The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

Nimravus "Nimravus"
Dedicated Gamer

Location:  Tualatin,OR
Occupation:  Helicopter Pilot
Interests:  Helicopters,Sports Cars,Kayaking,Skydiving,JA
AIM Screenname:  Spartacus0313
Last Comment:  Forums: HELLO???
Comments Made:  231

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Sep 05 2006 01:39pm

 - Padawan

Fourth mail, has been sent.:P:)
" You've just taken your first steps into a larger world. " - Ben.

Sep 04 2006 05:12pm

 - Padawan

I've sent you a Mail.:)

Edit: I've sent you 3 Mails, the last one being the significant one.:P

" You've just taken your first steps into a larger world. " - Ben.

This comment was edited by Majno on Sep 04 2006 05:51pm.

Sep 03 2006 06:58pm

 - Student

Hey, nice duels last night bro. See ya around!

Sep 03 2006 01:32pm

 - Distributor of Cold Ones

Helicopter pilot?

Sweet, come get me sometime. I'm in Europe till early December but I'll be back in Mac in January.
|-HK-47 -SilkMonkey: You are receiving a warning for being_too_sexy. If you do not stop, action will be taken against you.|| (11:13:43) � Virtue dances for Silk ||Smiling owner of Smilykrazy's 6000th comment =) ||Odan Wei's Proud Big Brother|| Janus is my official TaruTaru Cuddly Animal Type Person. ||(@Virtue) Or you could just be a man and set fire to your won't fall asleep for days after me.||Thomas Skywalker er for sexy for sitt eget beste!!!!| Not changing sig until the JA loosens up. (Started: Aug 31, 2005)

Sep 01 2006 02:34pm

Dash Starlight
 - Jedi Instructor
 Dash Starlight

It was my pleasure Nim, Im sure you'll get it down soon enough :)
The name is Bond. James Bond.

Sep 01 2006 12:10pm

 - Lord of the Dance


Sep 01 2006 12:23am

Battlin' Billy
 - Student
 Battlin' Billy


I recognize your name and you've been added to the group. I probably don't need to remind you that any rules here at the JA apply for the group as well. Other than that, post some pics!


Midbie Council Member #2 - Profile ID 2073 | Member of B@rtM@ulS@ar | Owner of Monty's 2000th comment & D@RtHM@UL's 8100th comment |
Former Padawan of SilkMonkey & Arcuss
JA Goaltender & NHL Fan | Fellow Rush fan to Axion|Plo Koon is my oldest JA friend
Post your RL pics HERE! | Post you JK2/JK3 screenies HERE!

Aug 31 2006 12:00am

Alex Dkana
 - Staff
 Alex Dkana

Good dueling you earlier today, and welcome back. Nice avatar by the way :)
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana

Aug 30 2006 03:03pm

Luke Skywalker
 - Student
 Luke Skywalker

Hey man! Great to hear from you. :D Helicopter flight training huh? Sounds like a lot of fun. :)

Will you be playing on the servers anytime soon?
:alliance:Luke Skywalker:alliance:

Aug 30 2006 09:33am

Jade Jedi
 - Retired
 Jade Jedi

Hi there Nimravus, no I dont think we have ever met. Im in the 2nd Batalion the Royal Australian Regiment I've been in for about 16yrs done active service in East Timor (3 tours) and the Solomon Islands. I also went to Louisiana for an exercise with the US Army in 97 I think. Plus a few other trips to other countrys for excercise's. So thats me in a nut shell, I hope to see you around the servers soon.:D;)
*CLICKEH->Never risk the Fett Man|*Download my Saber here. Made by master craftsman Pink Floyd_Mintaka + his 2002 & 4000 comment's [Laz's 700th comment][BDKawika's 600th comment] & Owner of a TOWEL award!!|Master: Sared Padawans: Rage-Ball and Dante Eagle.|*Jade Jedi at The Jedi Academy Archives "There's only one Return and it's not of the King it's of the Jedi" Randal Clerks 2 The top 10 reasons why I procrastinate: 1.

Aug 30 2006 07:07am

 - Padawan

Awesome, man! soon you'll be all like - Echo base, this is Rougue 3, I repeat this is Rougue 3.:)

And, to answer your question, not much, asking for one is just about enough.:P
Send me some good artwork or screenies you like, and I'll see what I can do.
" You've just taken your first steps into a larger world. " - Ben.

Aug 30 2006 03:12am

 - Student

Active once again.


Avatar created by Majno

Dec 11 2005 12:29pm

 - Padawan

Yeah, all is as well as it can be I guess :)
Havent seen you on serv yet, although havent been to US serv in a long time..
See you there soon, or on Wireplay :)
Hope this finds you well my friend, take care.
Carpe Noctum.

" You've just taken your first steps into a larger world. " - Ben.

This comment was edited by Majno on Dec 11 2005 12:29pm.

Dec 09 2005 07:55pm

 - Student

AHhh!!! The helicopter guy!!!! WELCOME BACK!

Don't leave again....I need someone who likes what I like! ;)
- Threat
Ex-Unofficial Padawan of Rivian, AKA Chaos
Ex-Unofficial Padawan of Phantom
Owner of Grycen's 180th comment, Raydoe's 455th comment, and Rivian's EVIL 666th comment!

Dec 09 2005 12:49am

 - Student

Active again. For how long I do not know.


Avatar created by Majno

This comment was edited by Nimravus on Dec 09 2005 05:21am.

Nov 10 2005 07:31am

 - Student

Its seems you dont come here very often anymore. I'll be glad just to get back home.
"Death Before Dishonor!"
**Anything worth fighting for, is worth fighting DIRTY for!**

Aug 14 2005 07:52pm

 - Student

Bah! Soooooooo close to getting first comment!

Welcome back and good duels BTW! Hope to see you around, Devil Dog! :cool:
- Threat
Ex-Unofficial Padawan of Rivian, AKA Chaos
Ex-Unofficial Padawan of Phantom
Owner of Grycen's 180th comment, Raydoe's 455th comment, and Rivian's EVIL 666th comment!

Aug 14 2005 07:31pm

 - Student

I got the first comment since your reinstallation! heh
Nice duels Nimravus, keep up the good work in yellow :cool:
.: Proud Padawan of Dane

Aug 05 2005 09:53pm

 - Student

Well im finally set up here in citrus heights CA. See you on the servers.


Avatar created by Majno

This comment was edited by Nimravus on Dec 09 2005 12:49am.

Jun 13 2005 03:40pm

 - Padawan

Hey Nim.
July 9th, dang thats a long time :)
Good to see you post though, take care man.

" You've just taken your first steps into a larger world. " - Ben.

Jun 12 2005 08:57pm

 - Student

Sup dude...I'm back!!!
All i have to do now is work out my computer kinks and I'll be back in the show

"Death Before Dishonor!"
**Anything worth fighting for, is worth fighting DIRTY for!**

Jun 11 2005 08:01pm

Luke Skywalker
 - Student
 Luke Skywalker

Hey there Nimravus. :)
Happy to hear you're going to be active! Thank you for the congratulations, but I stepped down. I'm a student now. ;)

Hope to catch you soon!
:alliance:Luke Skywalker:alliance:

Dec 21 2004 06:29pm

Khâ D'Kana
 - Student
 Khâ D'Kana

Hey Nim,

I've seen you've no broadband right now :( I hope you will find one soon. I miss you mate.

In fact, I'm posting a comment to wish you a Merry Christmas :)

I hope you will have some holidays ;)

Your friend,

~Khâ D'Kana~
In light of day, nor dark of night, no evil shall escape our sight.

Proud member of the D'Kana family

Nov 17 2004 02:54pm

 - Padawan

Heyy man.
Good to see you post.
Hehe Sir, thats my :)
Anyway, hope you get that hookup sorted soon.
I've Missed you man, good to hear that your back soon.
Take care.

" You've just taken your first steps into a larger world. " - Ben.

Nov 17 2004 04:34am

 - Student

Hello all, I am now out of the Marine Corps, I finished up my 4 yrs. Sadly I am back at home with no broadband connection :( I truly do miss everyone at the Academey. Rest assured that when I get a decent connection I will be back amongst you all.


Avatar created by Majno

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