The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

Dai "Dai"

This user is no longer with the Academy

Last Comment:  Forums: New here
Comments Made:  2

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Dec 04 2004 10:42pm

 - Student

Welcome to the Jedi Academy!

Some parts of the site you might want to check out are the Holocron (make sure you stop by the Rules section, however briefly! :)), the Classes List (which may be slightly off for a little bit, read the news on the front page for more info), and the Forums. Finally, of course, there's the Servers page which lists the IPs, ports, and passwords for the private JA servers.

Hope to see you on the servers soon, and have a great day.

Proud Former Padawan of 3th

Nov 28 2004 11:05pm

 - Jedi Master

Welcome to the JA. If you need to know anything, feel free to drop me a line. ;)

Have fun!

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