The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

Majno Michael "Majno"
Apprentice to the ways of the Light side of the Force, and the Standard Saber. Joined TJA 2004. Padawan of aph3x n Virtue. Member of the Student Introduction Program. JA Calender ProjectLeader. Awaiting The Old Republic.

Location:  Svea Rike.
Padawan of:  Virtue
Last Comment:  Forums: HELLO???
Comments Made:  2890

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Dec 21 2006 02:06pm

 - Jedi Council

Ladies and Gentlemen!

In case you didn't know, this lovely chap is my Padawan, and his name is Assclown!

But don't be fooled by the name, he's in fact a brilliant young chap!
If the entire human race was represented by an Avatar, then Majno would probably be the one to make it.

You've come a long way since we met, bro - in both in-game skill and general design development. Both of which are now extraordinary to behold.
You are a design force to be reckoned with, my friend. :D

Just wanted to let you know that I'm still here for ya. :)

- Virtue. :alliance:
Academy Architect

This comment was edited by Virtue on Dec 21 2006 02:07pm.

Aug 08 2004 10:11pm

 - Student

roofles, Please translate, I can't understand that. LoL

Aug 08 2004 09:02pm

Illian D'Kana
 - Student
 Illian D'Kana

any time Majno :)
just catch me on server and i will duel whit you :D
| Mental victory leads to physical victory. The mental battle begins before the physical battle. If you can defeat your opponent mentally half of the battle is won. |

Aug 08 2004 08:45pm

 - Student

Lets just hope that t3h-littl3-gr3mlin§ do their job! :D

Aug 08 2004 05:45pm

 - Retired

cool man, hope to see you around! :)
this is the internet, be serious damn it!

Aug 07 2004 05:24pm

 - Student

Ahh gremlins! :D

Aug 07 2004 09:11am

 - Student

Thx for congratz :D:D
Personal sleepness-nights-supporter of Virtue. Owner of the 1000th comment of Daidalus and 1943th comment of Gradius! Owner of the 300th comment of Carda!
-Taught Gradius all his laming skills :P

Aug 07 2004 12:25am

 - Student

hi man.:D:P
MOTREC'S rl son

dad can i go on the servers?;)
good friends to smileykrazy:D,mikel rider,motrec,bluedragon,n00b,cmad,mike,and oban-wei.and best freind to urded,and monkaiman

Aug 06 2004 11:54pm

 - Student

Thanks bro!! :D

Aug 06 2004 05:41pm

 - Retired

Hey mate, thanks for dropping by on my profile; I really appreciate it :D

I'm doing pretty good; my health is good again, for the first time in years. I've got a lot more energy to spend, and I feel a lot more comfortable; just a bit tired every now and then :)

You? ;)

See you soon.

Aug 06 2004 12:09pm

 - Student

Nice to see you back again! I'm stuck at home atm with no internet access on my comp, hopefully that sould change on tuesday tho ;) Hope to see you next week - and welcome back :D
This is not the place to look for me

Aug 06 2004 08:45am

 - Student

Hey man,
Ive been great thanks, you?
Lew lies! Im evil!!! :D

Im on holiday atm so I cant play on the servers, and my internet at home isnt working. :(

Ah well, it will be able to play soon. :>

Aug 05 2004 11:23pm

 - Student


I've been great bro, thanks, the vacation rocked :D We definitely have to get together again sometime. How are you man?!?!

Jul 20 2004 03:58pm

 - Student

I'm just saying hi and why because for one I haven't seen or posted you in a long time:D,so;):cool:
MOTREC'S rl son

dad can i go on the servers?;)
good friends to smileykrazy:D,mikel rider,motrec,bluedragon,n00b,cmad,mike,and oban-wei.and best freind to urded,and monkaiman

Jul 18 2004 10:07pm

 - Student

You too Maj
This is not the place to look for me

Jul 18 2004 10:04pm

 - Student

Cya soon. :)

Bro of many in a very deformed family tree || Formerly a Padawan of Motrec, Kenyon & Aphex AKA Quiet Guardian, QG and Coogie

Jul 11 2004 08:10pm

 - Student

Hey master
What is up, I am doing great but my training, well lets just say i haven't been playing much. I have been to busy, so i am going to need some REAL review on the stuff when you get back lol, so that is what is up with me, when are you going to be able to come back man what's the hold up lol. so soo long catch you soon i hope take care later
May The Force Be With You

Jul 05 2004 01:09am

Roan Belouve
 - Retired
 Roan Belouve

Glad to hear your still alive. Nice to say hello on the server.

Mind out for those orcs dude!!!!

till you return NIPPLE ON !!!
*Bro to Vaxxla,Padawan of FiZZandOdan-Wei Part of the mighty Belouve Dynasty-Knight of Nippledom.Twin of Selphestal!**Proud Master to Kaelis and Acura Friend to anyone who would call me the same :). Pic by the amazing Majno (merry)

Jul 04 2004 09:20pm

 - Student

Hehe, things are okay..I'll tell you about stuff on MSN / E-Mail

Jul 04 2004 12:34am

 - Padawan

great fighting. it was fun. And thanks for teaching.:)

Jun 28 2004 12:22am

Mic Den Octela
 - Student
 Mic Den Octela

Fun time last night maj.... cya agin sometime
-Padawan of Virtue -Brother of Menaxia, *|irael, Krynn Adept, Majno, Ris Win Juljul, DaMi3N, Beowulf, Dash Starlight, Carrock and Yuken Zalak Bartender at Munes bar. Sir Mic of Nippledom! Proudly beating Wang, since '07. (Crackdown)

Jun 16 2004 11:37pm

 - Student

Here ya go, post number 200 all for you ;)

Jun 11 2004 02:37am

Selph Senatu
 - Student
 Selph Senatu

Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Bananaphone!
Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Bananaphone!
I've got this feeling, so appealing. For us to get together and sing.
Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Bananaphone!
Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Bananaphone.
It Grows in bunchers, I have my hunchers. It's the best! Beats The Rest! Cellular, modular, interactive odular.
Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Bananaphone!
Ping Pong Ping Pong Ping Pong Ping Bananaphone!
It's not bologne, it aint a pony. My Cellular, binanular phone!

Jun 09 2004 10:39pm

Selph Senatu
 - Student
 Selph Senatu


Jun 09 2004 02:18pm

Roan Belouve
 - Retired
 Roan Belouve


have the Orcs got you :(

/me sends Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas to find him!!

In the mean time take care!!

*Bro to Vaxxla,Padawan of FiZZandOdan-Wei Part of the mighty Belouve Dynasty-Knight of Nippledom.Twin of Selphestal!**Proud Master to Kaelis and Acura Friend to anyone who would call me the same :). Pic by the amazing Majno (merry)

Jun 09 2004 10:07am

 - Student

/me cries.

Bro of many in a very deformed family tree || Formerly a Padawan of Motrec, Kenyon & Aphex AKA Quiet Guardian, QG and Coogie

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