The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

Wanted john "Wanted" smith

Location:  Australia
Occupation:  student
Interests:  games/sport
MSN Address:
Last Comment:  User: 3th
Comments Made:  8

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Dec 22 2006 11:49am

Sho Koon
 - Student
 Sho Koon

Merry Christmas!
Proud owner of Malak's 50th and special 300th, Alex D'Kana's 3600th and 4000th, Laziana's 200th and [Jawa][Obi-Wan][SW]'s 1300th comment.

Jul 10 2006 11:35pm

 - Student

Hi and welcome to the academy, feel free to ask me any question u have:), this is not racist, but i love people from australia, sry but the accent is great and i just love that about the people there, i love steve irwin, and desmond from the TV show LOST, both australian, i hope i didnt offend u and i hope to see u around the academy some time, and at first i didnt get the whole time thing either so dont worry about it, but just make sure u login first or the times will not be right and again welcome to the Academy:D
Monday September 4th, 2006 R.I.P. Steve Irwin"The Crocodile Hunter" "Rejoice for those around you that transform into the force, morn them do not, miss them do not, death is a natural part of life"-Yoda "Who's the more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him?"-Ben Kenobi "Mos Eisley Spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious"-Ben Kenobi
Guided Specially, by Maher Dakari Sparring partner to Sho Koon, "Spared no expense"-John Hamond Jurasic Park, Padawan of RoseRed, "The oppression of the Sith shall never return, u have lost my lord"-Mace Windu, Owner of Pink Floyd Mintaka's 3700th comment! "Only Two there should be, One To Crave the Power and one to Embrace it" - Darth Bane: Path of Destruction

Jun 13 2006 06:23pm

 - Student

0u+ 0f 5!6n4+ur35 =)

Jun 12 2006 05:42pm

Sho Koon
 - Student
 Sho Koon


Well the classes take place at the time you see when you are logged in. If you set the timezone to Australian when you registered, then it shows correctly.
Notice that if you are not logged in they will show in GMT if I am correct. Anyway those times should be correct.
Also some countries have daylight savings (in Europe) so if you would like to join to an euro server, count the +/- 1 hour. But I think the euro server is down anyway so nevermind.:D

Have fun, hope you like it here. Take care!
Proud owner of Malak's 50th and special 300th, Alex D'Kana's 3600th and 4000th, Laziana's 200th and [Jawa][Obi-Wan][SW]'s 1300th comment.

Jun 12 2006 09:18am

 - Jedi Knight

Welcome to the Jedi Academy!:D
Drop on line if you need something:cool:
Still here | My Lightsaber

Jun 12 2006 09:05am

 - Jedi Master

Duration simply means how long the class will last. 0.5 hours means half of an hour - or 30 minutes.

Jun 12 2006 05:42am

 - Jedi Knight

Sete has answered your question already, so yeah just set your timezone an you sould be ok. :P

Jun 12 2006 03:38am

 - Jedi Master

Classes will appear in whichever timezone you have set on your profile, but with one extra hour added for daylight savings. So, if you set your GMT Offset to GMT +1, it would really be GMT +2.

Jun 12 2006 03:20am

 - Student

Well, it depends, have you set the GMT time in your "Edit Your Profile"? if so then yeah, they should be in the right time :)

Jun 12 2006 12:18am

 - Student

Welcome to the JA:) hope you enjoy your stay. if you have a question feel free to ask me;)

Jun 11 2006 03:39pm

 - Jedi Master

Welcome to the JA. If you need to know anything, feel free to drop me a line. ;)

Have fun!

Jun 11 2006 01:46pm

 - Jedi Knight

Welcome to the Jedi Academy. Feel free to drop me a comment if you need anything. :D

Take care

Jun 11 2006 08:32am

Sho Koon
 - Student
 Sho Koon

Welcome to The Academy! If you need to know something just ask me and I will answer for the best of my abilities.
Have fun!
Proud owner of Malak's 50th and special 300th, Alex D'Kana's 3600th and 4000th, Laziana's 200th and [Jawa][Obi-Wan][SW]'s 1300th comment.

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