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The Academy v3 is getting a lot of downloads really fast
Apr 27 2007 10:25pm

Ben Kenobi
 - Student
It's in 44th place in number of downloads out of all 433 Jedi Academy FFA maps on filefront. And it hasn't even been out for 2 months.

On another note, PCGameMods is up so maybe the_academy_v3 should be submitted there.

This post was edited by Ben Kenobi on Apr 28 2007 12:34am.

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May 13 2007 12:22pm

 - Student

WoW :) Looks like I came back at the right time :)
Gosh it's been 2 years and I've been treated to a new map...

Downloading it now. I need to pay my respects to Vladarion again.

EDIT: if you need a server to host a mirror of the map. let me know... Great Job.
The force is within every cell of your body. All you have to do is realise it's there and harness its true power.

This comment was edited by //Kakashi// on May 15 2007 12:25am.

May 13 2007 01:26am

 - Student

I believe PCGameMods is indeed down... again.


- Rin
Former padawan of RoseRed, and cofounder of the Wii! Triumvirate! Quote:
In the words of Old Ben, "Not as retarded or as stupid as a public, but an elegant community for a more civilized age." - Jedi_Pimp

May 11 2007 01:38pm

Jade Jedi
 - Retired
 Jade Jedi

Is pcgamemods down again?
*CLICKEH->Never risk the Fett Man|*Download my Saber here. Made by master craftsman Pink Floyd_Mintaka + his 2002 & 4000 comment's [Laz's 700th comment][BDKawika's 600th comment] & Owner of a TOWEL award!!|Master: Sared Padawans: Rage-Ball and Dante Eagle.|*Jade Jedi at The Jedi Academy Archives "There's only one Return and it's not of the King it's of the Jedi" Randal Clerks 2 The top 10 reasons why I procrastinate: 1.

Apr 29 2007 07:12am

 - Student

I saw it on four JA+ servers today :)

Apr 28 2007 03:31am

 - Student
 - The winner!!!

Hehe, good to see that its being appreciated properly :).

Apr 28 2007 02:56am

 - Jedi Council

I'll put it on PCGameMods tomorrow afternoon.
Thanks Ben. :)

- Virtue. :alliance:
Academy Architect

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