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Spring Cleaning at the Jedi Academy -DJ Sith - Mar 08 04:15pm |
The most common complaint I get about the Jedi Academy is that "it's not like how it used to be". Instead of working on improving their skills, students nowadays concern themselves with class points, trials, and rank, and all the things that come along with that. It takes away from their capacity to learn. And it takes away from an Instructor's ability to teach.
We are dropping the concept of rank at the Jedi Academy. I know many of you were working toward getting up there, and I'm sorry for pulling the rug out from under all of you like this. Our goal here is to teach how to play the video game Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, and to try to be a good part of the JKII gaming community, not personal advancement. If you're looking for personal rank advancement: go join a clan. It's as simple as that. If you want to learn in an attitude neutral enviornment and to help your fellow players become better players then stay with us. We're going back towards being the open school that we were when we first opened. The current Knights will stay as Knights, but the rold of a Knight is changing from a student rank to more of a separate job. For those who remember this they will serve in the old "Jedi In Training" role. They will serve to help keep the peace on the servers, and to assist in classes. The other students are having their rank converted to "student" (unless I can think of something else that sounds cool looking on a forum ![]() ![]() The Jedi Mentor rank is leaving us as well. All Jedi Mentors are going down to the Jedi Instructor level. The Jedi Master rank is going to be given to our most senior instructors, who have been with us for quite some time and know how we work. You should be able to go to a Master with any question and expect to get a good answer. Some of you will be dissapointed with this idea. I can't blame you. You've been working hard. And I'm proud of that, and proud of all of you. Keep working. Keep practicing. Help others learn. Now you can work and play without having to worry about all the overhead or if you have enough class points to do this or that or whatever. |
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Comments |
xAnAtOs - Student |
Nice to see you're still thinking DJ ![]() _______________ Brother to Luke Skywalker and (SKX) Dark Blade ![]() Lag Brother to Acey Spadey ![]() Jools is my best friend. ![]() <Henkes> nebody feeling like abusing me with a lightsaber?|+Smilykrazy grabs Gradius, beats the living CRAP out of him, then throws him into a huge vat of ACID |
Ruuk Haviser - Retired ![]() |
After reading all your comments, I can see why this was such a problem. Personally, I'm glad to see it gone too, cause I felt a lot of pressure to advance. Now I feel I can just worry about learning...'cause y'all know I need as much help as I can get. ![]() -rh _______________ Back from the dead... |
ioshee - Student ![]() |
Me likey...
Couldn't it say "ham-sandwich" instead of "student" though? _______________ One of the Belouve boys |
Acura Belouve - Student ![]() |
I Have some mixed feeligns about the ranks being gone.....
One is that Classes may be meant for learning now and no need for points but what happens after all the classes are taken????After theres nothing for them to instead of just repeating that one class. No inspiration at all well at least for some people. I have taken almost all the classes so i don't what to do personally im waiting for some new ones. Now that anyone can join it may mean longer classes maybe you should make sure someone took a certain class before entring the higher one instead of everyone just joining and arent able to learn anything.... Ill admitt i was in the rank race i wanted to get promoted as soon as possible so thing kinda opened my eyes for the first time in a bit. But there are alot of good efects of this old system. No more Nagging the Jat's or Jac's about trials and points etc which is very good. I do feel as though people will leave faster since there coming for classes adn training mainly to play in the real world Public Servers...I never play Public lol im here till the Academy falls which wont be anytime time soon i think. So thats my 2 cents.I keep my faith in the Council since they did start that Academy and have kept it running great even during the rank saga... ![]() _______________ |
Fandango - Ex-Student |
It's an awesome idea. But you can't blame people for asking too many trials and being too obsessive with points.
I for one was already a JK2 vet before i came to JA. I wanted to get some tips and to learn some stuff I didn't know about, but to get to learn what I didn't know I had to go through the whole process of playing over 12 hours of JK2. It wasn't a bad system, but like arcuss said, it was overwhelmed with Cons. I really didn't like the fact that I had to go through the dfa's, ydfa's and lunges even when I knew about them way back then. Now about the current change, it's pretty good. People can sign up to whichever class they chose, no need to go by those boring classes again (no offense). It's not as in-depth as before, nor as fun, but it's a start. I guess sometimes going back in time is a good idea. _______________ Can you protect me from yourself? |
Arcuss - Student ![]() |
I think this is great. The pros greatly outweigh the cons. I'm sure you'll see JATs hanging around more after classes now that they don't have to update points or be hammered with trial request. You'll also find that classes will run more smoothly,as the people attending will actually be there to learn rather than just to gain a point. This is how the Academy was set up when I first joined and it was much better back then.
I understand that some of you are upset because you saw the ranks as a reward of sorts. Someone even asked me the other day how they would be rewarded without ranks. There are other rewards for being here besides a rank. Helping others advance in skill,and encouraging others to have a positive attitude can be a very rewarding experience for instance. When you see you've helped another become a better player it leaves you with a good feeling. Being able to enter a public server and not get totally creamed is pretty rewarding as well. There will now be more options for classes now that there is open slots to fill in the place of trial calsses. Also the time and energy spent on the points & ranking system can now be spent on better things like tournament planning and the like. "im kinda for this cus none will be treated with respect except knights or higher as it should be journey men aren't special"-every one should be treated with equal respect regardless of their title,unless they prove themselves unworthy by acting a fool or being disrespectful. "What if you've learned all you could, then wanted to pass on your knowledge? I"m not saying that I'm at that level yet, but I guess I"m speaking for those who are as good as the Knights or Instructors, but haven't gotten the rank. Think about it..." - you are encouraged to pass your knowledge on to everyone you feel could be benefited by it. You don't need a rank to help others advance. Trust me guys this will all work out for the better,have patients and you will find out this will make for a better all around experience. :arcuss: This comment was edited by Arcuss on Mar 09 2003 01:36pm. |
Archangel - Ex-Student ![]() |
Back to learning from each other. No more "Will I get a point for this?" every 10 minutes in a class. Go counsel, go trainers. I guess the meeting Saturday ended up with a good resolution. Arcuss, I bet you're happy. Like we were talking about not that long ago, back to the way it was. Anyway, good job counsel and everyone else for making the academy a fun place to play and learn and keeping it that way. Bye now. _______________ A man asked me for a dollar, and I asked him what its for. He said "I have seen them". I said "ok its yours". |
SilkMonkey - Distributor of Cold Ones ![]() |
If you play on the servers (preferably with JAKS/JATS/JACS) on, people can notice if you are ready skill-wise, and if you have the maturity to advance.
I did spend around 9 glorious days as Journeyman. The journey continues on.... DONT STOP BELIEVING!! HOLD ONTO THE FEEELLLLLAYYYING!!! STREET LIGHTS! PEOPLE! DAH DAH DAH FIND DEVOTION! HIDING! SOMEWHERE IN THE NIGHT!!! _______________ |-HK-47 -SilkMonkey: You are receiving a warning for being_too_sexy. If you do not stop, action will be taken against you.|| (11:13:43) � Virtue dances for Silk ||Smiling owner of Smilykrazy's 6000th comment =) ||Odan Wei's Proud Big Brother|| Janus is my official TaruTaru Cuddly Animal Type Person. ||(@Virtue) Or you could just be a man and set fire to your genitals.....you won't fall asleep for days after that.......trust me.||Thomas Skywalker er for sexy for sitt eget beste!!!!| Not changing sig until the JA loosens up. (Started: Aug 31, 2005) |
OcarinaLink - Student ![]() |
::sighs with relief:: this is a great idea. I for one was caught up in the rank race, and now I can just concentrate on learning. My only question is, is there still a possibility of going beyond Student? What if you've learned all you could, then wanted to pass on your knowledge? I"m not saying that I'm at that level yet, but I guess I"m speaking for those who are as good as the Knights or Instructors, but haven't gotten the rank. Think about it... _______________ memento mori |
Sniya - Student ![]() |
i leave to play runescape for a day and this happens tut tut
Can you not survive without me! ![]() im kinda for this cus none will be traeated with respect except knights or higher as it should be journey men arent special _______________ The real question is not whether machines think but whether men do. Bertrand Russell http://www.thejediacademy.net/forums_detail_page.php?f_id=970 This comment was edited by Sniya on Mar 09 2003 09:21am. |
DoriaN - Ex-Student ![]() |
It's about time this happened, people were getting too obsessed with gaining 400 comments, becoming popular and gaining just to hold a high place in the academy. You're all here to train to become better at playing jk2 outside of the ja servers on the pub servs and play well for yourself. That's the only reason this academy was created to help you guys better your game. Now stop worrying about ranks and becoming jats, everyone wants to become a jat and we can't have 200 jats and no students, that's not the way it goes. So just play here to improve your game. If you don't lessons or help then you should leave, cause that's the academies main goal. _______________ JiM This comment was edited by DoriaN on Mar 09 2003 09:02am. |
JProton - Ex-Student ![]() |
Point point points,
Im all for getting rid of the points, its was stopping me learning more and becoming more than learner, but instead of deleting the points system, why doesnt the academy just keep the points quiet? and note let the players know there points, if its only known to the Knights and higher, then it can be used as a way to track how many and how long a player has been around the JA, and as other ppl have said it opens up all the classes and not limits me to only Learner stuff. _______________ We have all had Dark Times. Its how we deal with it now that makes the kind of Jedi we are. This comment was edited by JProton on Mar 09 2003 03:35am. |
TiTo (inactive) - Student |
I think it sounds like a good change, I was only trying to go for j-man, so that I could attend the classes I needed. Now I can anyway, w00t!![]() *holds up a bottle with a mark that says "Jedi Council", and turns to the nearest camera* Thank you, Jedi Council! ![]() _______________ Not back yet... I'll come one day, I hope... The madman formerly (and still) known as Tito! Coming to take back my title as "Most insane 'person' in the JA" It's the bizzi, wizza, jizzi, Wizzil, Bizon, wizzay, Wizzat, fizzil ¶°TiTo°¶ - All work and no play makes Tito burn the bacon! ![]() |
Lord Exar Kun - Student ![]() |
I think this is better. There really was a rank race going on, and it didnt make the JA any better. The trials were really keeping the JATs (and JAKs) from their actual jobs. This way we will be ably to concentrate on our realy jobs: keeping the peace in the servers and assisting/taking over classes. _______________ -Retired april the 19th 2004 |
Jacen Aratan - Student |
I'm glad you have dropped the before mentioned system (now I don't have to worry about my points ![]() DJ-> Hope Doobie has gotten LOTS of beer down in Germany when you tell him this. ![]() |
Silent Whisper - Retired ![]() |
For the record, the orginal Council rank was Jedi Academy Coordinator(JAC), not Administrator. ![]() _______________ "I have learned from Vergere only that there is no such thing as sides of the Force....for the side is merely a reflection of your intentions of the Force. Use it in hate, and it will be hate. Use it offensively in good, and you will find my Truth." -Jacen Solo, "Traitor", New Jedi Order This comment was edited by Silent Whisper on Mar 09 2003 01:58am. |
Rahn del Sol - Student ![]() |
Gee, now I'll never get the rank I wasn't working to get anyway.
Darn :p Good job. Put the focus back on what it should be, rather than titles and tags. As I've said in the past...respect is earned, not given. _______________ http://steamcommunity.com/id/citizen059 |
FaDed - Student |
why would you announce something like that iori? |
Bubu - Hubbub ![]() |
i am glad the council has seen the light. good move ![]() the only potential problem that i see is how are more advanced classes going to be managed? but i guess students should know whether they're ready or not, and have the courtesy not to enroll in a class they are not ready for. we'll see how it goes... _______________ make install -not war |
Iori Yagami - Student ![]() |
I'm here to own!
learn to own learn to own! uh.., or get owned.., ![]() ok.., i'll shut up now ![]() _______________ May the ping be with you |
JA > Yun - Student ![]() |
To be honest, I'm the one who has been pushing for this for the longest time, first by creating "Fix the JA" (which is also responsible for the Open Session classes). I feel this the changes made will help >>STUDENT INTERACTIONS<< Because this is what the JA is meant for, so that you guys can learn whatcha need to, but not just at classes... EVERYWHERE _______________ Bringing newbies closer to perfection since 1998. |
Plo Koon - Student |
got my two cents JAC's _______________ Free Tibet! Click this link,and learn Here too |
niten - Student ![]() |
Awesome! Wasn't here for the points anyway!
Glad to simply have a place where I can learn how to saber better! ![]() |
Icco - Student ![]() |
well i dont know about u guys but im here just to have fun. and to prove that ive been up for jman since it was invented. and dont forget its no fun if ur just here to show off. ![]() _______________ "this is Icco. Icco is old. Icco is lost. Icco is cool, but Icco doesn't know what the meaning of 'macrophageal sex'." - Vaughn /Icco |
eljeton - Student ![]() |
finally,...![]() _______________ '...its better to light a candle, than cursing the dark,...' -> 0_< |
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