Neil "[ISS]-Neil-[L1]"
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Rivian Na'Dolo - Student |
Hey neil its me chaos~ from USA Nice to see your interested in the academy, cant wait to play with ya _______________ What Do We Have To Learn From But Our Mistakes? All We Can Ask For Is Forgiveness. -Chaos~ [Master to Threat Na'Dolo and Trickster Na'Dolo][~Proud Friends~ Trooper, Kensei, RoseRed, Kitmitsu, Gradius, Setementor, Tarpman, Liso Jowol ~] [Owner of Tarpman's 2800th comment][Owner of Thomas Skywalker's 5398th and 5600'th comments][Owner of TreeX's 151th, 250th and 350th comments][Owner of Echuu's 666th and 800th Comments][Owner of JediFire's 123th comment][Owner of Vivi's 107th comment][Owner of Threat Na'Dolo's 100th comment][Owner of CC's 500'th and 1234'th comments][Owner of Kewan Obiobi's 310th comment][Owner of Piccolo's 2400th comment][Owner of Kensei's 3300'th comment][Owner of Liso Jowol's unexpected 2600th comment!] [Owner of the kill-Thomas-whenever-you-want-to certificate!][Winner of the 11000'th comment on Aeth S'kray's Count thread] [Looking for unofficial Padawans To Train]Na'Dolo Site Here. |
Setementor - Jedi Master |
Welcome to the JA. If you need to know anything, feel free to drop me a line. Have fun! |
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