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The State of the Jedi Academy -doobie - Apr 07 07:04am |
*doobie steps up to the podium*
*doobie taps on microphone* Is this thing on? Everyone hear me ok? Ok, good. Students, Teachers, Council members, lend me your ears… It is I, massadoobie, leader of the Jedi Academy Council, who wishes to speak to you this evening. Tonight, a few weeks before the Academy celebrates its one-year anniversary, I would like to address you and talk about the State of the Jedi Academy. In the past year, we’ve seen the Academy grow from 3 dorks conning jediknightii.net out of webspace to 5 dorks on a council in charge of over 1600 students, 13 Teachers, and 16 Knights. We’ve seen the Academy move from a small niche in the Jedi Knight Community to a large, well-respected force throughout the web (We even have our own game coming out! ![]() Recently I asked the members of the Academy to provide a list of what everyone would like to hear about, and the response was overwhelming. However, I was able to pick a few specific topics that I’ll focus on this evening. The first is the Jedi Academy Knowledge Project, from here on out to be known as the Holocron. Ruuk Haviser, one of the leaders of the Holocron, was extremely helpful in providing information, so much so that a separate forum page can be seen here. However, to summarize, the Holocron will be a massive database of information about JK2 (and hopefully JK3) that will be fully integrated with the main site. There will be two portion of the Holocron. The official portion will be comprised of articles written by select members on specific topics, which can be seen here. The unofficial section will be comprised of user submissions, edited, sorted, and formatted by Holocron staff, that will serve as a historical and educational storehouse for the events of the Academy. Our hope is that the Holocron will become a community-wide warehouse of information that anyone who plays our beloved game can use. Next up is the ranking system and the Jedi Academy Knights. Ever since the sub-rankings were eliminated we’ve noticed a renewed interest in attending classes for the sake of knowledge, not simply to fulfill a promotion requirement. This was our intended goal, and we hope it shall continue. The Academy is a school, not a clan, and I hope we all never forget that. Jacen Solo, JAT and Lead Knight, has informed that the Knights are alive and well, with three Knights (Luke Skywalker, DarkBlade, and Bubu) recently being promoted. I would like to remind everyone, however, that the rank of Knight is a privilege, not a right. As Jacen says, “With all the ranks gone ppl are turning to the knight position as the their next goal. Nothing wrong with that, but I'm not being too successful explaining them that we can't have 100 knights and that a knight is like a Junior JAT and we only promote ppl to knight when the current number decreases or the number of students to take care of increases.” So basically, if you feel you deserve to be a Knight, keep doing what you’re doing, we’ll notice you. Otherwise, enjoy being a student! Oh, and there’s a new Knight trial since the sub-rankings have been eliminated. It’s tough, Jacen made sure it was…. But unfortunately we can’t tell you about it unless you go through it (same with Huxley’s Trainer trial). I’d like to address servers and the server fund for a moment. We currently have 4 servers, as I mentioned, although 2 of them aren’t always good to go. At the moment we have $143 in the donation fund, having spent some money to register our domain name. In order to get another server (regrettably in the US of A, we rely on donations in Europe), we need about $500. So feel free to click that sexy Paypal button to the left and donate some money. The mapping community is going nuts these days, in a good way! Kalheka sends word that he’s tinkering with ideas for the third version of his incredible Advent map, and Derelict-Crusader has also let me know that a Version 4 of the official Academy map will be seen sometime soon (although “soon” to DC could take a while). Huxley also informs me that Zero, LaMagra, himself, and “maybe a few more” are doing good work on event-specific maps (such as CTF and a Knight and Trainer trials/temple map). Speaking of maps, Hux and Co.’s map is due to be released the day of the Jedi Academy Prom. Problem is, I’ve had conflicting reports of the actual date. Both April 26th and May 17th (both conceivable dates for our one-year anniversary) have been offered. Once a final date is nailed down, we’ll let you all know. As for morale, I feel that at this current point morale is very high in the Academy. Although we did have that *slight* misunderstanding on April 1st (sorry!), other than that morale seems to be high. We do have a problem with people signing up for double accounts and manipulating the security checks we’ve set up. Unless previously approved (in order to change a user name mainly), having multiple accounts is EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN. From here on out, we will be using our full resources to make sure we don’t have people in the Academy who shouldn’t be here. The Academy provides a service for free, and we find it incredibly offensive when people abuse this service. We will not tolerate abuse of the system, the servers, or the rules. To wrap up, I’d like to thank my fellow Council members for all of the good work they put in. I know in the past few months I haven’t been around much, but I’m immensely proud of the hard work DJ puts in to maintain the site, Huxley puts in to run the Trainers, Silent Whisper puts in to maintain civility, and Chosen One puts in to develop our mod. Plus, the dedication shown by the four of you, the trainers and knights, and all of the students, makes me incredibly happy to be at the head of such a wonderful organization. That’s all for this speech. Thanks for reading, and get ready to celebrate the Jedi Academy’s first birthday in a few weeks! May the Force be with you all… always. ------------------------------------------------ Alright Loaf here, just to remind you all to use our mIRC room which is on the Enterthegame server. The channel name is #ja, and i hoe more of you can come along. Theres 1300+ active members here, yet only 30 people *max* use the room. Come on people, be part of the community! |
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Comments |
xAnAtOs - Student |
LOL i love your avatar Undead ![]() _______________ Brother to Luke Skywalker and (SKX) Dark Blade ![]() Lag Brother to Acey Spadey ![]() Jools is my best friend. ![]() <Henkes> nebody feeling like abusing me with a lightsaber?|+Smilykrazy grabs Gradius, beats the living CRAP out of him, then throws him into a huge vat of ACID |
Undead - Ex-Student ![]() |
By Loaf "Alright Loaf here, just to remind you all to use our mIRC room which is on the Enterthegame server. The channel name is #ja, and i hoe more of you can come along. Theres 1300+ active members here, yet only 30 people *max* use the room. Come on people, be part of the community!" "and i hoe" .... lol _______________ RIP Vlad |
SilkMonkey - Distributor of Cold Ones ![]() |
Nice job Jacen.
Hey wait...if we expand to JK3(JA)...we'll need new JATs.... *saves money so he can buy JA and teach* No way am I gonna be able to teach here, the current JATs are wayyyy tooo good. _______________ |-HK-47 -SilkMonkey: You are receiving a warning for being_too_sexy. If you do not stop, action will be taken against you.|| (11:13:43) � Virtue dances for Silk ||Smiling owner of Smilykrazy's 6000th comment =) ||Odan Wei's Proud Big Brother|| Janus is my official TaruTaru Cuddly Animal Type Person. ||(@Virtue) Or you could just be a man and set fire to your genitals.....you won't fall asleep for days after that.......trust me.||Thomas Skywalker er for sexy for sitt eget beste!!!!| Not changing sig until the JA loosens up. (Started: Aug 31, 2005) |
Loaf - Ex-Student |
Yeah, i was told by AsoAron to say about the 1300+ active members. In my opinion, it can't be more than about 300.... _______________ The Notorious Conversation Killer |
Luke Skywalker - Student ![]() |
Way to go doobie! ![]() I have nothing more to say than what has already been said! ![]() Rock on Jedi Academy!! ![]() ![]() ![]() _______________ ![]() ![]() |
GremReaper - Student ![]() |
*claping as doobie steps down from podium and off the stage.*
Great speech Doobie. Thanks for making a great communtity for all of us to learn, make friends, and to have fun. Keep up the great work JAC,JAT,JAK,JAStaff,and the JAS. _______________ Xfire--kdgremreaper |
Ruuk Haviser - Retired ![]() |
Nice speech, doobie. Can't say much else, cause everyone else below said it for me.
This is a great place. Congratuations to all upper management and students for making it that way. And yes, JK3 will eventually be included in the Holocron... but as we all know, that's going to be awhile. -rh _______________ Back from the dead... |
skyler_ - Student ![]() |
thank you everybody for making this a really fun place ![]() |
Icco - Student ![]() |
I was wondering if chosen one would release his script again. that was so sweet, but since i lost my HD i dont have that awsome script anymore.
on another note, i was wondering why Massas state of adress(or what not) was so short. last time it was around 3 pages! and last but not least lets give a round of a hand to every one who helps out here(students, jac, jat, jak...) ps i came up wit one more thing... Lets not forget to that lucas arts for coming up with this great game. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() _______________ "this is Icco. Icco is old. Icco is lost. Icco is cool, but Icco doesn't know what the meaning of 'macrophageal sex'." - Vaughn /Icco This comment was edited by Icco on Apr 08 2003 01:29am. |
DJ Sith - Jedi Council ![]() |
The active members thing is a little misleading. That's a count of the number of active accounts on the site. Every few months we go out and clear out the inactive mebers. _______________ My car is made of Nerf. |
ioshee - Student ![]() |
How do you guys tell how many active members their are?
I only see MAYBE like 150 at a time (that’s forums/servers/irc combined) Doobie said 1600 (but there are more total students then that) and loaf said 1300 (and I think there are a lot less active students then that.) BTW nice work fizz. That is the best use of the English language I have ever seen you use. Just teasing ![]() _______________ One of the Belouve boys |
madhatter - Student |
Nicely done the state address is. Serioulsy now- the academy has helped me a great deal in jk and real life too. Even if i cant make it to JA everyday i enjoy spending time here.Thanx to all - JACs, JASTAFF, JATs, JAKs, and JASs _______________ Welcome to MY Tea Party |
Mune - Student ![]() |
Wow, doobie! You've inspired me to click that sexy paypal button! You'll be recieving a donation in about a month, or whenever I can get enough put away for one!![]() _______________ Captain Barkeep. |
Rampage - Student |
Hey! You there! Buzz! How did u know about us??!?!???!? We're supposed to be SECRET, the JASS isn't like any other secret service, you know! At least don't talk like that in public! ![]() Edit: BTW, have u stealed any documents lately? This comment was edited by Rampage on Apr 07 2003 10:36pm. |
Buzz - Student ![]() |
::looks around at the empty podium. Grabs doobie's speech to keep as a souvenir. Waits for the JA Secret Service to come and contact me about the missing document:: _______________ When you are going through Hell, keep going. -Sir Winston Churchill. Those who seek power and control of others, no matter the level, no matter the intentions, should never be given it. |
Loaf - Ex-Student |
good job massa, i took the liberty of adding my own little speech at the bottom as it was on topic. _______________ The Notorious Conversation Killer |
Plo Koon - Student |
*claps claps claps* Good speach Doobie,I hope we all keep ding a great job weve been doing lately! may the Force be with you always! ![]() _______________ Free Tibet! Click this link,and learn Here too |
JAcen LW Solo - Retired ![]() |
The problem is exactly that line of thought. Why should the Knights be an Elitist rank ??? I can't stress this enough, Knights are not picked up because they are the l33test or most popular players. Just like the JAT's they are picked up because they wish to be involved on the Academy activities and are recognized by fellow students , teachers and coucil members as being qualified for that job. By qualified we mean having an excelent character, being hable to teach , being available to perform his/her duty, having knowladge of the game and yes, beiang able to hold their ground on a fighting situation. That doesn't mean that if someone is the uberlord of the saber, CTF, whatever is qualified to be a JAK or a JAT. In fact I know many of these ppl, some even are really nice guys but they lack the commitment to the Academy or the ability to transmit to others what they do so well. Look at the Knight rank as you look to the JAT rank, there shuld be a limited number of each according to the needs of the Academy. More students means more ppl to teach and watch out for. That means more JAT's and JAK's needed. If we grow from 1500 active members to 3000 you bet we will have more JAK's and JAT's. Remember guys this is a School, and as in a real school once you reached the last grade it's time to move on to collage. That means that once you evolved to a point were you don't learn anything new in classes it's time to find another way to give your contribution to the academy. Either mapping, modding, skining, scripting and teaching. Don't make your only goal to be a JAK or a JAT, in an universe of 1500 members you will get pretty much frustrated if your goal is to be part of a 30 ppl group and you cant get it because there is no space for everyone. _______________ "Though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death, I shall fear no evil .For I am the baddest mofo in the valley" |
Sniya - Student ![]() |
Just wanna say thanks,ive really enjoyed it here.
But two things i dont think we should put an actual cap on knights just make it eletist enough so the numbers naturaly stay low. And why you take the jedi master thing away for non-jats.The owners deserve the name not everyone wants to be a JAT but should still be recognised if they become skilled. thats my £22 and 61p _______________ The real question is not whether machines think but whether men do. Bertrand Russell http://www.thejediacademy.net/forums_detail_page.php?f_id=970 |
Battlin' Billy - Student ![]() |
Great speech doobie!!!
I'm just gonna say thanx for dreaming up this place. I'm also proud to be a member of the JA, even though when I tell some of my RL™ buddies about it, they look at me kinda funny. I can't say I have a lot of experience playing on pub servers for any game, but I'm just blown away that so many cool people have come 2gether here at the JA. I (like underhill) have a void of RL™ friends (long story) and this place has filled that void. So once again, thanx doobie & DJ, all the JACs, JATs, JAKs, and students for making this place what it is! _______________ Midbie Council Member #2 - Profile ID 2073 | Member of B@rtM@ulS@ar | Owner of Monty's 2000th comment & D@RtHM@UL's 8100th comment | Former Padawan of SilkMonkey & Arcuss JA Goaltender & NHL Fan | Fellow Rush fan to Axion|Plo Koon is my oldest JA friend Post your RL pics HERE! | Post you JK2/JK3 screenies HERE! |
Jathan - Student ![]() |
I would just like to say that if it wasn't for this academy I never would have learned so much. From the days of Avalon killing me with red and me slaying him with my mighty blue stance (bluemaster i am) and when Zip still played this game and it was all so much fun to now, when I'm not as active as I used to be or should be. This academy has helped me more then I could ever put into words. Thank you to all who work so hard on keeping this alive and if you ever want to duel the bluemaster give me a shout! _______________ "If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi-Wan's apprentice." |
Nightcrawl2r - Ex-Student ![]() |
The creation of the Jedi Academy is a gift to the ST![]() ![]() _______________ Lineage: son of Mystique, father of Nocturne. |
Rampage - Student |
Comment to loaf: I've never ever seen 30 ACTIVE ppl at #ja
Often like 20-30 there, but like a max of 10 active, normally 3-4 (when i'm there) |
doobie - Jedi Council ![]() |
touche fizz
actuall aeth, i conveniently linked to the prom thread in the forum in my speech. check that link out _______________ -Academy Leader/Dictator/Defeater of DJ Sith and JACen Solo in the JAK+ Tournament -I do think it (the JA) will help convert dozens, maybe hundreds, to the dork nation... --me |
eljeton - Student ![]() |
![]() ![]() _______________ '...its better to light a candle, than cursing the dark,...' -> 0_< |
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