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Holocron project mIRC channel
Apr 22 2003 09:03am

Lord Exar Kun
 - Student
Lord Exar Kun
Wouldn't it be handy to have a mIRC channel for the project. We can discuss things there easier then on the forum, and it would be handy for the meeting. If you guys agree, I'll register a channel asap.
-Retired april the 19th 2004

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May 03 2003 05:40pm

Ruuk Haviser
 - Retired
 Ruuk Haviser

Prolly gonna be empty until we have a meeting. Which should be...sometime soon when I'm not swamped with RL work!

Back from the dead...

May 01 2003 10:57am

Lord Exar Kun
 - Student
 Lord Exar Kun

yes you can: go to connect>select a server and check the "new server window" box. click ok, then the connect button :)
-Retired april the 19th 2004

Apr 25 2003 08:58pm

 - Student

Hmm... good idea but quite empty in here but I'll be there anyway :D... but does anyone know if you can connect to two servers at once?
~~ Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none! ~~

Apr 25 2003 06:16am

 - Student

wait i went to Ja-holocron and its empty....

edit: wa ha ha, its there, can i get oped to a jat status?
"this is Icco. Icco is old. Icco is lost. Icco is cool, but Icco doesn't know what the meaning of 'macrophageal sex'." - Vaughn

This comment was edited by Icco on Apr 25 2003 06:18am.

Apr 25 2003 06:14am

 - Student

Ruuk and/or MOS ill give you guys a quick run through or check aso's tutorila.
"this is Icco. Icco is old. Icco is lost. Icco is cool, but Icco doesn't know what the meaning of 'macrophageal sex'." - Vaughn

Apr 24 2003 11:46pm

 - Student

Aron has an IRC tutorial...

I'm to lazy to read it, even though I REALLY shoud because I SUCK at IRC.
Jedi Academy Holocron

Why should our government send our soldiers to foreign soil to protect freedom of speech, when our freedom of speech is being taking away everyday by the same government.

Apr 24 2003 10:58pm

Ruuk Haviser
 - Retired
 Ruuk Haviser

What the heck am I doing wrong with that software? I'm using mIRC...somebody want to give me a play by play here? I thought I was getting on, but it was just saying "connecting..." and wouldn't do anything else. Tried joining luck. Again, I fell off the stupid tree, and hit every branch on the way down...:(

Back from the dead...

Apr 24 2003 08:47am

Lord Exar Kun
 - Student
 Lord Exar Kun

op=control over channel
idle=being there but not saying a word ;)

ok, we're all set now, we've got JA bot in there, I have command over the channel. Just join it whenever you're on IRC, coz else it'll be soe empty :P
-Retired april the 19th 2004

This comment was edited by Lord Exar Kun on Apr 24 2003 09:56am.

Apr 24 2003 02:03am

Ruuk Haviser
 - Retired
 Ruuk Haviser

I'm confused. :confused: op? idlers? I'm stupid...

Back from the dead...

Apr 23 2003 09:15pm

 - Ex-Student

oh and voice all idlers :)
RIP Vlad

Apr 23 2003 09:13pm

 - Ex-Student

everyone that is associated should get ops :)
RIP Vlad

Apr 23 2003 03:27pm

Lord Exar Kun
 - Student
 Lord Exar Kun

yeah, bubu's hasnt got an L bot yet ;)

Edit: Who should get op in there?

-Retired april the 19th 2004

This comment was edited by Lord Exar Kun on Apr 23 2003 04:11pm.

Apr 23 2003 02:54pm

 - Hubbub

nah forget mine, use #ja-holocron
make install -not war

Apr 23 2003 12:23pm

Jake Kainite
 - Student
 Jake Kainite

Theres a JABot in #ja-holocron, but Bubu is in holocron with ops and has all the welcome message and topic stuff setup, so I guess we should use holocron.
Apprenctice of Jedi Master Ascari (deceased)
Descended from a line of great Jedi
Will argue any point of view from any side :D

Apr 23 2003 12:09pm

Lord Exar Kun
 - Student
 Lord Exar Kun

um, try #ja-holocron ;)
-Retired april the 19th 2004

Apr 23 2003 12:07pm

 - Hubbub

wait a minute, #holocron right?

coz i'm there right now, and except for Jake and me, it's totally empty. belive me, i checked in every corner and behind every door. we are most definitely alone. :P
make install -not war

This comment was edited by Bubu on Apr 23 2003 12:07pm.

Apr 23 2003 09:00am

Lord Exar Kun
 - Student
 Lord Exar Kun

yeah, I had about 6 people in ther yesterday, and I made them stay I think, coz the topic said: "please stay in here, som1 request an L bot soon", I hope it's done now, coz I couldnt stay ;)

Btw jake, with registering I meant getting an L-bot
-Retired april the 19th 2004

This comment was edited by Lord Exar Kun on Apr 23 2003 09:02am.

Apr 23 2003 07:12am

 - Hubbub

what jake is saying is that all we have to do is one of us opens irc, types "/join #holocron" or something like that, tells everyone the name of the channel, and TADA! :D the bots will come later if we have enough people on the channel...

EDIT: I just did it. all you peeps please join #holocron when you are on irc ;)
make install -not war

This comment was edited by Bubu on Apr 23 2003 07:14am.

Apr 23 2003 03:34am

 - Student

im in
"this is Icco. Icco is old. Icco is lost. Icco is cool, but Icco doesn't know what the meaning of 'macrophageal sex'." - Vaughn

Apr 23 2003 02:47am

 - Ex-Student

im in, as long as i get ops as everyone in this thing should deserve :)
RIP Vlad

Apr 23 2003 02:26am

Ruuk Haviser
 - Retired
 Ruuk Haviser

I think it's a good idea, but I'm don't know the thing too well to understand what Jake is talking about. Jake, could you explain this a little more please?

Back from the dead...

Apr 22 2003 09:58pm

Jake Kainite
 - Student
 Jake Kainite

Why do we have to register ? Just get one, we could get a bot eventually which is free :) You have to have something like 10 people in a channel for more than 3-4 hours or something to get a bot.
Apprenctice of Jedi Master Ascari (deceased)
Descended from a line of great Jedi
Will argue any point of view from any side :D

Apr 22 2003 09:12pm

 - Ex-Student

count me in
The Notorious Conversation Killer

Apr 22 2003 05:06pm

Lord Exar Kun
 - Student
 Lord Exar Kun

k, tnx bubu ;)
-Retired april the 19th 2004

Apr 22 2003 03:41pm

 - Hubbub

i'm game ;)
make install -not war

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