The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

Majno Michael "Majno"
Apprentice to the ways of the Light side of the Force, and the Standard Saber. Joined TJA 2004. Padawan of aph3x n Virtue. Member of the Student Introduction Program. JA Calender ProjectLeader. Awaiting The Old Republic.

Location:  Svea Rike.
Padawan of:  Virtue
Last Comment:  Forums: HELLO???
Comments Made:  2890

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Dec 21 2006 02:06pm

 - Jedi Council

Ladies and Gentlemen!

In case you didn't know, this lovely chap is my Padawan, and his name is Assclown!

But don't be fooled by the name, he's in fact a brilliant young chap!
If the entire human race was represented by an Avatar, then Majno would probably be the one to make it.

You've come a long way since we met, bro - in both in-game skill and general design development. Both of which are now extraordinary to behold.
You are a design force to be reckoned with, my friend. :D

Just wanted to let you know that I'm still here for ya. :)

- Virtue. :alliance:
Academy Architect

This comment was edited by Virtue on Dec 21 2006 02:07pm.

May 24 2004 06:27pm

 - Student

You've got nothing to appolagise 4 m8 :D
This is not the place to look for me

May 24 2004 05:03pm

 - Student

That's not a comment!!!:D That's a personal opinion :)
This is not the place to look for me

May 24 2004 04:43pm

 - Student

m00000000000 :D oh alright, but just cos u gave me some kel dor snakcs ;)

May 24 2004 04:20pm

 - Student

you too;)

May 24 2004 04:13pm

 - Student

hehehe, the picture it self i edited, added lightning effects and the text i wrote too. the only thing from the game is the face.:)

May 24 2004 04:09pm

 - Student

erm - what comment???:confused:
This is not the place to look for me

May 24 2004 01:30pm

Roan Belouve
 - Retired
 Roan Belouve

Just covering for my bros by posting a welcome message to new students and i sawthis profile. We may have found him!


*Bro to Vaxxla,Padawan of FiZZandOdan-Wei Part of the mighty Belouve Dynasty-Knight of Nippledom.Twin of Selphestal!**Proud Master to Kaelis and Acura Friend to anyone who would call me the same :). Pic by the amazing Majno (merry)

This comment was edited by Roan Belouve on May 24 2004 02:07pm.

May 24 2004 10:21am

 - Student

Jolee...Jolee bindo or some crap like that:P

May 24 2004 02:25am

 - Student

Sweet name! Is it from KOTOR? that game ruled hehe, can't wait until kotor 2!!! :D take care bro :)

May 23 2004 10:01pm

 - Student

*whispers to MAJNO!* i am ur conscience, u want to be majno , u know u do , go on return it to the better name , majno w00t i mean yes yes thats it Majno. :D

May 23 2004 07:51pm

 - Student

/me cry i want ur old name back or i'll...i'll call u angelina jolee

May 23 2004 05:56pm

 - Student

Nice name. :) You changing saber colour too? :D
hmm, Consular. Green, i believe.

Blue is the the colour of the Jedi Guardian. :)

Bro of many in a very deformed family tree || Formerly a Padawan of Motrec, Kenyon & Aphex AKA Quiet Guardian, QG and Coogie

May 23 2004 05:40pm

 - Retired

ok, reminds me of joleen though. this cute girl that was in architecture shcool when i was there :P

so if drool on you, just slap me ;)
this is the internet, be serious damn it!

May 23 2004 12:40pm

 - Student

hehehehe, not realy, i was serching on the keyword "Wrath Unleashed" on google and i found that one, and i though it was cool so i used it and edited blood text on it :D

May 23 2004 02:11am

 - Student

To be honest, I'm kinda tired :P
See, even I get tired.. lol

Might go to bed soon... :eek::eek:

May 23 2004 02:04am

 - Student

Yes yes, undefeated at Taun Taun racing :P
and I'm not too bad at SaberGolf..
Daid was pretty good
You aren't far from me ;)
|*| pwnd both of us early on..

We need more sports..maybe we could think of a new one, but I don't know...we could just look for others :)

May 23 2004 02:01am

 - Student

Majno says:
phew..its getting late...
NO! It isn't :P

This comment was edited by Leww on May 23 2004 02:02am.

May 21 2004 04:05pm

 - Retired

heya Maj, yeah i'm looking forward to our next session too. i think it's been close to 2 weeks now since i've played :( got real busy with wrapping up school and then had a lot of projects at work to knock out AND i had to figure out what the hell i was gonna do for my art show i have in like 2 weeks. so i've been a busy man. hope to catch you soon though my bro. take care.
this is the internet, be serious damn it!

May 21 2004 06:31am

 - Student

Heya Majno, great walkie duels last night! They rawk...we should have a walky tourny one day! Lookin forward to the next time I meet you on the servers ;)

May 21 2004 02:30am

Selph Senatu
 - Student
 Selph Senatu

Awesome pic m8!!
Belouve rocks!
D'Kana Sucks!
Naw j/k
Both Rawk

May 21 2004 01:39am

 - Ex-Student

busy with work and school :(
Proud Padawan of Leif
Grandson from Aphex
Nephew from 3th, Majno and Quiet Guardian

May 20 2004 11:27pm

 - Student

Hey Majno, w00t! :D

May 20 2004 02:29pm

 - Retired

Hey there! Thanks for stopping by! I'm doing good thanks, how about you? I've been trying to stop by Wireplay a little more often to visit with everyone. Hope to see you around!
Be honorable, be friendly, be trustworthy. Show respect to all whom you meet. Don't forget you learn when you win AND when you lose. Be the first to admit mistake AND the first to correct it. Be the shoulder for someone to lean on. Always remember those that sacrificed time to help you. Thank you Odan Wei, Vladarion, 3th, Moridin, n00b, Motrec, Faded, Leif, and Tido, you will not be forgotten as the ones to make you remember, it's all about fun...

May 20 2004 01:09am

Nomi D'Kana
 - Student
 Nomi D'Kana


long time no see :)

well I have been away for a while...but your pics get better and better :)

anyhoo I look forward to the next time on jk3 ...sabers at dawn stylee

"The crystal is the heart of the blade. The heart is the crystal of the Jedi. The Jedi is the crystal of the Force. The Force is the blade of the heart." Master Luminara

May 19 2004 03:47pm

 - Student

Hi there Maj,
How've ya been mate, I've not been on JK3 so much recently.
Explanation: I found JK2 in the depths of my bedroom a few days ago and am playing quite a lot of that. :)
Hope to see ya soon.

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