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need to make money ideas?
Jan 07 2007 06:54pm

 - Student
well this is for all those broke people without a penny to their name. i want people to post here easy ways of making money on the web has to be legit tho no scams or anything.

the only way i know is that if u hav a website / myspace etc go use this
u put that on ur website and google will pay you. i'm not too up on the details but hey go try it =P.

plz post because all us bums need some money so lets help eachother :D:D
Is back and badder then ever

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Feb 03 2007 10:02pm

 - Student

Um over here in the UK i can make a killing on E-bay, go down to a carboot sale on the weekend and if your lucky you can get some awesome stuff, for instance last week i bought some Sega badges of Sonic, Tails etc for £1.50, sold them on E-bay for £35 :D

Feb 02 2007 07:54pm

Kenwan Obiobi
 - Student

get a job.


Jan 28 2007 02:36pm

 - Student

you really think selling rocks is easy?

Yeah, I do ...

Last year we had a mini-enterprise for school and we sold rocks with eyes on them. We painted the little rocks in all kinds of colours and put little eyes on them and sold them of as "fortune bringers". We sold thousands ...

See, any idea can be sold, as long as it's original :D

still those arent the ones you kick once in awhile while going for a walk :P

and yes i still think its difficult to sell them - original idea is the main problem.
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

This comment was edited by SaZ on Jan 28 2007 02:37pm.

Jan 28 2007 02:31pm

 - Jedi Council

Go into further or higher education, live off a generous bursary while you study, then get a job in your chosen profession! MONEY WHEYYY.

Jan 28 2007 01:02pm

Bail Hope of Belouve
 - Student
 Bail Hope of Belouve

you really think selling rocks is easy?

Yeah, I do ...

Last year we had a mini-enterprise for school and we sold rocks with eyes on them. We painted the little rocks in all kinds of colours and put little eyes on them and sold them of as "fortune bringers". We sold thousands ...

See, any idea can be sold, as long as it's original :D
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Jan 08 2007 02:46pm

 - Student

you really think selling rocks is easy?
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

Jan 08 2007 07:42am

 - Student

lol nice post virtue.

and this post is for alternatives from getting a job and selling rocks -.- cos some people like me live in a place where no one will employ you.
Is back and badder then ever

Jan 08 2007 07:27am

 - Nugget

Selling ingame currency on any MMORPG is against the law, if you read the terms and conditions within the game you will find you are not allowed to profit from any part of the game, including selling your account to items from your account, it is all owned by the MMORPG company for that particular game.
People try to get around this by seeling accounts on ebay with a disclaimer saying " you are buying my time spent on the character not the character itself " either way its still illegal and if they wanted some free publicity they could take it further.
Now MMMORPG's do allow you to sell your account, but often ask for some of the money you make, SWG for example have a site where u can sell your account through them, but u dont get all the money.

So yeh u can make money seeling currency, but its illegal :P
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Best Movie Character EVER!!

This comment was edited by Monteeeeeee on Jan 08 2007 07:28am.

Jan 08 2007 05:34am

Senor Hat
 - Student
 Senor Hat

I'd have to go with; Find a job.
I have beaten The Internet.
The end guy was hard.

Jan 08 2007 03:09am

 - Jedi Council

Well first off, ask yourself if you have a particular skill that people will want you to use for them.
Very rarely will you stumble accross a money-making scheme that doesn't involve either you being good at something, or you having to invest in something yourself, first (or a mixture of the two).

So, what are you good at?
Head on over to E-Bay and have a look at what other people are selling.
Some people are making Jedi Robes and selling them on E-Bay, some people are even going to websites that teach you how to build your own Lightsaber hilt, compiling all the info into one PDF, then selling that on E-Bay (and yes, people do buy them).

Can you build websites? Ask around your friends/family if anyone has a small company that they need a web page for (heck, even make a MySpace for them, if they don't frequent the internet like most of us geeks, who's going to know the difference?).

Are you decent with drawing/graphics?
Here's something I used to do, myself - I used to play a MMO called "Ultima Online", it's still going I htink and was one of the original MMOs. It had community forums where people would always go, not to mention UO Auction, a very popular Auction site for the game.
Anyways, I would make professional looking avatars for people who asked for them, of their in-game characters (it was a MMO, so everyone was different :D) and then sell them (for either UO Gold or RL Cash).

Some people even use MMO's to make money - my friend bought Star Wars Galaxies and proceeded to be one of those really annoying people who could make millions of credits quite easily, he'd then sell his in-game credits for RL money.
He'd sell 1 Million Credits for $100 (believe me, people do buy this stuff).
He even made that his "job" for a while. Imagine getting up in the morning, spending a few hours playing a computer game that you liked, then getting $100 because of it.

There are more ways, but no more that I can remember/come up with at 3:00am. Lol.

Good luck, though! If I think of any more, I'll let you know.

- Virtue. :alliance:
Academy Architect

Jan 07 2007 10:59pm

 - Student

sell rocks
I fite for teh usars!1

Jan 07 2007 09:36pm

 - Student

get a job.
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

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