The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

Title  [JA] Main Server
Admin  doobie
Location  Kansas, USA
Connection  OC192 Pop/capped at 100mbits
Operating System  Linux
Version  1.04
Max Users  10
Server Status  jedilive-ks.php
Server Statistics
Mods/Extras  DJ's Server Pack
Jedi Academy Map
Jedi Academy Mod 1.1

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Feb 17 2003 06:36pm

Ruuk Haviser
 - Retired
 Ruuk Haviser

although you *did* indeed spam like a crazed animal here, it *was* the question/answer i was looking for. so, thanks.
Back from the dead...

Feb 17 2003 03:44pm

 - Eats Babies

damn you spammed the hell out of this. just get the IP adress for the server (right above) and the password. when you start the game go to join server and then put the IP adress in the favorites. then plug in the in the password and join the server.
"We keep odd hours...." ----------------------- They Live, We Sleep

Feb 17 2003 11:50am

 - Student

Hi im new to jedi academy and i dont know how to join i dont see a join game button are someyhing like that PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE i wanna play.


Feb 17 2003 11:50am

 - Student

Hi im new to jedi academy and i dont know how to join i dont see a join game button are someyhing like that PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE i wanna play.


Feb 17 2003 11:50am

 - Student

Hi im new to jedi academy and i dont know how to join i dont see a join game button are someyhing like that PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE i wanna play.


Feb 17 2003 11:49am

 - Student

Hi im new to jedi academy and i dont know how to join i dont see a join game button are someyhing like that PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE i wanna play.


Feb 17 2003 02:52am

Lord Exar Kun
 - Student
 Lord Exar Kun

lol vaughn!
-Retired april the 19th 2004

Feb 16 2003 10:32am

 - Student

it went to the server heaven
When you become an actor, you become the person, and you dont act anymore. You just are.
- Tyler HP, Taught by Mr G Simpson

Feb 14 2003 02:10pm

 - Ex-Student

What ever happened to Dj's server?

"I find your lack of faith disturbing!" -Vader

-=[Dachsie LordOThePings]=-

Feb 13 2003 02:21pm

Shannon -SC-
 - Student
 Shannon -SC-

Erm... dumb question, have u just downloaded and put it into the base folder... (It sounds so if i read this right)... if so you need to run the update of course.
Falling from heaven is not as painfull, as surviving the impact.

Feb 13 2003 01:02am

 - Ex-Student

I downloaded the JKIIUp104 file in the essentials area, but it says mine is up to date tho i KNOW it isnt:(..... im aware my version isnt gunna cut it, i just need to know how to make it cut it

Feb 12 2003 11:41pm

 - Eats Babies

you have to update to 1.04. your version aint gonna cut it.
"We keep odd hours...." ----------------------- They Live, We Sleep

Feb 12 2003 11:37pm

 - Ex-Student

:mad: i have version 1.02, proto 16..... and i cant install the darn update to play ur servers... can neone help me, or email me with answers?:confused:

Feb 12 2003 02:18pm

 - Ex-Student

The cookie is eaten:D

Feb 11 2003 01:00pm

Lord Exar Kun
 - Student
 Lord Exar Kun

the c00kie is mighty
-Retired april the 19th 2004

Feb 11 2003 10:01am

Broda Dagre
 - Student
 Broda Dagre

*Bows before the c00kie...*:P
Fact of the day: In New York City, rats bite about 311 people in an average year. However, 1,519 residents are bitten annually by other New Yorkers.

Feb 11 2003 05:00am

Lord Exar Kun
 - Student
 Lord Exar Kun

respect the c00kie!
-Retired april the 19th 2004

Feb 10 2003 05:25pm

 - Retired


Feb 07 2003 03:43pm

 - Ex-Student

"Any # of users above 15 was lagging from the map and the data being passed.
Ironically this machine is a Xeon 2.2ghz server, with a gig of ram, and nothing else is running on it, except my personal stuff, and the jk2 server.
That is why it is at 15 users. "

Your personal stuff?? this is your computer where did you get the connection for this, Can you let your secret out.

Feb 07 2003 03:41pm

Zero Akaine
 - Student
 Zero Akaine

Hey hux i have an update to my skin i would like to get up on the servers if its posibule. i know your bisy so take you time i am just going to wate till you have time to do it.:)
Padawan of Ryo Akaine
Master to Aphex,Skyler,Doppelganger, and GremReaper.

Feb 04 2003 10:43pm

 - Retired

Any # of users above 15 was lagging from the map and the data being passed.
Ironically this machine is a Xeon 2.2ghz server, with a gig of ram, and nothing else is running on it, except my personal stuff, and the jk2 server.
That is why it is at 15 users.

Feb 04 2003 06:33pm

 - Student

with 20 or 22 people, the server would have to be really fast, really good AND would ahve to be pretty expensive (more than it is now). 15 is a good number, because it is quite alot for FF or dueling, and you rarely get excessive amounts of LAG. So, having a lower number is good, a high number may be fun, but for LAG, you dont get to do very much.
When you become an actor, you become the person, and you dont act anymore. You just are.
- Tyler HP, Taught by Mr G Simpson

Feb 04 2003 01:28pm

 - Ex-Student

only 15 people allowed on server??? Can you at least make it 20? or 22?

Feb 04 2003 06:33am

 - Ex-Student

Can anybody help, I can't login anymore since the password change...
It doesn't work with the old and the new password.

Feb 03 2003 08:57pm

 - Student

weird all still get 60...
"this is Icco. Icco is old. Icco is lost. Icco is cool, but Icco doesn't know what the meaning of 'macrophageal sex'." - Vaughn

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