure. Experimental sound.

The Mars Volta for example. You may hate their sound at first, be unable to comprehend it's meaning, but careful listeners will be rewarded and enjoy it after the first few plays. Omar Rodriguez-Lopez is one of my favourite guitarists, simply because the way he plays is so creative, complex, and experimental.

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Jan 18 2006 12:22am

Raziel Anjelis
 - Student
 Raziel Anjelis

also anything that gets me to mosh :P
Proud owner of El Vee For's 200th Comment, and Wicek's 2600th comment :D DaMi3N's 400th, Trad Redav's 666th. :D

Jan 16 2006 04:43pm

 - Student

Anything that's not Rap, Trance or Techno :D or really bad 80's and 90's :P :D


house? xD
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

Jan 16 2006 04:19pm

 - Student

Something thats very melodic, lyrics, cool breakdowns, solos. [:
Axion - Yeah.

Jan 16 2006 04:13pm

Mic Den Octela
 - Student
 Mic Den Octela

I reckon the letter C in music has the best ability to catch a falling human.

*dodges projectiles*

Wha?!!! Fine i'll go be the idiot somewhere else then...
-Padawan of Virtue -Brother of Menaxia, *|irael, Krynn Adept, Majno, Ris Win Juljul, DaMi3N, Beowulf, Dash Starlight, Carrock and Yuken Zalak Bartender at Munes bar. Sir Mic of Nippledom! Proudly beating Wang, since '07. (Crackdown)

Jan 16 2006 03:18pm

 - Milwaukees Finest

Pfft.. for me, every genre has good songs and bad songs, I listen to virtually anything, and then I also hate something from every genre too.. For me it's all about the mood I'm at.. I get drawn towards certain aspects of a song by the mood I'm in while listening to it.

e.g. I'm feeling sad, so I'm drawn to the singer's beautiful voice.. I'm feeling like punching my head through a wall, I look for the adrenaline rush the whole band produces.. I'm feeling like nothing seems in place, I listen to some psychedelic tunes..

There's no real limit for me here. But if I had to choose just one aspect of a song, then I'd have to say that the beat, absolutely and without doubt: the beat! :)

-Ataris <3
[ Honorable mentions: aph3x | Milamber | Bail Hope Belouve | Jaiko D'Kana | Rosered | JediEthic | Mike/JJ/TheKing | Kensei | Dane | Gradius | Thomas Skywalker | Pink Floyd | Setementor | Steinin | Odan-Wei ] [ Owner of: MetaDust's 500th comment! | Eica's 700th comment! | Pink Floyd's 666th, 999th, 1200th and 1337th comment! | DarkRyu's 400th comment! | Redeye's 1st comment! | Cow's 1111st comment! | Rufusan's 75th comment! | Wicek's 3300th and 3400th comment! | Dash Starlight's 2000th comment! | Piccolo's 3400th comment! | Takaru's 300th comment! | Senor Hat's 900th comment! | Rytandus' 4160th comment! | The first ever awarded, the original, the one and only, Catphin Award!!1 ] "Music expresses that which can not be put in to words but can not remain silent."

Jan 16 2006 02:55pm

Raziel Anjelis
 - Student
 Raziel Anjelis

Anything that's not Rap, Trance or Techno :D or really bad 80's and 90's :P :D


*high 5*
Proud owner of El Vee For's 200th Comment, and Wicek's 2600th comment :D DaMi3N's 400th, Trad Redav's 666th. :D

Jan 16 2006 01:25am

Senor Hat
 - Student
 Senor Hat

Anything that's not Rap, Trance or Techno :D or really bad 80's and 90's :P :D

I have beaten The Internet.
The end guy was hard.

Jan 15 2006 11:56pm

 - Student

Interesting chord progressions. Anyone else who feels the same way should check out 'Bernard Fanning - Songbird'

Jan 15 2006 03:18am

 - The Tarped Avenger

I like music that grooves. I don't care for melodies, chords, anything - just a bassist and drummer who are well linked and communicating. Heck, I've been known to walk along grooving to play-alongs. :P If I can sway to it, I'll usually like it.
Saving the world, one kilobyte at a time.

Jan 14 2006 09:04pm

Alex Dkana
 - Staff
 Alex Dkana

I like what i've heard Monteeee, just don't have their album yet :)
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana

Jan 14 2006 07:30pm

 - Nugget

i think im the only person in the academy who likes Arctic Monkeys lol :P their album pwns
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Jan 14 2006 06:49pm

Alex Dkana
 - Staff
 Alex Dkana

I like quite a wide range of music, i would find it hard to describe exactly what it is that moves me, the music i really like quite often creates a story in my mind related to it using my imagination.. or something lol :)

Some of my favourite bands include: Radiohead, Arcade Fire, Led Zep, Bjork, Pearl Jam, Massive attack, and well loads more heh.
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana

This comment was edited by Alex Dkana on Jan 14 2006 06:51pm.

Jan 14 2006 06:40pm

Raziel Anjelis
 - Student
 Raziel Anjelis

mindless noise >_>


i will agree with you on death metal and all that, iif theres loads of growling then i just turn it straight off, BUT some metal is good, Trivium for example use an intense agressive verse followed by a damn good melodic chorus, so its not all mindless :P
Proud owner of El Vee For's 200th Comment, and Wicek's 2600th comment :D DaMi3N's 400th, Trad Redav's 666th. :D

Jan 14 2006 01:51pm

 - Student

Drum&bass roxorz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yamaician music roxxorz tooo woooosh :D

but why? i just dunno... i like cool melody with good rhytm - liek u could play the game with that music, go for a walk or something - all around energy pumping music :P not rock tho... well old guys like 'the cream' , 'jimi hendrix', 'grand funk railroad' are cool but the new guys suck arse majorly.
as for lyrics... i like when there are none :P

playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

This comment was edited by SaZ on Jan 14 2006 01:55pm.

Jan 14 2006 12:35pm

Mindrith Pride
 - Student
 Mindrith Pride

well i mostly like rock and rap (:P) but i dont really listen to too much music, although i need to find some more coolio bands in fill up my mp3 player :)

for me its gotta have a catchy tune, good lyrics and it cant be heavy metal :P mindless noise >_>
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Jan 13 2006 09:27am

 - Student

Not any definable thing. I can be instantly moved by the sheer ball-grip of Led Zeppelin's Whole Lotta Love, the amazing interplay in Little Feat's music, the virtuosity of Charles Parker and Dizzy Gillespie, the clichéd but nice melodies of some sappy love songs, vocal harmonies of the Beach Boys, the wall of sound of Sonata Arctica, the guitar wizardry of Paco Delucia, the prog-rock thing of YES and ELP, etc. etc. etc.

Besides, most music NEVER grows onto me in the first listening. I have to listen to it at least twice/thrice (even if I'd have liked it a lot from the first listening) to really get the idea.

Also, good lyrics are ALWAYS a plus; nowadays they're the first thing I check when I buy a CD.
Thanks to the human heart by which we live,
Thanks to its tenderness, its joys, and fears,
To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.

Jan 13 2006 07:53am

 - Nugget

Has to start well, so far the Arctic Monkeys album just pure pwns, they have some sweet guitar work st the start of their songs, same as the strokes and magic numbers too.
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