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Are the rising gas prices affecting you?
Aug 30 2005 03:22am

 - Student
People at work have been telling me that within a week gas prices in Michigan will be over 3.00/gallon USD.

Many of my friends who are just students and working like 10 hours a week, have pretty much given up on ever leaving the city they go to college in.

My friend just got married so when I drove to his wedding it cost me over $60.00 for gas thier and back.

Are more people here driving less? Riding thier bike or walking places? Using public transportation? Switching to better fuel economy or hybrid vehicles?
Silent Bob (Kevin Smith): You know, there's a million fine looking women in the world, dude. But they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of 'em just cheat on you.

-Steve (Obi)

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Sep 05 2005 08:29pm

 - Student

Well that's something you'll need to complain to your governments about. Even with it being $3/gal in the US we're still paying less than most other times in history when you adjust for inflation.
When you are going through Hell, keep going.
-Sir Winston Churchill.

Those who seek power and control of others, no matter the level, no matter the intentions, should never be given it.

Sep 05 2005 07:20pm

 - Milwaukees Finest

The Finnish Parlament is currently debating on cutting taxes from gas prices, not completely, but still lowering it majorly.. We have around the same price as the Netherlands so that's 7USD/Gallon or something..

Since when has driving been something for only the rich and wealthy people? With how the cities of today are built, you NEED a car no matter what..

At times like theese, I really hope I would've lived my primetime (18-30) in the 80's and 90's.. I ain't takin' no hybrid car to work goddamnit! :D

-Ataris <3
[ Honorable mentions: aph3x | Milamber | Bail Hope Belouve | Jaiko D'Kana | Rosered | JediEthic | Mike/JJ/TheKing | Kensei | Dane | Gradius | Thomas Skywalker | Pink Floyd | Setementor | Steinin | Odan-Wei ] [ Owner of: MetaDust's 500th comment! | Eica's 700th comment! | Pink Floyd's 666th, 999th, 1200th and 1337th comment! | DarkRyu's 400th comment! | Redeye's 1st comment! | Cow's 1111st comment! | Rufusan's 75th comment! | Wicek's 3300th and 3400th comment! | Dash Starlight's 2000th comment! | Piccolo's 3400th comment! | Takaru's 300th comment! | Senor Hat's 900th comment! | Rytandus' 4160th comment! | The first ever awarded, the original, the one and only, Catphin Award!!1 ] "Music expresses that which can not be put in to words but can not remain silent."

Sep 05 2005 05:16pm

 - Student

You know here in the US a good chunk of our gas price is taxes. I wonder how much of Europe's gas prices actually come from taxes put in place by the governments. I'm willing to bet that most of norway's cost is a tax since that country has a large oil industry relative to its population.
When you are going through Hell, keep going.
-Sir Winston Churchill.

Those who seek power and control of others, no matter the level, no matter the intentions, should never be given it.

Sep 05 2005 02:32pm

 - Student


Gas price per litre in Norway: ~10 NOK (it's more often that not higher than that)
1 gallon = 3.785411784 litres

1 gallon would therefore cost you 37.85411784 NOK.

37.85411784 NOK = 6.093904801 USD

In holland the price now is €1.53 per litre...
so that means a gallon is
5.79168002952 EUR
current exchange rate
1 EUR = 1.255 USD

so that makes 7.2683 USD per gallon...

I really patched up my bicycle again and I now do most thing by bike because I can't afford to go everywhere with the car anymore...
this really sucks!

Get on your feet and do the Funky Alfonzo!

This comment was edited by Henkes on Sep 05 2005 02:35pm.

Sep 04 2005 08:04pm

 - Student

Gas prices will go up everywhere. The oil market is a global setup and just because the US has part of it supply out of commission doesn't mean that the rest of the world doesn't get affected.
When you are going through Hell, keep going.
-Sir Winston Churchill.

Those who seek power and control of others, no matter the level, no matter the intentions, should never be given it.

Sep 04 2005 07:52pm

 - Student

Good point, gas prices in Europe are sky-high and still rising. Over here in Holland driving a car is really getting ridiculously expensive.

Good thing that students dont ahve to pay much for public transport :)

Sep 04 2005 07:18pm

 - Student

If you think gas prices in the US are high, you should really come to Norway!

Over here it costs you about 10 NOK for one litre of gasoline.

Gas price per litre in Norway: ~10 NOK (it's more often that not higher than that)
1 gallon = 3.785411784 litres

1 gallon would therefore cost you 37.85411784 NOK.

37.85411784 NOK = 6.093904801 USD

To sum it all up: We pay about 6 USD for 1 gallon of gasoline here, so stop whining, Americans! :P

At least high gas prices are good for the environment (I mean, if people drive less because of them). :)
In the navy and LOVING it! :D

Recipient of comment no. 1000 and heart-warming words from Ataris! :)

Sep 04 2005 02:22pm

 - Student

Out in NY its been $3.69 its insane. Someone told me its because of the Hurricane. And Bush said that after this weekend the prices should lower again, so I dont suggest driving much this weekend.
Ex-Master to Threat.
Proud owner of Sazabi's 1500th comment! And Threats 50th comment
"Insanity: a perfect rational adjustment to an insane world"

Sep 04 2005 05:50am

 - Student

I haven't been using my car for the past two months, just walking. So it's all good in the chood.

Sep 04 2005 05:34am

Jeramia Adept
 - Student
 Jeramia Adept

honestly people, if you live in urban or city areas, stop driving, its unescasarry i drive a moped around town and only spen 2-3 bucks on gas every 115 or so miles...and i pay no insurance, no liscence fee, special permit, all i need is a helmit and i only go to work on it. *this is according to kentucky state law*....i do know there is a place in germany that hit 6.08 a gallon..last year. and in the middle east there paying about .20 cents a its all about supply and demand, the we can cause the price to move down if we stop driving so much. but then again greed does come into play.
The Force is my ally, and a powerful ally it is.

Padawan Brother to Darth Sirius

Sep 04 2005 12:03am

 - Retired

I haven't done as much research into this as would be profitable, but does anyone know about any of the ramifications of tapping our oil reserves? Also, back home (Texas) I heard that it had just hit the $2.70 mark or so. Here (California), its about $2.78 across the street, which is really weirding me out. Go figure. :)
I'm crazy, not stupid.

Sep 03 2005 11:20pm

 - Student

Ulic driving his moped in Fondy in January....HA!

- Threat
Ex-Unofficial Padawan of Rivian, AKA Chaos
Ex-Unofficial Padawan of Phantom
Owner of Grycen's 180th comment, Raydoe's 455th comment, and Rivian's EVIL 666th comment!

Sep 03 2005 08:48am

Vasper Ba'xian
 - Student
 Vasper Ba'xian

Just depends on whats going on. It could hit $5.00 a gallon. It was only $1.20 away yesterday. The way prices have been jumping up overnight, that wouldn't surprise me.:(
Brother to: Tamal, Kavar, J.D.,Jermia, Devlin, Ulic, Xiabara, Seij,Tarron Mib,>>>ROCK ON:).My Spacescapes art page.My Everything Else art page. MY FAV. Jedi Are: Qui-Gon Jinn, Corran Horn, and Anakin Solo. Unofficial Master to Tamal. and Kavar. Founder of the Wuji Hundun Jian saber style. Proud owner of Tamal's 200th comment!//Proud owner of Refl3x's 300th comment!>>>Proud owner of Tyrant's 800th comment>>>Proud owner of Lucky's 170th comment>>>Proud owner of BDKawika's 444th comment>>>To except Existance is to except Reality.

Sep 03 2005 06:31am

Ulic Belouve
 - Student
 Ulic Belouve

What's amusing is all the people cutting back on all the other things, because they "predict" the prices all over as over $5 a gallon for the next six months.

I had to deal with, all day, in Cable Internet Support, with people wanting to get rid of their internet because they can't afford it with the gas going to be $5 a gallon.

That's just silly. I doubt it will hit $5 a gallon, and not for the length of time these whackjobs think it will last.

Also, I have actually seen already, where the BP here was 3.29 yesterday, and then is 3.09 today. So actually down .20, in Fond du Lac, WI (1 hour north of Milwaukee, 2 hours north of chicago).

Most of those I have seen, who actually have it at over $5, are of the "screw you" mentaility. They don't want to run their supply dry. You want to buy their whole supply of gas at $5 a gallon, go ahead. They just don't want to run out. They put $5 on their price to deter people from buying their gas.

Which is wise if the price DOES hit $5 overall. Then they'll have the full supply, and sell a full supply at $5 a gallon, instead of others, selling what little they have left, at $5 a gallon, because their supply was sold off at the $3 a gallon price earlier.

The $5 is out of greed and pessimism that the gas prices will skyrocket. If we as a public give into it, then it will become a problem. It's just people are F R E A K I N G O U T over all this, filling up lawnmowers, gas cans, everything.

I think people will gouge and gas retailers will horde their stuff. Then prices will go back down. What I fear is the prices "normalizing" to where it will go to above $3.50 a gallon, then things tone down, but all retailers are used to selling it at over $3.50, and consumers used to buying it at $3.50. So if in the end, people will pay $3.50 for it, it will just become the new way of life.

I think that a significant majority of the American people will "adjust" to gas being over $3.50, and no one will have a reason to sell it for any less. It will become a mass "oh, you're waiting for it to come back down, SCREW YOU! Move aside, the person behind you will pay the $3.50 for it." And the majority of those who won't step aside, and just pay it, will win over.

I hope that's not the case, but you have people who will just take it, and give up everything else.

I honestly think I can pull some "no car" days, when I do not have to work. I can get anywhere in this city (including work) with "no car", either by foot, bike, or moped.

I'm going to just try and fight it. I'm stubborn, and apathetic. I will honestly stop driving the hour to see my fiancee. I'm harsh, but stubborn. I'm not going to let some new high gas prices become a new way of life for me. It can for others, not for me.

I think I'm biking to work tomorrow.
Jedi do not fight for peace. That's only a slogan, and is as misleading as slogans always are. Jedi fight for civilization, because only civilization creates peace.

Sep 03 2005 12:47am

 - Student

Yeah Threat, except for a few things. Bush had the EPA suspend the restrictions on blends due to the hurricane. And yeah prices do traditionally drop after labor day. But then again, 25% of the domestic US oil supply isn't traditionally out of commission.
When you are going through Hell, keep going.
-Sir Winston Churchill.

Those who seek power and control of others, no matter the level, no matter the intentions, should never be given it.

Sep 02 2005 08:07pm

 - Student

I'm surprised that our gas here in Milwaukee, Wisconsin is not some of the highest in the U.S. The Milwaukee-Chicago corridor usually has some of the highest since we have the blended fuel among other factors.

We're only at about $3.30/gal right now. I heard on NPR (yes, NPR) that they think the prices will go down a little after the Labor Day weekend when demand drops. I sure hope so!

And a note to you price gouging bastards out there: I hope your balls fall off and you DIE DIE DIE! j/k about the dying, not about the balls :P
- Threat
Ex-Unofficial Padawan of Rivian, AKA Chaos
Ex-Unofficial Padawan of Phantom
Owner of Grycen's 180th comment, Raydoe's 455th comment, and Rivian's EVIL 666th comment!

This comment was edited by Threat on Sep 02 2005 08:08pm.

Sep 02 2005 03:27pm

 - Student

Prices I saw yesterday: (in Rhode Island)

Hess - $3.06 - sold out
Mobil - $3.39 - Not even 300 feet from the Hess
Stop and Shop - $3.60 - About a quarter mile away
I must not fear . Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear . I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
Gom gom gom gom gom!

Sep 02 2005 12:38pm

Jeramia Adept
 - Student
 Jeramia Adept

thank God i ride a moped to work. 1.5 gallons it holds, and i have to refill every 115 im not spending much, about 2-3 bucks when i fill up.
The Force is my ally, and a powerful ally it is.

Padawan Brother to Darth Sirius

This comment was edited by Jeramia Adept on Sep 02 2005 12:44pm.

Sep 02 2005 08:36am

Vasper Ba'xian
 - Student
 Vasper Ba'xian

Thats the problem with gas stations. I remember when 9/11 happend. Gas stations all over the city jumped to $5.00 a gallon because they "thought" it was going to effect fuel right away.
Brother to: Tamal, Kavar, J.D.,Jermia, Devlin, Ulic, Xiabara, Seij,Tarron Mib,>>>ROCK ON:).My Spacescapes art page.My Everything Else art page. MY FAV. Jedi Are: Qui-Gon Jinn, Corran Horn, and Anakin Solo. Unofficial Master to Tamal. and Kavar. Founder of the Wuji Hundun Jian saber style. Proud owner of Tamal's 200th comment!//Proud owner of Refl3x's 300th comment!>>>Proud owner of Tyrant's 800th comment>>>Proud owner of Lucky's 170th comment>>>Proud owner of BDKawika's 444th comment>>>To except Existance is to except Reality.

Sep 02 2005 04:46am

 - Student

Recent events in the big easy are likely to cause even higher prices over the next few months, folks in Atlanta Georgia USA are payin over $5 per gallon.

And the gas stations that did that are going to be getting prosecuted for price gouging.
When you are going through Hell, keep going.
-Sir Winston Churchill.

Those who seek power and control of others, no matter the level, no matter the intentions, should never be given it.

Sep 01 2005 11:59pm

 - Student

I started using public transportation since this all started. So far its been a lot cheaper.

Sep 01 2005 11:31pm

El Vee For
 - Student
 El Vee For

Recent events in the big easy are likely to cause even higher prices over the next few months, folks in Atlanta Georgia USA are payin over $5 per gallon.
“Arguing on the internet is like competing in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you’re still retarded.”

This comment was edited by El Vee For on Sep 01 2005 11:31pm.

Sep 01 2005 11:26pm

Vasper Ba'xian
 - Student
 Vasper Ba'xian

ok here in IN it went up to $3.29 a Gallon. I'm getting my bike out a bit more often.
Brother to: Tamal, Kavar, J.D.,Jermia, Devlin, Ulic, Xiabara, Seij,Tarron Mib,>>>ROCK ON:).My Spacescapes art page.My Everything Else art page. MY FAV. Jedi Are: Qui-Gon Jinn, Corran Horn, and Anakin Solo. Unofficial Master to Tamal. and Kavar. Founder of the Wuji Hundun Jian saber style. Proud owner of Tamal's 200th comment!//Proud owner of Refl3x's 300th comment!>>>Proud owner of Tyrant's 800th comment>>>Proud owner of Lucky's 170th comment>>>Proud owner of BDKawika's 444th comment>>>To except Existance is to except Reality.

Sep 01 2005 07:59pm

 - Student

$1,185/liter here :eek:
its quite a lot considering that it was like 0,7 or something not so long ago :confused:
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

This comment was edited by SaZ on Sep 01 2005 08:01pm.

Sep 01 2005 07:22pm

 - Hubbub

It was $1.29/liter here in Toronto today. All time high.

That's in CAD, so that would be around $4.1 US per gallon.
make install -not war

This comment was edited by Bubu on Sep 01 2005 07:28pm.

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