Gabor "Light" Kovacs
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Comments |
Rosie - Student |
Hello |
J4zz - Student |
Majd ismételjük meg ezt a fegyver diadalt, de úgy, h. a kijelölt területen... |
Pink_Mintaka - Student |
Welcome to the JA hope you enjoy your stay. if you have a question feel free to ask me |
- - Student |
Hát üdv ifjú jedi! érezd yól magad, és én is szivesen állok rendelkezésedre, ha bármi gond van szójj és lerendezzük =P -Buster- This comment was edited by - on Oct 15 2006 01:59pm. |
J4zz - Student |
Csőőőő J@m!!! Jó akadémiát! Ha van kérésed vagy vmi megtalálsz msnen! v. itt... ^^ |
Malak - Student |
Szia, üdv az Akadémián! Ha kérdésed lenne v. segítség kell, írj a profilomra. Érezd jól magad itt! |
Setementor - Jedi Master |
Welcome to the JA. If you need to know anything, feel free to drop me a line. Have fun! |
Jade Jedi - Retired |
Hello and welcome to the Jedi Academy, if you have any questions please feel free to drop me a line on my profile. Good luck and have fun. <--Click pic for profile. _______________ *CLICKEH->Never risk the Fett Man|*Download my Saber here. Made by master craftsman Pink Floyd_Mintaka + his 2002 & 4000 comment's [Laz's 700th comment][BDKawika's 600th comment] & Owner of a TOWEL award!!|Master: Sared Padawans: Rage-Ball and Dante Eagle.|*Jade Jedi at The Jedi Academy Archives "There's only one Return and it's not of the King it's of the Jedi" Randal Clerks 2 The top 10 reasons why I procrastinate: 1. |
Vision - Jedi Knight |
Welcome to the Jedi Academy. Feel free to drop me a comment if you need anything. |
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