The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

Flash "Flash"
The Brightest Flashlight in the World

Location:  Over There
Occupation:  Lamer
Interests:  Owning Aratan
Padawans  Bolto
Last Comment:  Forums: KATAN and JACEN ARATAN! COME BACK AND ....
Comments Made:  5067

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Apr 13 2004 05:51pm

 - Jedi Council

Okay Flash.

I just wanted you to know that your typing speed is TOO FAST!

You can't sing "Yellow Submarine" with me on IRC and annoy everyone when you have finished the song while I am still typing the first line!!

Dude, you're like a Rabbit on Viagra!!

- Virteheheheheheheheeh!! :alliance:
Academy Architect

Feb 12 2004 03:55am

 - Jedi Council

Damnit, I come here thinking I have a great idea for a Perma-Comment on Flash's profile only to find that my own Padawan beat me to the punch!!


Ahh well, Flash r0xx0rs. 'nuff said, aight!?

Yes, I'm talking to you, and you...and especially YOU!!
Keep your eye on this Flash guy, cos he'll be firing you from your job one day!

- Virteh. :alliance:
Academy Architect

Oct 19 2003 04:17pm

 - Jedi Council

-Academy Leader/Dictator/Defeater of DJ Sith and JACen Solo in the JAK+ Tournament
-I do think it (the JA) will help convert dozens, maybe hundreds, to the dork nation... --me

Jan 31 2009 08:32pm

Fullmetal D'Kana
 - Jedi Instructor
 Fullmetal D'Kana


Jan 22 2009 02:24am

 - Student

if your still talking to aratan, have him get ahold of me plz?.

Jan 19 2009 10:12am

 - Student

I mostly agree oh Lord of the squeezy mop

Oct 27 2008 09:40pm

 - Student

"Your powers are weak old man" || Part of the "Fifth Element Appreciation Society" || Proud possession of Flash
[Jacen_Aratan] bleh [Jacen_Aratan] last year of school :p [Jacen_Aratan] after the finals I am freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee [Jacen_Aratan] until I have to go on more advanced education [Jacen_Aratan] :( [Acey_Spadey] like kindergarten
(Bubu) my sister was quite good actually.. never expected her to be so good (Gradius) yeah, she's great

Jun 27 2008 11:55pm

 - Jedi Council

Joined 16 October 2004 | Retired 10 April 2005 | Returned 05 June 2008 | Made Staff 27 June 2008 | Made Council 18 January 2009
Padawan To Odan-Wei Belouve | Adopted into the Belouve family | Twin to xAnAtOs | Owner of the 4th Quesi sexy badge :D Brother To Roan Belouve, Nomad, Majno, Silkmonkey, Kensei and Jarhok Belouve
Owner Of Virtue's 1000th profile comment, Mr. Doobie's 1000th profile comment, Gradius' 2500th comment, xAnAtOs' 2500th comment, Rosered's 1500th comment, Laziana's 900th comment, Scythus' 500th comment and Echuu's 100th comment

Jan 31 2008 12:15am

 - Staff

Hey Flash, you watch the new sci-fi series that you star in?
"Do or do not, there is no try"
Jedi Master Yoda
Dual Saberist

Mar 12 2007 08:21am

 - Student

Flasheh, it's been ages! Where are you?
Thanks to the human heart by which we live,
Thanks to its tenderness, its joys, and fears,
To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.

Nov 06 2006 12:18pm

 - Jedi Council

Where have you gone... :(
Joined 16 October 2004 | Retired 10 April 2005 | Returned 05 June 2008 | Made Staff 27 June 2008 | Made Council 18 January 2009
Padawan To Odan-Wei Belouve | Adopted into the Belouve family | Twin to xAnAtOs | Owner of the 4th Quesi sexy badge :D Brother To Roan Belouve, Nomad, Majno, Silkmonkey, Kensei and Jarhok Belouve
Owner Of Virtue's 1000th profile comment, Mr. Doobie's 1000th profile comment, Gradius' 2500th comment, xAnAtOs' 2500th comment, Rosered's 1500th comment, Laziana's 900th comment, Scythus' 500th comment and Echuu's 100th comment

Apr 18 2006 01:21pm

 - Student

YUM YUM *eats Flash!*
"Your powers are weak old man" || Part of the "Fifth Element Appreciation Society" || Proud possession of Flash
[Jacen_Aratan] bleh [Jacen_Aratan] last year of school :p [Jacen_Aratan] after the finals I am freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee [Jacen_Aratan] until I have to go on more advanced education [Jacen_Aratan] :( [Acey_Spadey] like kindergarten
(Bubu) my sister was quite good actually.. never expected her to be so good (Gradius) yeah, she's great

Apr 11 2006 08:32pm

 - Student

*gropes around in the dark*
*finds Flash*
*gropes Flash* :eek:
*turns Flash on* (okay, that's getting a bit too weird :D)
*shines Flash around the JA a bit*

What's up? How ya keeping?

Mar 11 2006 10:18am

 - Student


Hey bro, how are you doing? If you have any time at some point, could you hop on MSN for a bit? I would appreciate it a ton, thanks man. Take care.

Mar 08 2006 09:18pm

 - Student

Hi Flash!

Everything ok? Good good, just checking.

Thanks to the human heart by which we live,
Thanks to its tenderness, its joys, and fears,
To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.

Mar 07 2006 02:03am

 - Jedi Council

Yeah, that was (and still is) me.
Still, it'll be fun anyways.

We've gotta try our new idea out!

We form a team, I'll handle the base and it's defenses, you build the armies!


- Virty. :alliance:
Academy Architect

Mar 06 2006 09:34pm

 - Staff

Doing well, have a good bit of work this week due to Spring Break coming up. :eek:
"Do or do not, there is no try"
Jedi Master Yoda
Dual Saberist

Mar 06 2006 06:09pm

 - Jedi Council

I'm in the mood for some Galactic Battlegrounds!

I don't know why, but I suddenly have a huge urge to play some strategic base-building, army-forming anihilation.

Drop me a line when you're next around!

- Virty. :alliance:
Academy Architect

Mar 05 2006 08:40pm

 - Staff

Flash, I see you! :)
"Do or do not, there is no try"
Jedi Master Yoda
Dual Saberist

Jan 15 2006 11:18am

 - Student

My mistake, found out it was a small mod, not a command.

Thought I saw you use it in an Instagib video MOTREC send me, I guess it was someone else :eek:

This comment was edited by D@RtHM@UL on Jan 15 2006 11:19am.

Jan 14 2006 06:09pm

 - Student

Do you know the command to make the flag transparant in Instagib/CTF?

Jan 03 2006 12:11am

Mic Den Octela
 - Student
 Mic Den Octela

Hehe! You know it! :P

Not sure where it came from, nor do i know how i found it. So y'know, i did what any self respecting geek would do.

I put it as my profile pic. :D

(I just got your 5050th comment y'know :P)
-Padawan of Virtue -Brother of Menaxia, *|irael, Krynn Adept, Majno, Ris Win Juljul, DaMi3N, Beowulf, Dash Starlight, Carrock and Yuken Zalak Bartender at Munes bar. Sir Mic of Nippledom! Proudly beating Wang, since '07. (Crackdown)

This comment was edited by Mic Den Octela on Jan 03 2006 12:13am.

Jan 02 2006 05:13am

 - Jedi Council

Academy Architect

Dec 31 2005 09:11pm

 - Student

Happy new year bro :)
Thanks to the human heart by which we live,
Thanks to its tenderness, its joys, and fears,
To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.

Dec 30 2005 07:00pm

 - Student

Haha, sorry. Didn't even read the book myself, just read it on wikipedia since we don't have the books here.

Dec 29 2005 07:05am

 - Staff

Yup Flash, very good games! Comp2 and Comp4 shall fall before us! :)
"Do or do not, there is no try"
Jedi Master Yoda
Dual Saberist

Dec 28 2005 10:03pm

 - Student

Haha don't worry... I've got that covered ;P
Brother to Luke Skywalker and (SKX) Dark Blade :alliance:
Lag Brother to Acey Spadey :empire:
Jools is my best friend. :D
<Henkes> nebody feeling like abusing me with a lightsaber?|+Smilykrazy grabs Gradius, beats the living CRAP out of him, then throws him into a huge vat of ACID

Dec 24 2005 08:56am

 - Retired

hiii my kinda sorta neighborish bro!!!! Merry christmas!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you get alot of cool gifts and have a great christmas!! :D
RIP MOM 06/29/58-07/31/08 Married to Koyi Donita 4/30/11

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