The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

Kueller Tijmen "Kueller" Troost
The annoying thing you can't seem to swat away

Location:  Netherlands
Occupation:  Student
Interests:  Games and reading, D&D
MSN Address:
Last Comment:  Forums: What do *you* want to see from the JA?
Comments Made:  3493

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Jul 04 2005 01:51am

 - Ex-Student

Kueller, my lovely Dutch master. I bestow upon thee my 4000th comment, in thanks for all of the training, and the friendship. I love ya bro, I'm thankful for all you've given me. But the Dutch still suck. :P
- Proud padawan of Kueller.
- We really are at the beginning of it all. The trick, of course, is to make sure we never find the end. - Bill Bryson, A Short History of Nearly Everything
- <gen-e-sis-happy> Liek, you can train, liek, a n00b, but he'll just be a trained n00b... --> Wise words!
- "daer SOE me likes your a company i am having your some money for letting me do stuff cos mes the best amd i do it all meself" - Slider

This comment was edited by Virtue on Jul 04 2005 02:01am.

Feb 12 2004 02:55am

 - Jedi Council

Kueller - My brother in sleepless nights and having to get up at 7am.

Just to let you all know:

Kueller is t3h r0xx0rz!!

Rock on Ku! You pwn!! :D

- Virty. :alliance:
Academy Architect

Nov 02 2003 01:42pm

 - Student

Congrats Again on attaining JAT:)
You are not your f***ing system specs. You are not your uptime stats, your script file, or your oversized desktop screencap. You are not your broadband connection. You are not your f***ing post count.

Nov 02 2003 12:20pm

Daidalus[JAP] Fisto
 - Student
 Daidalus[JAP] Fisto

Hi Master! :D
Of course youll be part of the Fisto - Family.
So want to be the Godfather? *g* :) I only hope that this wasnt wrong stepp. Im realy anxious to the reaction of the others. And i didnt seen Kit Fisto.. phhuuu... he seams to be inactive but ill ask him anyway. So hope to see you and NarCosT soon on the servers :D
Founder of the Fisto Family -|- Member of the mighty FiZZsters!! -|- Owner of the second Bail prize for "BAIL RULES!!" -|- I'll never forget you Jaina! -|- Owner of the one and only autograph of Smily -|- SMILY RULES :) -|- Owner of the 1000th Comment of the great Kueller -|- Big brother to NarCosT Fisto, and ShadowFax . -|- Proud Padawan of Kueller -|-
Sir Daidalus Fisto. Official Historian of Nippledom and server to Menaxia, Queen of Nippledom Quote:
fiZZe: "gdamubububugmgmgububugrrrrrdsa?"

Nov 02 2003 11:55am

 - Student

congratulations master. i knew you had it in you!:P i've never been more happy!:D
Little brother of Daidalus

Nov 02 2003 11:37am

 - Student

Congrats dude.
- Son to Helen Catherine ;p - Random quote: X: you know what google earth needs? | Y: More 3D buildings? | X: ion cannon button

Nov 02 2003 11:27am

 - Ex-Student

Becarfull with saberthingy's(Nighty);)
I'm looking for a master

Nov 02 2003 11:02am

 - Student

congrats m8 :)

Nov 02 2003 10:41am

 - Student

i am proud of
-Evil Clown-
"We interrupt this program to increase dramatic tension."

Echuu's 1200th comment, D@RtH N00B's 10850th comment, Redeye's 100th and 150th comment.

Nov 02 2003 10:29am

 - Student

Gratz Kueller:D:D:D:D:D
So that was ur secret:D:D:D:D
I'm looking foreward 2 ur classes:D:D:D:D
"The Dark Side? I've been there... Do your worst!" ~Kyle Katarn "Don't force it" ~GeForce

Nov 02 2003 09:49am

 - Student

So, your waiting paid off atlast eh :)
Congrats bro, you deserve this ;)

Nov 02 2003 08:55am

 - Ex-Student

As a fellow (ex)musician and a jedi knight i welcome u to the club ;)
Lineage: son of Mystique, father of Nocturne.

Nov 02 2003 08:37am

 - Student


Nov 02 2003 08:20am

Jacen Aratan
 - Student

Congrats! :)

Nov 02 2003 08:15am

Ulic |retired|
 - Student
 Ulic |retired|

About time isn't it ;)
Congratulations mate
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

Nov 02 2003 07:23am

 - Student

I knew you would make it!!!

much congrats man:D
Quote: Curious, Smartass, what else?

Nov 02 2003 07:13am

 - Ex-Student

gj kueller... congrats!

/me bows to the knight
Your friends of today, are your enemies of tomorrow.

Nov 02 2003 06:14am

 - The Tarped Avenger

omg... yet another knight to push us n00bs around...

good job man!
Saving the world, one kilobyte at a time.

Nov 02 2003 04:52am

Mace Windu
 - Retired
 Mace Windu

Congratulations Kueller!! :)
-Mace Windu
"When a fool says something foolish, do not answer the fool." -Windu

To Vladarion, though I know you are in a better place - it makes me shake to think that you are not awake - when I think about you it makes me smile - i know you have gone into the clouds to head for heavens gates - you have changed my life - in an incredible way - and so I say thank you - may you rest in peace

Nov 02 2003 04:08am

 - Hubbub

about damn time!! :D

congrats man ;)
make install -not war

Nov 02 2003 04:05am

 - Student

Congrats and good job pal.:)

Nov 02 2003 03:33am

 - Ex-Student

Congradulations Im sure you will do the Academy proud :alliance:
Padawan of Mace Windu, Brother to All.
"Remeber, the Force will be with you always." - ObiWan Kenobi

Nov 02 2003 01:55am

 - Ex-Student

Wow! Well done Kuell (rhyming with coo-el :D)

Seeya around, and good luck with herding us wannabes around :D

Ah no! Here they come again! *Aliens soundtrack plays in background...*

Brother to HW and Kyp Durron, padawan of the almiiiighty NFF. Traitor to the family and keeper of the LOLlipops (poisoned and otherwise). Jello's unwanted second cousin. Vladarion's moral lesser :) - major update coming soon, yeah right.... £3.00 to be pledged so far to the JA fund... :D Just type PLEDGE ME UP KHALEK in any interesting post, and if it passes the funkolology test, 50p goes in the kitty...:D This one's for Jacen...;)

Nov 02 2003 01:47am

 - Student

Congratz man :D

Nov 02 2003 12:57am

 - Student

WhoooOo . Bring the beers :D Gongratz
'** I hated going to weddings. All the grandmas would poke me saying "You're next". They stopped that when I started doing it to them at funerals.**'
'**On going to war over religion: "You're basically killing each other to see who's got the better imaginary friend.**"
'**I Dont Lie! I Just Bend And Illustrate The Truth A Little**' - By me when talking to a friend.

Nov 02 2003 12:36am

Daidalus[JAP] Fisto
 - Student
 Daidalus[JAP] Fisto

Congratulations, Master! :D i cant say how good i feel, my Master passes the Trail! :))

Founder of the Fisto Family -|- Member of the mighty FiZZsters!! -|- Owner of the second Bail prize for "BAIL RULES!!" -|- I'll never forget you Jaina! -|- Owner of the one and only autograph of Smily -|- SMILY RULES :) -|- Owner of the 1000th Comment of the great Kueller -|- Big brother to NarCosT Fisto, and ShadowFax . -|- Proud Padawan of Kueller -|-
Sir Daidalus Fisto. Official Historian of Nippledom and server to Menaxia, Queen of Nippledom Quote:
fiZZe: "gdamubububugmgmgububugrrrrrdsa?"

Nov 02 2003 12:33am

Cloaked Thunder
 - Student
 Cloaked Thunder

awesome job kueller!
Padawan of ShadowSith | Close JA Family: Darth Mobility, Katan, Jedi Prodigy, Virtue,D@rth M@ul, Virtue, Flash, Bandit, Yin Yang, JK-XIII, Faded, Silk Monkey, Skyler, `Orion, Aratan, SmilyKrazy, Faded Angel, and your mom :P | woot!

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