The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

ogaitnas santiago "ogaitnas" luiz

Location:  Brazil
Occupation:  Computing and network security
Interests:  webdesign, auto scale, rally, and games
ICQ UIN:  ICQ Status 70423979
MSN Address:
Last Comment:  Class: JK2
Comments Made:  1

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Apr 21 2004 12:11pm

Bail Hope of Belouve
 - Student
 Bail Hope of Belouve

Hey There, Ogaitnas

I'm Bail, one of the local nutcases, and I'd just like to take this time to welcome you to our Lovely Place for Nutcases.
Non-nutcases also allowed:P

First of all, if you want to ask any questions, feel free to do so
There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers
So feel free to ask them, and I'll help you As Soon As Possible.

Agaitnas, now that's something I've never heard before:)
Does it have a meaning in your own language?

Oh btw, also check out the rules, The Holocron, and of course the Server page and last but very certainely not least, the Articles Page.
Also check out some nice links.
For our nice ranks and stuff like that, please go here.
For registering in classes, please click here.
All you need to do is select a class that interests you, click the title, and then click 'Enroll'
Then all you need to do is be on time at the class, but please,
don't enroll in a class if you can't show up, and remove yourself from the Class List in case something comes up.
It makes the Teacher's jobs a bit easier;)

Next, don't forget to browse the forums (my favorite subject:P)
In the forums you will also find some nice information about this lovely place. (Posts which are at the complete top are called Permanents and are important to the Jedi Academy.

And I hope to see you on the server sometimes:)

And a little bit on a side-note.
If someone posts on your profile,
then please answer the post by going to their profile (just click on their name and wait for the page to load up)

-- Bail --
Visit the Belouve Family Website!
I try to have fun with my friends and try to make a difference as best I can. What does making a difference mean? Well, it can be as simple as saying hello, answering a question that seems obvious or heck, just talking. -- Vladarion

Want to know Vladarion? Read the Article about his life here.

This comment was edited by Bail Hope of Belouve on Apr 21 2004 12:11pm.

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