The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

Nimravus "Nimravus"
Dedicated Gamer

Location:  Tualatin,OR
Occupation:  Helicopter Pilot
Interests:  Helicopters,Sports Cars,Kayaking,Skydiving,JA
AIM Screenname:  Spartacus0313
Last Comment:  Forums: HELLO???
Comments Made:  231

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Jan 10 2003 05:16pm

Iori Yagami
 - Student
 Iori Yagami

well.., i did do a jman trial!
but i beat the JAT with sabrethrows in the FF duel, and he failed me for using throws only..
what can i do when i'm not allowed to use heal.., or absorb (he's a lightsider)..
anyway, i'm a little tired of trials right now! i just wanna learn more about duelling :) like from you!
May the ping be with you

Jan 10 2003 03:31pm

 - Student

Anytime :) Your an excellent learner, you should get a J-Man trial set up! See you around.

Avatar created by Majno

Jan 10 2003 12:09pm

Iori Yagami
 - Student
 Iori Yagami

hey nim!
thanks for helping me out with some fighting tips yesterday :)
i'm sure someone will recommmend you for a knighthood soon! thoroughly deserving, and unlike some other students around, you're never arrogant about beating people :)
take care:D
May the ping be with you

Jan 09 2003 06:49am

 - Student

same to you, next time is not far away I hope.

Avatar created by Majno

Jan 08 2003 09:31pm

 - Student

nice duelin ya` ,..hope to find u more offen :)
'...its better to light a candle, than cursing the dark,...' -> 0_<

Dec 25 2002 01:48pm

 - Student

Hey man, yeah sorry I havent been around :( but I went back home (CA) for Christmas and my DSL connection stayed back at the base so I havent been able to play as of late. I will be back on the 6th. See you then man, and Merry Christmas!!!!

Avatar created by Majno

Dec 25 2002 12:24am

Luke Skywalker
 - Student
 Luke Skywalker

Merry Christmas my friend, hey where ya been, I dont see ya on much often. Unless I'm just on at the wrong times. Catch ya later :)
:alliance:Luke Skywalker:alliance:

Dec 21 2002 09:37pm

 - Ex-Student

Merry X-mas

Dec 16 2002 04:56pm

 - Student

Aeth I appreciate the invitation and I will take it into consideration. Nofrikinfun it is always great dueling with you and hopefully I will get the chance more often. I myself will be gone for about 15 days starting the 21st - 6th for Christmas leave, but I will be staying up to date with the Academy.

Avatar created by Majno

Dec 16 2002 05:51am

 - Retired

Again Nim, feel free to train with me anytime. :)

I'll try to help ya to the best of my abilities. Too bad I may be coming up on a month long "vacation" from JKII due to some cable issues.

Dec 16 2002 05:47am

Aeth S'kray
 - Retired
 Aeth S'kray

join LAMM. it's the light in the dark, no cold shoulders, no unfair promotions :)
Aeth S'kray *June 2002 +September 2003

Dec 15 2002 06:39pm

 - Student

Worst day ever! 1st I get turned down for SKX 2nd I sit back and watch others get promoted above me :( 3rd I ask people for a little training or just some tips and get the cold shoulder. Is there something I am doing? If so PLEASE tell me! BahHumbug! Goodbye.

Avatar created by Majno

Dec 13 2002 11:17am

 - Student

Still on the waiting list :) Havent been on for about 5 days (been in the feild), how are things with you and Arch? Well see ya around, I plan to make up for lost time this weekend!

Avatar created by Majno

Dec 12 2002 02:06am

 - Retired

Hey Nim, I bet you're not far from getting your knight trials! (If you haven't already)

Good luck, and I hope I see ya around!

Dec 08 2002 02:03pm

 - Student

No problem, sometime we will have to go a little more in-depth. Until then take care.

Avatar created by Majno

Dec 08 2002 07:28am

 - Ex-Student

Thanks for the tips and your patience in delivering them to me, enjoyed it. Looking forward to the next time, take it easy.

Nov 30 2002 08:31pm

 - Student

Thanks! I just passed my J-Man trials a couple days ago so now I just need to wait for the Knight trial....even tho it isnt really a trial but a selection :)

Avatar created by Majno

Nov 28 2002 10:58pm

 - Jedi Council

congrats on your promotion to learner... you deserve it after your showing in the tourney :)
-Academy Leader/Dictator/Defeater of DJ Sith and JACen Solo in the JAK+ Tournament
-I do think it (the JA) will help convert dozens, maybe hundreds, to the dork nation... --me

Nov 26 2002 04:18pm

 - Retired

Yeah it's good to be back in the game! Now watch me get eliminated by ShadowSith or Muffin Man... lol

Nov 26 2002 02:22pm

 - Student

Hey man, same to you. About the J-man, boy your telling me. I have already taken the Learner trial but it isnt updated on the page.....yet. Well see you again soon!

Avatar created by Majno

Nov 25 2002 07:46am

 - Ex-Student

Great duelling with u Nim!! Looking forward to learning from each other, u should long be a J-man by now!!

Lineage: son of Mystique, father of Nocturne.

Nov 24 2002 11:20pm

Hon Accor
 - Student

youre a good fighter Nim, good job to you my friend on this tourney.

Ive been around a long time, but Im still unknown. The sidelines is where I belong I suppose.

Nov 20 2002 06:00am

 - Student

Yes Boondock Saints is truly a "Bad Ass" movie. Archangel, it is always a pleasure dueling with you, altho I havent seen you around for awhile. Well mabey I will at the Turky Day Tornament. That is if the Marine Cor and it's stupid schedule coinside. later

Avatar created by Majno

Nov 19 2002 12:16pm

 - Student

Yeah dude, Boondock Saints like a mofo. I have seen that movie so many times, it was about the only movie we watched in the dorms for a month.

Nice dueling with you, I just started so in a while a might be able to give you a better fight.
Keep On Rocking In The Free World

Oct 30 2002 12:41am

 - Ex-Student

Great fun dueling tonight. Looking forward to many more. It seems we learn from each other. Don't know if its a good thing for you to get better, but as long as I'm right with you I'm cool with it... lol.

Well... I'm just kinda leavin comments cause I'm bored... but now I think I'll sleep. So have a good one and I'll see ya on the servers.
A man asked me for a dollar, and I asked him what its for. He said "I have seen them". I said "ok its yours".

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