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Saber Colors !
Jun 30 2003 07:09pm

 - Student
Does anyone know why all Jedi have green or blue and Mace Windu has purple.
And why doesnt any Jedi have orange or yellow colored saber :confused:

What saber color do you like best?

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Jul 03 2003 09:29am

Rei D'Kana
 - Ex-Student

I know why, Cause Samuel Jackson asked George lucas if he could have a purple saber. And George was all like, nono, all jedi have green or blue. But Eventually he still gave Samuel a purple saber. (saw that in a making off)

Jul 03 2003 09:11am

Jacen Aratan
 - Student

Didn't see the poll.... voted now.

Jul 03 2003 08:59am

 - Student

Nope both Mace Windu and Yoda are senior members of the Jedi Council. They are the "leaders".

Jul 03 2003 08:48am

 - Ex-Student

only i like red saber??? c'mon Maul/Jacen!!! u r darksiders as well!:mad:

btw: Mace is not the Council leader!!! Yoda is... For example in ep1, he was the one who made the decisions (in the end with ObiWan) of the council...!
Your friends of today, are your enemies of tomorrow.

Jul 02 2003 09:02pm

Jacen Aratan
 - Student

Indeed Maul.

Eh, Aeth.... I think you confused my post about importers with those people actually being serious (me + serious = system overload).

Jul 02 2003 07:58pm

 - Student

Cause we EU ppl rule the world one day ull see !!! :P

Jul 02 2003 04:04pm

Aeth S'kray
 - Retired
 Aeth S'kray

jacen is right.

the official colours are blue, green, red and purple. purple is a bit special, it's not a standard lightsaber. maybe because mace is kinda the leader of the council?
yellow and orange are sort of half-official. but they are DARK-side, as far as i know.

those two-crystaled lightsaber like corrans one with and extended or two-cored blade are EU only :)
Aeth S'kray *June 2002 +September 2003

Jul 02 2003 03:12pm

 - Student

the same reason that the bad guys in tron are red and the good guys are blue.

Dramatic effect:D
One of the Belouve boys

Jul 02 2003 02:27pm

Jacen Aratan
 - Student

Perhaps it's not the same importer? :P

Jul 02 2003 02:01pm

 - Student

Then why doesnt any light sided Jedi find a red beam crystal and dark siders ONLY find red beam crystals in the movies then?

Jul 02 2003 09:52am

 - Student

Yubyub, Corran Horns lightsaber is Silver normally with the emerald(the color comes from a durindfire gem, also used in his granfathers lightsaber) and amethyst in its elongated state with the diamond. I got this info from I, Jedi and Dark Tide II: Ruin. Heh, I'm a geek. :D:P
"It's because I love you.
No. It's because I love you"
Oh, Anakin, you're eloquence is second to none.

Jul 02 2003 09:17am

 - Student

What YubYub sais is true. It matters with jewel you put in it. And as there are 2/3 jewels going in a lightsaber you can have distinct colour variations. But blue and green are the most common colors. It is part of the Jedi Test to look for these crystals.
Personal sleepness-nights-supporter of Virtue. Owner of the 1000th comment of Daidalus and 1943th comment of Gradius! Owner of the 300th comment of Carda!
-Taught Gradius all his laming skills :P

This comment was edited by Kueller on Jul 02 2003 09:18am.

Jul 02 2003 08:48am

 - Student

LoL fight of the black blades :P

Jul 01 2003 09:21pm

 - Ex-Student

probably because all the saber fights r in dark places, or have a dark background so the colors seem more flashy and bright. a black saber couldnt be seen as good. who wants to see 2 guys fighting each other with hilts?
if at first you dont succeed, try and try again. if you still dont succeed, youve just wasted a whole lot of time trying something you just cant do:)

Jul 01 2003 01:51pm

 - Student

Nope :)

Jul 01 2003 01:13pm

Flamori Athena
 - Student
 Flamori Athena

Yeah, but it never came out in the movies

«±» 21st on the Midbie Council, Profile ID: 2027 «±»
True wisdom is the knowledge that you know nothing.

Jul 01 2003 12:52pm

 - Student

i wouldn't say there are any OFFICIAL lightsaber colours.

In theory the colour of your blade is related to what jewel you put in it.

Corran Horns is green (emerald) and silver (diamond)

Leias saber is red.

etc. etc.

I suppose if you used something liek obsidion you could, in theory, have a black saber.

Jul 01 2003 12:04pm

Jake Kainite
 - Student
 Jake Kainite

no no no no no

Firstly the only official lihtsaber colours are BLUE, GREEN and RED (and now PURPLE) There is no orange, yellow, brown, silver, anything like that they were just made up by books, games and other stuff.

About which sides the colours represent.....

~Lightsabre Blade Colors And What They Mean~

Yellow/Orange(We believe these two interchangeable)
- "Luminous beings are we; not this crude matter." The Yellow abilities deal with energy, both in it's physical and metaphysical forms.

Blue - Mind over matter is the basis for telekinesis; mind over mind is the nature of a Force duel. Blue deals with countering mental attacks, seeking the paths of others' thoughts, and the universe of the mind.

Green - Of all the colors, this is perhaps the most important. Nature is the focus of this discipline, growth, life, and the course of natural evolution are involved with this color.

Red - Red is often a symbol of attack and chaos, making it the least used of the Aing-Tii powers. Still, mastery of these abilities will help those constantly on the front lines of a battle.

Purple/Violet - The color of seeing through illusion is purple. Truth in the face of lies, truth in the face of other truth.

Apprenctice of Jedi Master Ascari (deceased)
Descended from a line of great Jedi
Will argue any point of view from any side :D

Jul 01 2003 11:53am

 - Student

oww u dont like me cmad :P

Jul 01 2003 08:30am

 - Ex-Student

Adi Galia has a red saber (or is it pink?)!!! lol... Why is that??

And he could he him self clearly, coz Windu is black and all the other Jedis are not (i don't mean anything by that, i like black ppl more that white!!!)... ;)
Your friends of today, are your enemies of tomorrow.

Jul 01 2003 03:29am

Zero Akaine
 - Student
 Zero Akaine

well from what i was tould when i started playing. Blue Green and purple are Jedi colors and Yellow Ornge and Red are Dark jedi colors red is also sith.
Padawan of Ryo Akaine
Master to Aphex,Skyler,Doppelganger, and GremReaper.

Jun 30 2003 08:49pm

Rogue Lord
 - Ex-Student
 Rogue Lord

he is serious samual asked for a purple saber when he signed on to do the movie, an im sure that lots of other jedis have diffrent color sabers we just havent seen them.. especially since most were killed off before the ep 4,5 and 6

so think outside the box (oh crap its just a bigger box outside this 1 phooey)
He welds the blade of a FalleN HerO, but now he is the HerO, and it is others who shall FALL....
There are only DancerS and the DancE... All is DancE.. ALL IS.. ~GanneRs LasT StanD.

Jun 30 2003 08:32pm

 - Student

But seriously tell me why this is?

Jun 30 2003 08:32pm

 - Student

OMG LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jun 30 2003 07:28pm

 - Eats Babies

Mace has a purple saber because Sam Jackson is a pimp. If you didnt notice, his saber hilt is also gold plated. Total pimp gear.

the real reason is because Sam Jackson told George Lucas that he wanted to stand out from everyone else in the last fight so that he could find himself on screen to show his kids.
"We keep odd hours...." ----------------------- They Live, We Sleep

This comment was edited by Ash on Jun 30 2003 07:30pm.

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