The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

Virtue Adam "Virtue" Fearn
Jedi Council
Community Liason/Academy Architect

Location:  Hertfordshire, UK
Occupation:  Web/Graphics Designer
Interests:  Star Wars, MP Games, Internet, The Beatles.
MSN Address:
Padawan of:  planK
Padawans  SilkMonkey
Mic Den Octela
Ris Win Juljul
Dash Starlight
Last Comment:  User: planK
Comments Made:  2413

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Feb 21 2011 06:21pm

 - Jedi Council


Thanks for everything man. This place would not be the same without you. :)

This comment was edited by planK on Dec 15 2011 09:37am.

Jul 03 2007 02:58pm

 - Academy Pimp

To Virty,

I give thee my 1000th comment, for when milestones are hit its those from the beginning who are remembered for making it worth the journey :), I saw ya go from a n00by student, to helping myslef and Moby run the JASE from there you gained Knight in record time due to ur nuckin futs skills and <3able personality (/wookiehug). You then broke all the molds and skipped the rank of Trainer right to the spot destined for you, Council. You are the man the myth, the legend that makes this Academy what it is today. You single handedly gave to the masses in the JK3 era due to ur insane mapping skills and showed me on many a time why I love Star Wars and why i love this place so damn much. I still to this day will never forget the time and effort you spent helping me get to knight and how I truely felt like I was that Jedi Knight, keeper of the peace, waxor of the smacktards. It was my honor to meet and hang out with you in Vegas and may our future endevours coutinue to cross as these past years have been nothing but hella fun. oh and you still owe me 4 hour duel on the Matrix map :P

*pushes virty off the top to his death* \m/(^_^)\m/


:alliance: JP :alliance:
Come on now, every Generation X boy wanted to be Luke Skywalker. Is it because he was a whiney farm boy from some backwater hack planet? No, it's because he was a FREAKING JEDI. He could block lasers with his lightsaber. He could levitate droids & rocks & crap with his mind. Come on, he choked two pig dudes with just a simple gesture. He cut off Darth Vader's hand and kicked him down a flight of stairs. He got his @$$ zapped by lightning from the geezer Emperor, stood up and said "s'at all you got b!tc#??"

This comment was edited by Virtue on Jul 04 2007 05:52am.

Mar 07 2007 12:08am

 - Distributor of Cold Ones


Happy Comment #4000 to you buddy. Take a break- enjoy a fag (although I don't endorse smoking) and a cold pint of your favorite one. You've come a long way man, and it's an honor to give ya this comment.

|-HK-47 -SilkMonkey: You are receiving a warning for being_too_sexy. If you do not stop, action will be taken against you.|| (11:13:43) � Virtue dances for Silk ||Smiling owner of Smilykrazy's 6000th comment =) ||Odan Wei's Proud Big Brother|| Janus is my official TaruTaru Cuddly Animal Type Person. ||(@Virtue) Or you could just be a man and set fire to your won't fall asleep for days after me.||Thomas Skywalker er for sexy for sitt eget beste!!!!| Not changing sig until the JA loosens up. (Started: Aug 31, 2005)

This comment was edited by Virtue on Mar 07 2007 10:56am.

Feb 28 2004 06:56pm

 - Retired

Behold, our mighty mapper!

For all of you who didn't know yet: Virtue is the creator of our fine Academy map.

Virty looks like the unwanted-JAC without any perm comment, so here is one :D

May I add that this is the first-ever nice permanent comment i posted on someone's profile!

Give him a hand, because Virtue is the man. Treat him with respect, because he has earned it.

This comment was edited by Aron on Feb 28 2004 06:57pm.

Dec 04 2006 06:06am

DJ Sith
 - Jedi Council
 DJ Sith

My car is made of Nerf.

Dec 02 2006 03:25pm

 - Ex-Student

well I posted what seems the 80th apollogy on Dane's profile. Don't care if he mad about me posting "another wave of crap" as he put it. I just tried to apolgize what I had posted my second or third at the JA. There people that have flamed CH:P.O.E. in the begining, I would post on there profile explaining the meaning of this paticular story, and now almost everyone that has read the story is on my side, (except Dane) even a guy that had critized my story is my friend,now. Could you please convice Dane that I am truelly sorry, for the bad things I said.
Lucas Ammons

Nov 29 2006 06:47pm

 - Padawan

CABBAGEBOY!! hows it going. :)
" You've just taken your first steps into a larger world. " - Ben.

Nov 28 2006 07:27pm

 - Student

sry 4 my fault to forget ur lesson on 28nov!!

Nov 28 2006 02:01pm

 - Student

Hello, Virtue. I am MatriX. Thank you for a great JA Academy map. It is well colored and fun to play in. So we are colleagues I am also in Web Design. So what are your projects now and what do you basically do JAVA or Flash websites? I don't know Flash. So instead I use Adobe After Effects. I know it better. Had a course back in 2000. I love it. This is my first website made with help of AE. How do you like the Dreamweaver and Fireworks? You can just go to: to see the first page, parts of the web site is still under constuction though. Note: Links are active.

Interesting thing happend to me, some businessman came to me asking for help a year ago so I requalified in to layout designer (can you believe that?), doing it since. My fifth publication will be on shelves soon. Realty company.

Please help, I have a bit of a problem with time here on servers, I am located in Virginia US. GMT -5 Hours Eastern Time (US & Canada),:(:) I set it on my profile, then I join in on the schedual provided, and nothing, server is empty as a bottle. Thank you. Respectfully,:alliance:

Nov 26 2006 07:34am

 - Retired

BRO!! I am still sick!!! I have to go back to the docs on Monday. :( I will do it soon I promise!
RIP MOM 06/29/58-07/31/08 Married to Koyi Donita 4/30/11

Nov 23 2006 08:37pm

 - Jedi Council

Here is a virtual post-it note of advanced warning:

please make the strenuous effort of not having a paddy session - i won't be there sunday afternoon :P



edit: can you put your server up this saturday?

I can write my name with my sparkler. My sparkler > your lightsabre

This comment was edited by Lirael on Nov 23 2006 08:45pm.

Nov 23 2006 03:26pm

 - Retired

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Although I am not sure you celebrate it in Europe. :D I shall eat some food in your honor!!!

Miss you! :(
RIP MOM 06/29/58-07/31/08 Married to Koyi Donita 4/30/11

Nov 22 2006 01:19am

 - Ex-Student

I've tried to contact Dane, he has not responded...yet. :alliance:
Lucas Ammons

Nov 20 2006 08:30pm

 - Ex-Student

How do I downloads JA maps?:alliance:
Lucas Ammons

Nov 18 2006 09:08pm

 - Padawan


:D jst droped by :)

hows ya?

Lady Carrock[Leweroo`s 900th comment][Jaitro`s 50`th & 100`th comment][Tigerclaw`s 200`th comment][proud owner of DaMi3N`s 77`th comment :D][Sazabi`s 900`th comment][Mindirith`s 400`th comment][Majnis 1400`th & 1555`th comment][Ris Win Juljul`s 400`th comment yay][Liso`s 2000`th comment YAY][Ris Win Juljul`s 444`th comment :D][Yuken Zalak`s 100`th comment YAY][Miguel Zalaks 1`th comment][Sa`Un 100`th comment :O][Zeke Azakura`s 150`th comment > PINK !!! ;)][Mindrith Pride`s 1001`th comment][Elmos 222`th comment :D][Virtues 1600`th comment YAY :D][Ataris 1100`th comment :D][Rivian N�dolo`s 800`th comment][*Elmos 4-Zero-Zero`th comment :D][Jade Jadi`s 1900`th comment:D] [Yuki`s 222`th comment Yiha]Wanne download mine awsome*giggles*:P, DaMi3N's or Dashi`s saber? then click here

Nov 17 2006 09:25pm

 - Student

my game wont re install, do u have any suggestions of why or what to do about this problem?
Monday September 4th, 2006 R.I.P. Steve Irwin"The Crocodile Hunter" "Rejoice for those around you that transform into the force, morn them do not, miss them do not, death is a natural part of life"-Yoda "Who's the more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him?"-Ben Kenobi "Mos Eisley Spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious"-Ben Kenobi
Guided Specially, by Maher Dakari Sparring partner to Sho Koon, "Spared no expense"-John Hamond Jurasic Park, Padawan of RoseRed, "The oppression of the Sith shall never return, u have lost my lord"-Mace Windu, Owner of Pink Floyd Mintaka's 3700th comment! "Only Two there should be, One To Crave the Power and one to Embrace it" - Darth Bane: Path of Destruction

Nov 09 2006 12:22am

 - Student
 - The winner!!!

I hear your ill :(.

Hope you get better soon, would be nice to see you online again soon we can run each other over again :).


Nov 08 2006 11:22pm

 - Retired

BAH!! I am sorry that you are sick too!! I will eat some soup just for you today! I went to the doctors today and they told me I have Bronchitis! ICKY!! Thanks for the support with my mom. She's very special to me and its rough. But as of now, things are looking up! :D Hope we chat in a real way soon and I hope you feel better soon! :)
RIP MOM 06/29/58-07/31/08 Married to Koyi Donita 4/30/11

Nov 06 2006 09:42pm

 - Padawan

Think I read that you were ill, if so, hope you feel better, and to see you around again soon.:)
" You've just taken your first steps into a larger world. " - Ben.

Nov 06 2006 02:06pm

Sho Koon
 - Student
 Sho Koon


I have just read your post about dealing with 'situations'. I realized sometimes I was like that OMG, and it made me see things more clear. It helped me, so it surely helps for others as well.
I have a feeling that this particular comment had no real reason behind the words. Duh.
I guess I just wanted to talk to you a little. Hehe
Anyway, take care!
Proud owner of Malak's 50th and special 300th, Alex D'Kana's 3600th and 4000th, Laziana's 200th and [Jawa][Obi-Wan][SW]'s 1300th comment.

Nov 05 2006 08:38pm

 - Retired

Broooooo!! Can you believe I am still sick!! I promise to send the "secret" to you soon! Sorry for the delay. :(
RIP MOM 06/29/58-07/31/08 Married to Koyi Donita 4/30/11

Nov 04 2006 09:15am

 - Student

Thank You for your consideration ^.^
One must empty their cup, before it can be filled..

Nov 01 2006 09:28am

Sho Koon
 - Student
 Sho Koon

Greetings Virtue!

How are you? Do you have time to chill? :)
Proud owner of Malak's 50th and special 300th, Alex D'Kana's 3600th and 4000th, Laziana's 200th and [Jawa][Obi-Wan][SW]'s 1300th comment.

Oct 31 2006 07:18pm

 - Student

Master, Your Advanced Yellow Class awaits you in the Yellow Duel Room.
31/10/06 - 19:18 GMT
One must empty their cup, before it can be filled..

Oct 30 2006 08:42pm

 - Padawan


it was awsome today :D


hope to see you on wednesday :)

take care LC
Lady Carrock[Leweroo`s 900th comment][Jaitro`s 50`th & 100`th comment][Tigerclaw`s 200`th comment][proud owner of DaMi3N`s 77`th comment :D][Sazabi`s 900`th comment][Mindirith`s 400`th comment][Majnis 1400`th & 1555`th comment][Ris Win Juljul`s 400`th comment yay][Liso`s 2000`th comment YAY][Ris Win Juljul`s 444`th comment :D][Yuken Zalak`s 100`th comment YAY][Miguel Zalaks 1`th comment][Sa`Un 100`th comment :O][Zeke Azakura`s 150`th comment > PINK !!! ;)][Mindrith Pride`s 1001`th comment][Elmos 222`th comment :D][Virtues 1600`th comment YAY :D][Ataris 1100`th comment :D][Rivian N�dolo`s 800`th comment][*Elmos 4-Zero-Zero`th comment :D][Jade Jadi`s 1900`th comment:D] [Yuki`s 222`th comment Yiha]Wanne download mine awsome*giggles*:P, DaMi3N's or Dashi`s saber? then click here

Oct 30 2006 03:17pm

 - Student

Virtue = Saber God

Oct 30 2006 05:07am

 - Student
 Xanatos = Virtue .

Oct 30 2006 02:45am

 - Ex-Student

I've edited Cybernetic Hunters: Phoneix Of Evil, added I've added to new stories to the Showcase forum, Cybernetic Hunters: Sickness ,and Jedi marine. Read when time allows. your input is welcome.
Lucas Ammons

Oct 29 2006 10:03pm

 - Student

Monday September 4th, 2006 R.I.P. Steve Irwin"The Crocodile Hunter" "Rejoice for those around you that transform into the force, morn them do not, miss them do not, death is a natural part of life"-Yoda "Who's the more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him?"-Ben Kenobi "Mos Eisley Spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious"-Ben Kenobi
Guided Specially, by Maher Dakari Sparring partner to Sho Koon, "Spared no expense"-John Hamond Jurasic Park, Padawan of RoseRed, "The oppression of the Sith shall never return, u have lost my lord"-Mace Windu, Owner of Pink Floyd Mintaka's 3700th comment! "Only Two there should be, One To Crave the Power and one to Embrace it" - Darth Bane: Path of Destruction

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