Need help badly with mapping... annoying error. | |
Kaldør - Student |
I have been working on a map for nearly a month. I try to BSP the map as always, but suddenly this error occurs. It is "mirrored planes".
Note: I did no changes to the map to trigger the error. I edited something, and got this. So, I deleted the .map/.bsp and tried using my backed up .map from the last time. Still the same error. It popped up and I cannot seem to figure out how to fix it. Quote: === running BSP command ===
"C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant-1.4/q3map2" -v -connect -game ja -fs_basepath "C:/Program Files/LucasArts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/GameData/" -meta "C:/Program Files/LucasArts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/GameData/base/maps/" Connected. 1 threads Q3Map - v1.0r (c) 1999 Id Software Inc. Q3Map (ydnar) - v2.5.11 GtkRadiant - v1.4.0 Dec 21 2003 20:42:58 A well-oiled toaster oven --- InitPaths --- VFS Init: C:/Program Files/LucasArts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/GameData//base/ --- BSP --- Creating meta surfaces from brush faces entering shaders/shaderlist.txt entering shaders/bespin.shader entering shaders/bounty.shader entering shaders/byss.shader entering shaders/cairn.shader entering shaders/common.shader entering shaders/danger.shader entering shaders/decals.shader entering shaders/desert.shader entering shaders/doomgiver.shader entering shaders/factory.shader entering shaders/flares.shader entering shaders/fogs.shader entering shaders/h_evil.shader entering shaders/hoth.shader entering shaders/imp_mine.shader entering shaders/impdetention.shader entering shaders/imperial.shader entering shaders/jnegretetest.shader entering shaders/kejim.shader entering shaders/korriban.shader entering shaders/models.shader entering shaders/mp.shader entering shaders/narshaddaa.shader entering shaders/nar_streets.shader entering shaders/quicktrip.shader entering shaders/rail.shader entering shaders/rbettenbergtest.shader entering shaders/rift.shader entering shaders/rocky_ruins.shader entering shaders/rooftop.shader entering shaders/sandcrawler.shader entering shaders/siege.shader entering shaders/skies.shader entering shaders/stu.shader entering shaders/system.shader entering shaders/taspir.shader entering shaders/tests.shader entering shaders/vjun.shader entering shaders/wedge.shader entering shaders/yavin.shader 2215 shaderInfo --- LoadMapFile --- Loading C:/Program Files/LucasArts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/GameData/base/maps/ entering C:/Program Files/LucasArts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/GameData/base/maps/ WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/grimclawdojo/tuxlinux Entity 0, Brush 399: mirrored plane Entity 0, Brush 400: mirrored plane Entity 0, Brush 403: mirrored plane Entity 0, Brush 414: mirrored plane Entity 0, Brush 415: mirrored plane Entity 0, Brush 416: mirrored plane Entity 0, Brush 421: mirrored plane Entity 0, Brush 422: mirrored plane Entity 0, Brush 423: mirrored plane Entity 0, Brush 424: mirrored plane Entity 0, Brush 425: mirrored plane Entity 0, Brush 426: mirrored plane Entity 0, Brush 429: mirrored plane Entity 0, Brush 430: mirrored plane Entity 0, Brush 431: mirrored plane Entity 0, Brush 432: mirrored plane 385 total world brushes 0 detail brushes 37 patches 283 boxbevels 0 edgebevels 60 entities 1618 planes 0 areaportals Size: -4690, -2856, -296 to 2761, 2504, 680 --- ProcessDecals --- 0 decal projectors --- CreateMapFogs --- 0 fogs ############### model 0 ############### block size = { 1024 1024 1024 } BSP bounds: { -4696.000000 -2856.000000 -336.000000 } { 2761.000000 2504.000000 680.000000 } Lightgrid bounds: { 99999.000000 99999.000000 99999.000000 } { -99999.000000 -99999.000000 -99999.000000 } --- PatchMapDrawSurfs --- 37 patches 37 patch LOD groups --- FaceBSP --- 2465 faces 3536 leafs --- MakeTreePortals --- 0 tiny portals 0 bad portals --- FilterStructuralBrushesIntoTree --- 385 structural brushes 4561 cluster references --- FloodEntities --- 729 flooded leafs --- FillOutside --- 2425 solid leafs 382 leafs filled 729 inside leafs --- CullSides --- 1231 hidden faces culled 0 coincident faces culled --- ClipSidesIntoTree --- --- FaceBSP --- 1305 faces 1463 leafs --- MakeTreePortals --- 0 tiny portals 0 bad portals --- FilterStructuralBrushesIntoTree --- 385 structural brushes 1715 cluster references --- NumberClusters --- 739 visclusters 2067 visportals 2320 solidfaces --- WritePortalFile --- writing C:/Program Files/LucasArts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/GameData/base/maps/grimclawdojo.prt --- FloodAreas --- 5 areas --- AddTriangleModels --- --- AddEntitySurfaceModels --- --- FilterDetailBrushesIntoTree --- 0 detail brushes 0 cluster references ----- FogDrawSurfs ----- 0 fog polygon fragments 0 fog patch fragments 0 fogged drawsurfs --- SubdivideFaceSurfaces --- --- FixTJunctions --- 1460 axial edge lines 607 non-axial edge lines 0 degenerate edges 328 verts added for T-junctions 4186 total verts 810 naturally ordered 82 rotated orders 19 can't order 0 broken (degenerate) surfaces removed --- ClassifyEntitySurfaces --- --- TidyEntitySurfaces --- 0 empty or malformed surfaces deleted --- MakeEntityDecals --- (0) 0 decal surfaces --- MakeEntityMetaTriangles --- 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0) 911 total meta surfaces 908 stripped surfaces 3 fanned surfaces 0 patch meta surfaces 4189 meta verts 2370 meta triangles --- TidyEntitySurfaces --- 911 empty or malformed surfaces deleted --- SmoothMetaTriangles --- 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0) 0 smoothed vertexes --- MergeMetaTriangles --- 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0) 837 surfaces merged 6674 vertexes merged --- FilterDrawsurfsIntoTree --- 4880 references 874 (874) emitted drawsurfs 908 stripped face surfaces 3 fanned face surfaces 0 surface models generated 0 skybox surfaces generated 0 SURFACE_BAD surfaces 0 SURFACE_FACE surfaces 37 SURFACE_PATCH surfaces 0 SURFACE_TRIANGLES surfaces 0 SURFACE_FLARE surfaces 0 SURFACE_FOLIAGE surfaces 0 SURFACE_FORCED_META surfaces 837 SURFACE_META surfaces 0 SURFACE_FOGHULL surfaces 0 SURFACE_DECAL surfaces 0 SURFACE_SHADER surfaces 5646 redundant indexes supressed, saving 22 Kbytes --- FixBrushSides --- --- EndModel --- 0 light entities stripped 1638 BSP planes --- WriteSurfaceExtraFile --- Writing C:/Program Files/LucasArts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/GameData/base/maps/grimclawdojo.srf Writing C:/Program Files/LucasArts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/GameData/base/maps/grimclawdojo.bsp Storing lightgrid: 0 points Wrote 0.7 MB (764056 bytes) 8 seconds elapsed Disconnecting Connection closed. This post was edited by Kaldør on Jul 07 2009 05:49am. |
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Comments |
Setementor - Jedi Master |
Try using the Brush Cleanup tool under bobtoolz under Plugins. |
Everon - Student - The winner!!! |
Seems you've created some kind of invalid entity.
An entity referenced as "Entity 0" is linked to multiple brushes so the only thing I can recommend is making a backup and selecting the entity from the Entity list (Short-cut: L) and deleting it or its brushes until the map compiles correctly. I imagine that entity 0 is the first entity in the list other than worldspawn probably. If you still have issues then feel free to contact me on msn or email me with the source file in which I will take a look myself. This comment was edited by Everon on Jul 07 2009 05:06pm. |
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