The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

Majno Michael "Majno"
Apprentice to the ways of the Light side of the Force, and the Standard Saber. Joined TJA 2004. Padawan of aph3x n Virtue. Member of the Student Introduction Program. JA Calender ProjectLeader. Awaiting The Old Republic.

Location:  Svea Rike.
Padawan of:  Virtue
Last Comment:  Forums: HELLO???
Comments Made:  2890

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Dec 21 2006 02:06pm

 - Jedi Council

Ladies and Gentlemen!

In case you didn't know, this lovely chap is my Padawan, and his name is Assclown!

But don't be fooled by the name, he's in fact a brilliant young chap!
If the entire human race was represented by an Avatar, then Majno would probably be the one to make it.

You've come a long way since we met, bro - in both in-game skill and general design development. Both of which are now extraordinary to behold.
You are a design force to be reckoned with, my friend. :D

Just wanted to let you know that I'm still here for ya. :)

- Virtue. :alliance:
Academy Architect

This comment was edited by Virtue on Dec 21 2006 02:07pm.

Nov 15 2004 09:23pm

Ris Win Juljul
 - Padawan
 Ris Win Juljul

Oh and Majno one more thing


Ris :alliance:
-Padawan of Virtue
-Brother of Menaxia, *|irael, Krynn Adept, Majno, Mic Den Octela, DaMi3N, Beowulf, Dash Starlight, Carrock and Yuken Zalak
-Proud owner to Mics 100th and 777th comment's, Lady C's 700th Comment and Emm's 100th Comment ^^
-A Proud Knight of Nippledom

This comment was edited by Ris Win Juljul on Nov 15 2004 09:24pm.

Nov 15 2004 09:18pm

Ris Win Juljul
 - Padawan
 Ris Win Juljul

I'm fine thx :)

Ris :alliance:
-Padawan of Virtue
-Brother of Menaxia, *|irael, Krynn Adept, Majno, Mic Den Octela, DaMi3N, Beowulf, Dash Starlight, Carrock and Yuken Zalak
-Proud owner to Mics 100th and 777th comment's, Lady C's 700th Comment and Emm's 100th Comment ^^
-A Proud Knight of Nippledom

Nov 15 2004 06:41pm

 - Jedi Council

I can write my name with my sparkler. My sparkler > your lightsabre

Nov 15 2004 05:05pm

Ris Win Juljul
 - Padawan
 Ris Win Juljul

Heya Majno, im just here leaving a comment :P

So how ya doing bro

Ris :alliance:
-Padawan of Virtue
-Brother of Menaxia, *|irael, Krynn Adept, Majno, Mic Den Octela, DaMi3N, Beowulf, Dash Starlight, Carrock and Yuken Zalak
-Proud owner to Mics 100th and 777th comment's, Lady C's 700th Comment and Emm's 100th Comment ^^
-A Proud Knight of Nippledom

Nov 14 2004 05:29pm

 - Jedi Council

:O its working!!!!
I can write my name with my sparkler. My sparkler > your lightsabre

Nov 14 2004 01:50pm

Khâ D'Kana
 - Student
 Khâ D'Kana

I just thought it will be funny to post my 350th comment to you when it became your 400th profile comment.

It's the opportunity to thank you for the good times we had in march-april when we begun. I hope someday we will find time to chat ;)

In light of day, nor dark of night, no evil shall escape our sight.

Proud member of the D'Kana family

Nov 14 2004 01:07pm

Khâ D'Kana
 - Student
 Khâ D'Kana

Heya bro,

Congrats for becoming Virtue's paddy :)

/me runs away because Majno will pawn even more :D

Take care mate,

In light of day, nor dark of night, no evil shall escape our sight.

Proud member of the D'Kana family

Nov 14 2004 11:52am

 - Student

Aww :D

I can't think of much to say atm - so I'll leave that until later :) lol

Nov 14 2004 09:35am

 - Student

Hi bro =)
I think everyting is goin alright!
I'm taking sum beginners classes =D
I didn't think I ever saw u on a server yet...=(
Well hope to see ya soon!

"We make a living out of what we get, we make a life out of what we give."

Nov 13 2004 11:35pm

Mic Den Octela
 - Student
 Mic Den Octela


Hey maj, i have a proposal. How about we actually declare ourselves bro's (JA-related)!!!11

j/k :D
-Padawan of Virtue -Brother of Menaxia, *|irael, Krynn Adept, Majno, Ris Win Juljul, DaMi3N, Beowulf, Dash Starlight, Carrock and Yuken Zalak Bartender at Munes bar. Sir Mic of Nippledom! Proudly beating Wang, since '07. (Crackdown)

Nov 13 2004 05:51pm

 - Student

hey dude... dont you think it's time thet your picture grow hair?? lol :P
Blue! blue stance for ever!!! oh ye : owner of dash's "GOM!!11!! it's purple'" *1800* comment!!! owner of Wicek 3333rd "cool guys use Yellow sabers" post.
Kyle Katarn is the new jedi order BattleMaster... meaning he is better then Luke in saber fighting! HA TAKE THAT SKYWALKER FAN's!

Nov 13 2004 11:01am

Dash Starlight
 - Jedi Instructor
 Dash Starlight

Hey majno! Sup? Lol u know whats funny? MerenweN told me, ur her Big bro 2, while in real live shes my lill sis! :D Lol, we're all just one, big, happy family I guess !! :cool:
The name is Bond. James Bond.

Nov 12 2004 05:55pm

 - Retired

hey hey bro. i dig the profile pic, quite cool!

i've been well. getting on later than normal i guess these days. hope to catch you around soon :)
this is the internet, be serious damn it!

Nov 12 2004 04:23pm

Ris Win Juljul
 - Padawan
 Ris Win Juljul

Heyyy :P

I really enjoyed are messing around too, there is no need to be sorry :P

Ris :alliance:

-Padawan of Virtue
-Brother of Menaxia, *|irael, Krynn Adept, Majno, Mic Den Octela, DaMi3N, Beowulf, Dash Starlight, Carrock and Yuken Zalak
-Proud owner to Mics 100th and 777th comment's, Lady C's 700th Comment and Emm's 100th Comment ^^
-A Proud Knight of Nippledom

Nov 12 2004 03:37pm

Dash Starlight
 - Jedi Instructor
 Dash Starlight

Yay! My PC seems 2b okay :) Im reallyt lookin 4ward 2 our lill session ;)
The name is Bond. James Bond.

Nov 12 2004 02:54pm

 - Student

hi there i know that we wheren't bro's for long but i got reasigned to Gradius it was my own choise

KV Mechelen

Proud owner of: Kauyon's 101th, Akkarin's 100th, Piccolo's 30th, Wicek's 1400th , Mindrith's 1500th, Sednox' 1935th Comment

Nov 11 2004 11:01pm

Mic Den Octela
 - Student
 Mic Den Octela

maj ruleth....BRO!!11
-Padawan of Virtue -Brother of Menaxia, *|irael, Krynn Adept, Majno, Ris Win Juljul, DaMi3N, Beowulf, Dash Starlight, Carrock and Yuken Zalak Bartender at Munes bar. Sir Mic of Nippledom! Proudly beating Wang, since '07. (Crackdown)

Nov 11 2004 09:42pm

 - Student

Yeah I'm pretty much dead in the online world :P Got no time to play anymore. Thanks for the concern though, how are you doing?

Nov 11 2004 01:30am

 - Student

hey i figured i would leave you a post just to say that i am not dead :D i'm still alive :P i just haven't been it town for a while so i haven't had internet, but we are getting close to haveing internet out at our house hehe:D:D i can't wait:D:D i will be on tonight for a while since we have a day off tomorrow yay so if you get this sometime today i will be on in about 9 or 10 hours about 9:00 or 10:00 my time, so if your sleeping get your lazy ass up haha jk:P yeah so hopefully i can catch you tonight take care man
cya later
May The Force Be With You

Nov 10 2004 06:42pm

 - Student

hey my new bro i htought idd stop by and say hi .... so ..erm..HI!:D
KV Mechelen

Proud owner of: Kauyon's 101th, Akkarin's 100th, Piccolo's 30th, Wicek's 1400th , Mindrith's 1500th, Sednox' 1935th Comment

Nov 10 2004 06:23pm

 - Student

How on earth did that get to 800? Lmao!

Nov 10 2004 01:33pm

Dash Starlight
 - Jedi Instructor
 Dash Starlight

Np, but I got a tiny bit of a problem:

JA MP tends 2 crash!!! :eek: So I cant always connect... =( I have 2 reinstall JA every time I restart my PC! But whatever's neccessarry ill do, hope 2 c u on JA m8! :)
The name is Bond. James Bond.

Nov 10 2004 01:25pm

 - Student

I'm doing good, even starting get the hang of the bane of duals, the red user :eek::D
I thought it would be weeks if not months before I showed improvement but I appear to be moving along at a nice pace.

Bro of many in a very deformed family tree || Formerly a Padawan of Motrec, Kenyon & Aphex AKA Quiet Guardian, QG and Coogie

Nov 10 2004 01:32am

 - Student

hey jun-tao ;). nice to see u on the servers as well, tryouts were crazy man ... 3 people on barf count and constant running :p catcha later bro peace
ps: we gotta get kess on more =P
Pictures By Majno (Jun-Tao) the great!

Nov 09 2004 07:53pm

 - Jedi Council

lol pubserving sounds kewel...but ummm...SOMEBODY SCRATCHED MY JK3 CD:mad::mad::mad: so...i can play for a bit:(
I can write my name with my sparkler. My sparkler > your lightsabre

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