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Way Too Many Bottles of Beer
Apr 30 2003 05:50am

 - Student
i dunno what i was ever thinking.. well, yeah. too much..

This post was edited by FaDed on Nov 06 2003 04:29am.

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Sep 24 2003 01:59am

 - Student

9724 bottles of beer on the wall
9724 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
9723 bottles of beer on the wall

Sep 24 2003 01:31am

 - Student

9725 bottles of beer on the wall
9725 bottles of beer
You take one down, crush it in Jacen Aratan's head
9724 bottles of beer on the wall!

-ShadowSith: CTF/gunner specialist.

Sep 23 2003 08:46pm

 - Student

9726 bottles of beer on the wall
9726 bottles of beer
You take one down, crush it in Jacen Aratan's head
9725 bottles of beer on the wall!

-ShadowSith: CTF/gunner specialist.

Sep 23 2003 04:58pm

 - Student

9727 bottles of beer on the wall
9727 bottles of beer
You take one down, crush it in Jacen Aratan's head
9726 bottles of beer on the wall!

Sep 23 2003 04:22pm

 - Student

9728 bottles of derp-juice on the wall
9728 bottles of derp-juice
You take one down, smash Jacen Aratan with it,
9727 bottles of derp-juice on the wall! :cool:
In the navy and LOVING it! :D

Recipient of comment no. 1000 and heart-warming words from Ataris! :)

Sep 23 2003 10:49am

 - Ex-Student

9729 bottles of beer on the wall
9729 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
9728 bottles of beer on the wall

-"Do, or do not. There is no try"-

Sep 22 2003 08:21pm

 - Student

9730 bottles of beer on the wall
9730 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
9729 bottles of beer on the wall

how are we supposed to finish this? :o

Sep 21 2003 11:23pm

 - Student

9731 bottles of beer on the wall
9731 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
9730 bottles of beer on the wall

Sep 21 2003 07:29pm

 - Student

9732 bottles of beer on the wall
9732 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
9731 bottles of beer on the wall

Sep 21 2003 07:12pm

 - Student

9733 copies of the song "Chiuaua" on the wall
9733 copies of the song "Chiuaua"
You take one down (and hopefully crush a few of them while doing it), and toss it around,
9732 copies of the song "Chiuaua" on the wall! :cool:
In the navy and LOVING it! :D

Recipient of comment no. 1000 and heart-warming words from Ataris! :)

Sep 20 2003 03:39pm

Jaina D'Kana
 - Jedi Instructor
 Jaina D'Kana

9734 pots of honey on the wall
9734 pots of honey
take one down, pass it around
9733 pots of honey on the wall

Sep 20 2003 07:50am

Flamori Athena
 - Student
 Flamori Athena

*clears throat*

9735 pots of honey on the wall
9735 pots of honey
take one down, pass it around
9734 pots of honey on the wall

«±» 21st on the Midbie Council, Profile ID: 2027 «±»
True wisdom is the knowledge that you know nothing.

Sep 20 2003 07:38am

 - Ex-Student

9739 bottles of sherbert on the wall
9739 bottles of sherbert
take one down, pass it around
9738 bottles of sherbert on the wall


Sep 20 2003 07:37am

Flamori Athena
 - Student
 Flamori Athena

9736 pots of honey on the wall
9736 pots of honey
take one down, pass it around
9735 pots of honey on the wall
«±» 21st on the Midbie Council, Profile ID: 2027 «±»
True wisdom is the knowledge that you know nothing.

Sep 20 2003 07:36am

Flamori Athena
 - Student
 Flamori Athena

9737 pots of honey on the wall
9737 pots of honey
take one down, pass it around
9736 pots of honey on the wall
«±» 21st on the Midbie Council, Profile ID: 2027 «±»
True wisdom is the knowledge that you know nothing.

Sep 20 2003 07:36am

Flamori Athena
 - Student
 Flamori Athena

9738 pots of honey on the wall
9738 pots of honey
take one down, pass it around
9737 pots of honey on the wall
«±» 21st on the Midbie Council, Profile ID: 2027 «±»
True wisdom is the knowledge that you know nothing.

Sep 20 2003 07:36am

Flamori Athena
 - Student
 Flamori Athena

9739 pots of honey on the wall
9739 pots of honey
take one down, pass it around
9738 pots of honey on the wall
«±» 21st on the Midbie Council, Profile ID: 2027 «±»
True wisdom is the knowledge that you know nothing.

Sep 20 2003 07:36am

Flamori Athena
 - Student
 Flamori Athena

9740 pots of honey on the wall
9740 pots of honey
take one down, pass it around
9739 pots of honey on the wall
«±» 21st on the Midbie Council, Profile ID: 2027 «±»
True wisdom is the knowledge that you know nothing.

Sep 20 2003 07:36am

Flamori Athena
 - Student
 Flamori Athena

9741 pots of honey on the wall
9741 pots of honey
take one down, pass it around
9740 pots of honey on the wall
«±» 21st on the Midbie Council, Profile ID: 2027 «±»
True wisdom is the knowledge that you know nothing.

Sep 20 2003 07:36am

Flamori Athena
 - Student
 Flamori Athena

9742 pots of honey on the wall
9742 pots of honey
take one down, pass it around
9741 pots of honey on the wall
«±» 21st on the Midbie Council, Profile ID: 2027 «±»
True wisdom is the knowledge that you know nothing.

Sep 20 2003 07:35am

Flamori Athena
 - Student
 Flamori Athena

9743 tubs of beer on the wall
9743 tubs of beer
take one down, pass it around
9742 tubs of beer on the wall
«±» 21st on the Midbie Council, Profile ID: 2027 «±»
True wisdom is the knowledge that you know nothing.

Sep 19 2003 07:32pm

Jacen Aratan
 - Student

9744 barrels of rum'n'ale on the wall
9744 barrels of rum'n'ale
me takes one down, pass 't around
9743 barrels of rum'n'ale on the wall.

Sep 19 2003 07:30pm

Battlin' Billy
 - Student
 Battlin' Billy

Real pirates only drink the finest rum of the Carribean! So...

9745 barrels of rum on the wall
9745 barrels of rum
me takes one down, pass 't around
9744 barrels of rum on the wall.

Arrrr....I'll keel-haul the lot of ye!

Midbie Council Member #2 - Profile ID 2073 | Member of B@rtM@ulS@ar | Owner of Monty's 2000th comment & D@RtHM@UL's 8100th comment |
Former Padawan of SilkMonkey & Arcuss
JA Goaltender & NHL Fan | Fellow Rush fan to Axion|Plo Koon is my oldest JA friend
Post your RL pics HERE! | Post you JK2/JK3 screenies HERE!

Sep 19 2003 12:43pm

 - Student


9746 barrels of ale on the wall
9746 barrels of ale
me takes one down, pass 't around
9745 barrels of ale on the wall


Sep 19 2003 09:17am

 - Student

9747 barrels of grog on the wall
9747 barrels of grog
me takes one down, pass 't around
9746 barrels of grog on the wall

drink up, me hearties! :D

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