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Way Too Many Bottles of Beer
Apr 30 2003 05:50am

 - Student
i dunno what i was ever thinking.. well, yeah. too much..

This post was edited by FaDed on Nov 06 2003 04:29am.

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Aug 07 2003 10:57am

 - Student

13 Bottles of beer on the wall
13 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
12 bottles of beer on the wall

Aug 07 2003 07:54am

 - Retired

14 Bottles of beer on the wall
14 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
13 bottles of beer on the wall

Aug 07 2003 03:59am

 - Student

15 Bottles of beer on the wall
15 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
14 bottles of beer on the wall
Personal body guard to teh 1337 Jacen Aratan!

Midbie Council Memeber||Member of the Almighty FiZZsters

This comment was edited by SirBizNatch on Aug 07 2003 04:11am.

Aug 07 2003 03:58am

 - Student

16 bottles of beer on the wall, 16 bottles of beer!
Should one of those bottles happen to fall, 15 bottles of beer on the wall!

Now that we're getting lower, NO CHEATING PEOPLE!! :D

In other words, don't post twice just so you can do the last one ;)
|"Evacuate? In our moment of Triumph? I think you overestimate their chances."|"hurray broccoli!" -Tarpman| |Godson to Carve|Ward of Flamori|Brother to Gunrow|

This comment was edited by EAF_fencer3 on Aug 07 2003 03:59am.

Aug 07 2003 03:57am

 - Student

17 Bottles of beer on the wall
17 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
16 bottles of beer on the wall

(Read error: Connection reset by beer)

Aug 07 2003 03:57am

 - Student

18 bottles of beer on the wall, 18 bottles of beer!
Should one of those bottles happen to fall,
17 bottles of beer on the wall!

|"Evacuate? In our moment of Triumph? I think you overestimate their chances."|"hurray broccoli!" -Tarpman| |Godson to Carve|Ward of Flamori|Brother to Gunrow|

This comment was edited by EAF_fencer3 on Aug 07 2003 03:57am.

Aug 07 2003 03:56am

 - Retired

18 Bottles of beer on the wall
18 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
17 bottles of beer on the wall

Aug 07 2003 03:55am

 - Retired

19 Bottles of beer on the wall
19 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
18 bottles of beer on the wall
When a Man lies he murder's some part of the world. These are the pale deaths which men misscall there lives. All this I cannot bear to witness any longer. Cannot the kingdom of salvation take me home? -Cliff Burton Owner of Smily's 1900th comment | <Lady_Catherine> i love your sexy white socks! | (Lady_Catherine) i adore u! | (Lady_Catherine) onion (Lady_Catherine) i lub u

Aug 07 2003 03:08am

 - Student

20 Bottles of beer on the wall
20 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
19 bottles of beer on the wall

Aug 06 2003 11:35pm

 - Student

21 Bottles of beer on the wall
21 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
20 bottles of beer on the wall

down at the last twenty people!

Aug 06 2003 11:20pm

 - Student

22 Bottles of beer on the wall
22 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
21 bottles of beer on the wall
-ShadowSith: CTF/gunner specialist.

Aug 06 2003 11:13pm

 - Student

23 Bottles of beer on the wall
23 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
22 bottles of beer on the wall
I was a child when I joined the JA...scary.

Aug 06 2003 07:13pm

 - Student

24 Bottles of beer on the wall
24 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
23 bottles of beer on the wall

Aug 06 2003 05:47pm

 - Student

25 Bottles of beer on the wall
25 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
24 bottles of beer on the wall
I was a child when I joined the JA...scary.

Aug 06 2003 04:07pm

 - Student

26 Bottles of beer on the wall
26 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
25 bottles of beer on the wall


Wanna know what my name means? Peralos Ale'Velkyrii: Perilous Drunken Angel, or PDA for short. :P
Perilous, because I'm bound to get into fights I can't win. Drunken, because ALE! Angel, because a valkyrie is basically an angel of Odin.
I'm here to send you to the afterlife, but I can't gurantee I'll be stable enough to win a fight. :D

Aug 06 2003 01:07pm

 - Student

27 Bottles of beer on the wall
27 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
26 bottles of beer on the wall

say, shouldn't anyone go get some more beer? :D

Aug 06 2003 01:06pm

 - Student

28 Bottles of beer on the wall
28 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
27 bottles of beer on the wall
We're coming to an end!
-ShadowSith: CTF/gunner specialist.

Aug 06 2003 10:45am

Marcel Mandarijn
 - Student
 Marcel Mandarijn

29 Bottles of beer on the wall
29 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
28 bottles of beer on the wall

Aug 06 2003 10:41am

 - Student

30 Bottles of beer on the wall
30 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
29 bottles of beer on the wall
I was a child when I joined the JA...scary.

Aug 06 2003 06:07am

 - Student

31 Bottles of beer on the wall
31 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
30 bottles of beer on the wall

Aug 06 2003 03:18am

 - Student

32 Bottles of beer on the wall
32 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
31 bottles of beer on the wall

man...ive had what, 969 beers? i need to sit down....
Personal body guard to teh 1337 Jacen Aratan!

Midbie Council Memeber||Member of the Almighty FiZZsters

Aug 06 2003 01:44am

 - Student

33 Bottles of beer on the wall
33 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
32 bottles of beer on the wall

Woah...I almost missed my chance. lol. I hadn't checked this in a LONG time.
Wanna know what my name means? Peralos Ale'Velkyrii: Perilous Drunken Angel, or PDA for short. :P
Perilous, because I'm bound to get into fights I can't win. Drunken, because ALE! Angel, because a valkyrie is basically an angel of Odin.
I'm here to send you to the afterlife, but I can't gurantee I'll be stable enough to win a fight. :D

Aug 06 2003 12:58am

 - Student

34 Bottles of beer on the wall
34 bottles of beer
take one down pass it around
33 bottles of beer on the wall
Almost there!

-ShadowSith: CTF/gunner specialist.

Aug 05 2003 11:22pm

 - Student

35 Bottles of beer on the wall
35 bottles of beer
take one down pass it around
34 bottles of beer on the wall
I was a child when I joined the JA...scary.

Aug 05 2003 06:52pm

 - Retired

36 Bottles of beer on the wall
36 bottles of beer
take one down pass it around
35 bottles of beer on the wall
RIP MOM 06/29/58-07/31/08 Married to Koyi Donita 4/30/11

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