The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

ShadowJedi Eugen "ShadowJedi" Cristea
Brother to Setementor | Brother to Degor and Cuthalion |Hybrid Style | Always with the academy In Soul , Heart and Mind| Purple Crystal XD

Location:  Romania
Occupation:  Student
Interests:  Star Wars | School | The Jedi Academy
MSN Address:
Classes Enrolled:  Fundamentals of Red (Beginner)
Padawan of:  Setementor
Last Comment:  User: Dash Starlight
Comments Made:  482

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Jul 04 2008 10:09am

 - Padawan

Get back soon big bro!

Miss you!
May the force be with you. And may the academy stand forever!

Jun 30 2008 12:04pm

 - Jedi Master

Understandable. Sorry to hear about your problems. Good luck getting over them. :)

Jun 28 2008 06:58am

 - Student

shadow jedi i have to be honest with you, your pic really creeps me out. there, i finally said it, no hard feeling:D

This comment was edited by none on Jun 28 2008 06:58am.

Jun 27 2008 10:50am

 - Jedi Master

How would Thursdays at 7pm GMT be for you, for training?

This comment was edited by Setementor on Jun 28 2008 01:29am.

Jun 09 2008 02:12am

 - Jedi Master

What times are you available for playing, at the moment?

Jun 07 2008 12:12am

 - Padawan

Haven't seen you in ages! I bring good news: from now on we're brothers!!!!:D

I won't be able to come online for the next 2 weeks though(I have exams).:(

Hope to see you soon,
May the force be with you. And may the academy stand forever!

This comment was edited by Degor on Jun 07 2008 12:13am.

May 25 2008 01:11am

 - Aidan

Aye . Add me in .

Oh and if you don't mind i have an idea . We will use the_academy_v3 for the movie as i know . So :

Act-I-(Year 2666) The Jedi Order Have a new student . He is good very good . But the sith attracted him (like anakin)So after he became a Jedi Knight He tried to kill everyone . But a Jedi master stopped him and he runned .(This happens in the classroom when he is awarded as a JK)

Act-2-(year 2670)2-3 students appeared in the academy .
They were best friends .
After 5 years They were promoted to a JK .
But 1 year later they heard the story(The JK that becomed a sith)
So they made a pact . They will look for him and will kill him .

(Now here comes the tricky part)

1#JK will go to a bar (Mune's bar)He will find there 2 mercenaries . they will fight with him . He will kill them but he will be VERY HURT .

2# JK Heard that he is hiding in a forest(Grove) and he will fight stormtroopers . He will die .

3# JK will remain at the academy . After 1 month The Jedi Order get a message from the sith . HE WILL Fight WITH THEM AT The ACADEMY .

Act-3-(year 2676)
The sith arrives with 2 sentinels(a force user and a saber one) . The battle will take place in the classroom. The Sentinels will die when they were fighting with some JAM.Then the sith with the 2 remaining Jedi will fight in the pit .
Then the Jedi will use RDFA(Red Death From Above) on the SITH .He will escape( jumping) But then the jedi use force of push . And trow him in THE PIT .

What you say ? :confused:

I hope i gave you an idea :D:D:D:D:D:D

If not , i am still in:cool:

i like your story, if you still want to make it we could make another after killer's one.:D
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

May 24 2008 03:01am

The Killer 9000
 - Student
 The Killer 9000

ok i have two MAJOR roles for you, the two golav kothians, the son and father. unfourtonetly you will be dark.
"I am Neither Light nor Dark but rather gray, i have embraced both paths of life, and it has made me stronger..."

May 24 2008 12:34am

 - Aidan

well im a bit busy for today so will try for sunday 25, maybe 10:00am to 12:00pm GMT.

that way i would put me at 8pm-10pm, and you at 12pm-2pm,

if those aren't the best times for you then i may be able to reschedule :D
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

May 23 2008 02:50pm

 - Aidan

That would be great if we could find an appropriate time to,:D

im pretty busy lately so it could be hard to schedule but ill see, my main playing time is the weekend currently so if you don't have anything better to do i would really appreciate it :D
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

May 21 2008 09:22pm

The Killer 9000
 - Student
 The Killer 9000

ok man ill talk to her about it.
"I am Neither Light nor Dark but rather gray, i have embraced both paths of life, and it has made me stronger..."

May 21 2008 01:34pm

 - Padawan

Here is my 100th comment for my best friend in the JAA!:D
Yiha you're active again, now I can start playing more again! Only 2 weeks left and I will have loads of time! But first I have to do exams.:(
See you on the servers!:alliance:
May the force be with you. And may the academy stand forever!

May 20 2008 08:01pm

The Killer 9000
 - Student
 The Killer 9000

good, i need a master of arente kuffar, you have a smaller part here, but i can use you elsewhere, cameras, or extras, or, if you arent really against it, one of a main roles as a villan, and what server did you say you have? cuse i need a RLY good one
"I am Neither Light nor Dark but rather gray, i have embraced both paths of life, and it has made me stronger..."

This comment was edited by The Killer 9000 on May 21 2008 03:08am.

May 20 2008 05:59pm

The Killer 9000
 - Student
 The Killer 9000

i like it, its kinda reminisent of what we did yesterday, before i try that i want to see how this one will turn out.
"I am Neither Light nor Dark but rather gray, i have embraced both paths of life, and it has made me stronger..."

May 20 2008 04:29pm

The Killer 9000
 - Student
 The Killer 9000

right i saw the post when i was looking at yor profile earlier this morning
"I am Neither Light nor Dark but rather gray, i have embraced both paths of life, and it has made me stronger..."

May 20 2008 08:50am

Jade Jedi
 - Retired
 Jade Jedi

Thanks mate, what moron did yours? Oh wait...:P
*CLICKEH->Never risk the Fett Man|*Download my Saber here. Made by master craftsman Pink Floyd_Mintaka + his 2002 & 4000 comment's [Laz's 700th comment][BDKawika's 600th comment] & Owner of a TOWEL award!!|Master: Sared Padawans: Rage-Ball and Dante Eagle.|*Jade Jedi at The Jedi Academy Archives "There's only one Return and it's not of the King it's of the Jedi" Randal Clerks 2 The top 10 reasons why I procrastinate: 1.

May 19 2008 11:05pm

The Killer 9000
 - Student
 The Killer 9000

hey oif ur serious about being in the movie heses the link to the thread i made
"I am Neither Light nor Dark but rather gray, i have embraced both paths of life, and it has made me stronger..."

This comment was edited by The Killer 9000 on May 19 2008 11:05pm.

May 19 2008 07:06pm

The Killer 9000
 - Student
 The Killer 9000

yeah man you did, thanx:cool:
"I am Neither Light nor Dark but rather gray, i have embraced both paths of life, and it has made me stronger..."

May 18 2008 09:11pm

 - Padawan

It's really been a while since we last played:(.
I guess you have a lot of work for school. I have a lot of work too. Maybe we can play a bit more in the summervacation? See you on the servers!;)
May the force be with you. And may the academy stand forever!

May 07 2008 12:45pm

 - Padawan

I'm sorry you haven't heared from me in a while. Are you going to play this evening?
May the force be with you. And may the academy stand forever!

May 02 2008 05:38pm

 - Jedi Master

It's not that I don't want to play, but at the moment, I am as busy as busy can possibly get. I will probably be a bit less in the coming week and even less so the following weeks. :)

Apr 30 2008 08:08pm

 - Student

Sure shadow
May the Force be with you!Always...

Apr 30 2008 07:53pm

 - Jedi Council

Thanks man! :D
Academy Architect

Apr 30 2008 09:48am

 - Student

is that a red lightsaber on your avatar:o u u sith :D
blub blub

Apr 29 2008 11:57am

Shadow Leader
 - Ex-Student
 Shadow Leader


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